IEA AMF Task 66: Recent Progress in SAF Research (working period 2024 - 2026)
Short Description
AMF Task 66 will build on the work and results of AMF Task 63 on Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF). The purpose is to facilitate the exchange of information between participating countries on the latest end-use related research on SAF through a series of online workshops. The organisation of these workshops will also serve to expand the existing AMF network of SAF stakeholders. To this end, additional stakeholders will be identified and involved on an ongoing basis, but especially in the initial phase. This is important to ensure that all stakeholders (industry, academia, policy makers, international organisations as well as the financial sector) are heard, further increasing the relevance of the workshop topics to them.
The topics for the online workshops are defined during so-called scoping meetings together with all participating countries (including input from the respective national stakeholders) and thus reflect the R&D interests and ongoing projects of the countries. A number of topics have already been identified during the execution of AMF Task 63 and the preparation for AMF Task 66. To this end, an initial survey has already been conducted with national stakeholders. The topics identified so far can be roughly divided into three key themes: SAF production, SAF utilisation and policy recommendations. The workshops will be organised by the task leader and held alternately by the participating countries. Great importance is attached to close cooperation with industry and existing interest groups.
Interested Austrian stakeholders are also invited to actively participate in the workshops, e.g. by giving a presentation. In this way, they can stay informed about the current state of research, benefit from the knowledge of major players such as the USA and Brazil, discuss with experts from all over the world, and contribute topics that are relevant to them to the discussion.
The expected results include the task website, which serves as the central knowledge point. On this website, the announcements and summaries of the content and findings of the online workshops, their recordings, as well as descriptions of research groups working on SAF will be published. The workshop series comprises a total of ten workshops over the next three years. These will be comprehensively documented so that the findings are available to all stakeholders. National recommendations for action and RTI will be drawn up based on the discussions during the workshops. In addition, the key findings will be summarised in a final report and key messages will be derived.
Austria (Operating Agent), Brazil, China, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, USA
Contact Address
Doris Matschegg
BEST – Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies GmbH
Inffeldgasse 21b, 8010 Graz
Dina Bacovsky
BEST – Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies GmbH
Inffeldgasse 21b, 8010 Graz