IEA Tasks & Annexe
There are 10 results.
IEA Wind Task 51: Forecasting for the weather driven energy system (Working period 2024 - 2027)
The project aims to improve forecasting accuracy for weather-dependent energy systems to enable the efficient integration of renewable energies. The focus is on physical/statistical and machine learning-based modelling of energy production from renewable energy sources, reducing uncertainties, and enhancing the communication of forecast information to the energy sector. International collaboration within the framework of the task aims to help develop standards and best practices that advance both research and practical applications.
IEA Wind Task 52: Large-Scale Deployment of Wind Lidar (Working period 2022 - 2026)
Task 52 works towards the widespread adoption of wind LiDAR-systems and provides a strong opportunity to generate and spread knowledge and experience through global networking. Energiewerkstatt contributes to Task 52 with a comparative study of data availability of different LiDAR measurement principles under Alpine conditions and will take an organisational role in the creation of guidelines for the use of ground-based LiDAR in wind energy applications.
IEA Wind Task 54: Wind Energy in Cold Climates (Working period 2022 - 2024)
In order to achieve the development targets for renewable energies, generation plants will increasingly have to be installed at locations with more demanding technical and environmental conditions in the future. For wind energy, this means planning and operating turbines under icing conditions in many countries. The task investigates and evaluates technological solutions in this environment and publishes procedural recommendations in the form of technical reports and guidelines.
IEA Wind Task 41: Enabling Wind to Contribute to a Distributed Energy Future (Working period 2019 - 2023)
IEA Wind Task 41 aims to create framework conditions for decentralised small and medium-sized wind turbines in order to establish them as a competitive and reliable technology for decentralised energy generation. A strategic focus in the pursuit of this goal is the revision of the IEC standard for wind turbines, taking into account the latest research results.
IEA Wind Task 27: Small Wind Turbines in High Turbulence Sites (working period 2018 - 2019)
By participating in the IEA Wind Task 27, a number of goals could be achieved, including the development of a site assessment scheme for wind turbines in areas with high turbulence intensities, the further development of the IEC 61400 standard, the participation in the “Compendium of IEA Wind TCP Task 27 case studies “And the update of the “Small Wind Power Report 2018” as well as activities such as holding the event “Small Wind Power Conference” in Austria.
IEA Wind Task 19: Wind Energy in Cold Climates (working period 2019 - 2021)
The project deals with the challenges of wind power utilisation in icing conditions and provides a strong opportunity to generate new knowledge by global networking. Energiewerkstatt leads a subtask in the field of icefall risk and works on deriving rules of thumb for the risk assessment of the ice throw risk of turbines in operation during icing conditions.
IEA Wind Energy Systems (Wind TCP)
The mission of the Wind TCP is to stimulate co-operation on wind energy research and development and to provide high quality information and analysis to member governments and commercial sector leaders. The focus lies on technology development and deployment, as well as market and policy instruments.
IEA Wind Task 27: Small Wind Turbines in High Turbulence Sites
To ensure safety, reliability and productivity of small wind turbines (SWT) the experts of IEA Wind Task 27 developed a standard consumer label for small wind turbines. Since 2013 Task 27 is focussing on small wind turbines in high turbulence sites. By actively participating in the IEA Implementing Agreement Wind Energy Task 27, Austria’s stakeholders will become participants in the global small wind network. The establishment of a national working group as well as the organisation of an annual small wind conference in Austria will foster a durable collaboration and provide new impetus to the Austrian Small Wind Community.
IEA Wind Task 27: Small Wind Turbines in High Turbulence Sites (working period 2016 - 2018)
Since 2013 Task 27 is focussing on small wind turbines (SWT) in high turbulence sites. By actively participating in the IEA Implementing Agreement Wind Energy Task 27, Austria’s stakeholders will become participants in the global small wind network. The establishment of a national working group as well as the organisation of an annual small wind conference in Austria will foster a durable collaboration and provide new impetus to the Austrian Small Wind Community.
IEA Wind Task 19: Wind Energy in Cold Climates (working period 2016 - 2018)
IEA Wind Task 19 deals with the challenges of the utilisation of wind energy in Cold Climates (i.e. under icing-conditions) and offers through global networking and mutual exchange of experience, the possibility of collecting and generating additional know-how. Aim of the subtask was to share experiences with international partners and standardising of icefall risk assessments. In addition, an evaluation report on the functionality of the new Vestas rotor blade heating system was published.