IEA EBC Annex 91: Open BIM for Energy Efficient Buildings

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is considered a key technology for optimising the overall energy performance of buildings. The project lays the foundations for OpenBIM tools to include the assessment and optimisation of the energy efficiency of buildings in the future, for Open BIM processes and data models to be increasingly harmonised and standardised, and thus for smaller construction companies to have the opportunity to work on complex BIM projects in the future.

Short Description

Project objectives

The EBC Annex 91 project aims to overcome shortcomings of the BIM method and technology. Specifically, the following three objectives are pursued in the present annex, both at national and international level:

  1. Assessment and optimisation of energy efficiency should become an integral part of Open BIM.
  2. Creating the basis for Open BIM processes and data models so that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular can participate in large, complex, BIM projects.
  3. Promoting the harmonization and standardization of Open BIM processes and data models at national and international level


The planned national project activities include:

  1. Coordination and organization of national dissemination and communication measures as well as coordination of these activities at international project level (Subtask Leader: Dr. Gerhard Zucker).
  2. Conducting research, polls, and surveys to provide an overview of the international status of the standardization of BIM parameters as well as to develop recommendations for the harmonization of BIM standards and ontologies (Subtask Leader: Dr. Steffen Robbi).
  3. Screening and evaluation of national and international openBIM processes and their modelling guidelines as well as integration of the findings into relevant standard guidelines and training manuals.
  4. Collection and evaluation of OpenBIM workflows for building energy efficiency and building operation, derivation of relevant use cases as well as update of training materials and incorporation of the findings into the buildingSMART Use Case Management Service (UCMS).

Expected results

The planned national results include:

  1. Report with all communication and dissemination activities carried out.
  2. Report with an overview of the international status of the standardization of BIM parameters and recommendations derived from it in the direction of their harmonization.
  3. Report with an overview of national and international openBIM processes and modelling guidelines as well as recommendations derived from them for their further development and harmonization.
  4. Report with national use cases in the areas of building energy efficiency and building operation, updated training materials and buildingSMART Use Case Management Service (UCMS).


Austria (Operating Agent), UK, Italy

Contact Address

Project leader

Dr. Gerhard Zucker
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 2, 1210 Wien

Project partners

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Christian Schranz
TU Wien, Head of Center of Digital Building Process
Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien

Dr. Steffen Robbi
Digital findet Stadt
Prinz-Eugen-Straße 18/1/7, 1040 Wien

Christoph Moser
Feldgasse 19, 8200 Gleisdorf