IEA ISGAN Working Group 6 Transmission and Distribution Network Systems (working period 2023-2024)

IEA ISGAN Working Group 6 addresses the challenges in the overall system of transmission and distribution networks for electricity. The results will improve the understanding of the impact of smart grid technologies on the overall system performance, transmission capacities and operational management of public electricity supply systems. In the project years 2022-2023, international pilot projects on flexibility use and the necessary interaction of transmission and distribution grid operators will be summarised and conclusions drawn.

Short Description

The working group focuses on the interaction of transmission and distribution grids. The aim is to build knowledge, gather experience from participating countries that are already piloting or have completed projects.

The aim is to create a long-term vision for the development of future sustainable energy systems and to contribute to improving the understanding of smart grid technologies applicable to the performance and efficiency of power systems.

The Austrian research focus is on new approaches for the planning and operation of electrical transmission and distribution grids and their interaction in the presence of a high share of decentralised, renewable energy resources and the integration of active customers.

Experiences from different pilot projects in the field of providing flexibility for coordinated capacity management of transmission and distribution system operators will be collected and analysed.
In a first phase, data from pilot projects will be collected through general surveys and e-mail interviews as well as specific expert interviews.

As a next step, a thematic workshop with key stakeholders will be held in Vienna to collect data on different approaches and underlying experiences.

In the final phase, the results will be summarised and analysed and made available in a paper for use in planning research and implementation projects and for Austrian pilot projects.

From the example pilot projects to be studied in this project, transmission system operators and distribution system operators can learn how their cooperation and coordination can be implemented.


Austria, Belgium, Canada, European Commission, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Mexico (currently Inactive), Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Sweden (Lead), Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States

Contact Address

DI Dr. Susanne Windischberger
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Center for Energy
Giefinggasse 2, 1210 Vienna
Tel.: +43 50550-6290
Mobil: +43 664 88964968