IEA Tasks & Annexe
There are 5 results.
IEA AMF Task 65: Powertrain options for non-road mobile machinery (NRMM)
Hydrogen drives are considered to be particularly important for energy-intensive applications in non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) applications. This will allow gaining a climate-effective contribution for decarbonisation of large construction and agricultural machinery. Based on the automotive sector H2 regulatory framework, the task is to develop the basis for the conformity requirements for hydrogen-powered mobile machinery and to identify approval strategies for highly mobile H2 refuelling suitable for construction sites.
IEA AMF Task 66: Recent Progress in SAF Research (working period 2024 - 2026)
AMF Task 66 will build on the work and results of AMF Task 63 on Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF). The Task will conduct workshops to exchange information and results on current research on SAF production and its application, as well as on related policy measures. This will enable the Task countries to better understand the state of the art, identify further research needs and derive recommendations for governments seeking to expand SAF production or use.
IEA AMF Task EATS: Exhaust gas aftertreatment systems (working period 2024 - 2027)
Internal combustion engines with renewable fuels are indispensable for the decarbonization of the hard-to-electrify industrial and transport sectors. The AMF TCP EATS Task is investigating effective exhaust aftertreatment technologies to achieve air quality comparable to electrified applications. Emissions are being analysed, suitable measurement methods identified and guidelines for limiting emissions developed.
IEA AMF Task 63: Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) (Working period 2021 - 2023)
Sustainable aviation fuels can reduce aviation GHG emissions. However, this potential remains largely untapped as such fuels currently account for only 0.1% of total aviation fuel consumption. The aim of the task was to lay the foundation for joint R&D work and facilitate the introduction of sustainable aviation fuels by identifying stakeholders, assessing national situations and sharing information.
IEA - Advanced Motor Fuels Technology Collaboration Programme (AMF-TCP)
The AMF Technology Collaboration Programme’s (AMF-TCP) vision is that advanced motor fuels, applicable to all modes of transport, significantly contribute to a sustainable society around the globe. The mission of AMF is to advance the understanding and appreciation of the potential of advanced motor fuels toward transport sustainability. We provide sound scientific information and technology assessments facilitating informed and science-based decisions regarding advanced motor fuels on all levels of decision-making.