Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Haus der Zukunft

Data for schooling focused on passivehouses

Elaboration of high quality data about Passive Houses technology, to be used in training programs for building related professionals.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

IEA Bioenergy Task 40: Deployment of biobased value chains (Working period 2022 - 2024)

Bioenergy Task 40 traditionally focused on international trade and supply chains of biomass for bioenergy. Starting in 2018, the systems view was broadened, also to better meet Austrian requirements. The supply chain focus was maintained, but with a broader premise: The establishment of bio-based value chains for a sustainable and fair bioeconomy.

Haus der Zukunft

Basic research on fixing elements: drawing up universal design guidelines for high resilience mechanical jointing techniques for insulation products

The objective of this project is to explore mechanical insulant-fixing connections. Unconventional but concrete fixing techniques are the focus of the investigation. The use of insulants as "lost" casing will also be studied in depth.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

The Sahel Project

Silicate technology for the improvement of water uptake and nutrient storage in marginal soils; field tests in the northern Sahel region in Senegal

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Polygeneration of bioethanol, biogas, electricity and heat through operating community Sun Power Plant Project GesbR.

Analysis of the economic feasibility of fuel-bioethanol production in the region Harmansdorf/Rückersdorf (NÖ), partner of Leaderregion "10 vor Wien", incorporating innovative combinations with biogas and process heat supplying plants considering also lignocellulosic material as feedstock for bioethanol- and biogas production.

Stadt der Zukunft

ÖKO-OPT-QUART - Economically optimized control and operating mode of complex energy networks of future city districts

In the project ÖKO-OPT-QUART energy-based, economic and control-orientated models will be developed in order to simulate the operating mode of complex, sustainable energy networks in city districts. For an exemplary configuration these models will be combined to an overall model which allows a realistic economic comparison of different control strategies. The final goal of the project is the development of a method for the systematic design of cost-optimized, predictive control strategies for complex energy networks in city districts.

Haus der Zukunft

solSPONGEhigh - High solar fraction by thermally activated components in an urban environment

Within this project the intensive use of thermally activated building elements (TABs) as an additional thermal storage in different buildings, with solar technologies (thermal, PV) preferred for energy supply, was investigated. The aim was to activate and use the thermal storage potential that is immanent in the building elements and thereby achieve solar coverage of the building's heat demand of nearly 100 %.

Haus der Zukunft

Sprayed-on and Plaster-covered Cellulose-insulation without vapour barrier

Investigations on the fundamental suitability of sprayed-on and plaster-covered cellulose insulation for thermal insulation of buildings.

Haus der Zukunft

IEA SHC Task 37: Advanced Housing Renovation with Solar & Conservation

Development of advanced renovation concepts for residential buildings. For the housing segments with the greatest energy saving potentials strategies for increased market penetration of advanced housing renovation are investigated. Analysing outstanding renovation projects shall lead to technically and economically robust and sustainable concepts for housing renovation.

Stadt der Zukunft

SmallWindPower@Home - Impact assessment of building-mounted small wind turbines on performance, people, building and environment

Within the project SmallWindPower@Home the impact of complex obstacles on the local flow pattern as well as on the inflow and the performance of different building-mounted small wind turbines (SWT) had been evaluated. Furthermore the effects of these building-mounted SWT on the building, the resident people and the direct environment were analysed.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

"Leitbilder" in "energy regions" or how to co-ordinate technical change

In three Austrian regions, which call themselves "energy regions", the processes leading to the formulation of common visions or "leitbilder" is analysed and the impact is assessed such "leitbilder" can have on technical change on the regional scale. On this basis and with help of external consulters adapted communication and network strategies are developed and examined with regard to transferable elements.

Haus der Zukunft

Timber construction for high-density housing

Development of technical and economical solutions for high-density housing in timber construction under consideration of future regulatory developments (case study of a 5-story housing complex in Vienna).

Stadt der Zukunft

plusenergy-FLAGSHIP: Plus-Energy office building 2.0 - the viadonau headquarters

In the course of this project, various innovations towards a "Plus-Energy Standard 2.0" are to be implemented and combined in an overall concept for the new viadonau headquarters (via donau - Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft m.b.H.).

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Energy-self-sufficient district Güssing

Development of a concept that shows the possibility of changing the energy supply of a district from fossil to 100% renewable energy carrier

Stadt der Zukunft

SUBURBAHN – test- and demonstration-area for urban development and mobility around public transport stations in the central area of Upper Austria

Targeted, process-oriented conception for the implementation and operation of a test- and demonstration-area for urban development and mobility in Ansfelden involving relevant scientific stakeholders, local and regional stakeholders, decision-makers as well as the interested public according to the living lab approach.

Haus der Zukunft

ECR Energy City Graz-Reininghaus: Urban strategies for the new conception, construction, operation and restructuring of an energy self-sufficient city district

The aim is the development of a valid set of specific values and a guideline as a basis for energy self-sufficient district development. Based on the results, a masterplan (energy-network) for the district Graz-Reininghaus shall be developed. Future-oriented "city-building-blocks" will be implemented as flagships of innovation.

Haus der Zukunft

Passive cooling concepts for office and administrative buildings using earth-to-air and earth-to-fluid heat exchangers

Analysis of existing passive cooling concepts, examination of various other passive cooling concepts and a comparison with conventional air conditioning systems. The elaboration of practice-oriented tools for the planning and implementation of the passive cooling concepts selected.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Development of methods and procedures to automate the operative production control and scheduling considering the aspects of sustainability

The production order doesn't only influence logistic and operational ratios, but also shows effects on the environment as well as ergonomics and the staff's psychology. Aim of the project was to develop a method to optimize the job order planning in consideration of an integrated evaluation in terms of sustainable economic activity.

Haus der Zukunft

ÖkoInform:2 - Platform for Exchange of Information in Green Building

A platform for the exchange of information to promote the better integration of ecological materials and renewable resources in the research programme "Building of Tomorrow"

Fabrik der Zukunft

Transition to sustainable production systems

The project aims to provide the basis for a transition strategy towards the establishment of sustainability-orientated production and consumption systems. Together with participants and addressees of the programme "Factory of the Future", the project will develop a common framework for the management of transition processes.