Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Haus der Zukunft

Climate protection in Schools: a prototype for targeted oriented knowledge transfer for students on the basis of energy efficient buildings

The saying "Was Hänschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr." which can be translated with the English saying "You can´t teach an old dog new tricks." especially applies to the issue of "climate protection" in general. Therefore children must be made aware of the importance of the subject from the beginning on in order to live their life efficiently and environmentally friendly. Based on a research and on an evaluation of existing teaching materials teachers and students will develop, how students understand the topic "climate protection" with a focus on "building and living in the future" the easiest way.

Haus der Zukunft

Transfer initiative - The future belongs to the passive house

Developing the passive house standard from pilot projects to a common standard in housing projects with an optimum of comfort. Comprehensive transfer initiative of the passive house standard by fairs, exhibitions and lobbying activities in communities.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Forum Econogy 2016

22. September 2016
Science Park 3 - Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz

Europaweit wird nach dem Pariser Abkommen an neuen Strategien zur Forcierungder Energiewende gearbeitet. Wie diese auf Landes- bzw. Bundesebene aussehen,wird im diesjährigen Forum Econogy das Thema sein.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Joined Workshop - Clean & Efficient Combustion with Advanced Motor Fuels (AMF)

6. November 2019
Montreux, CH

In the course of the AMF ExCo Meeting and the Combustion TCP Task Leaders Meeting, both taking place in Montreux, Switzerland early November 2019, both TCPs will jointly host a workshop. It will focus around low emission propulsion systems, novel fuels for advanced engine concepts, and new developments and trends.

Haus der Zukunft


Multifunctional building in passive house standard - The building was designed as innovative high-quality passive house (wood construction) with the latest ecological building automation as a pilot project which is multipliable in a reduced respectively altered form in Europe as well as overseas.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA AFC Annex 35: High‐Purity Hydrogen Production with the Reformer Steam Iron Cycle (2018)

Demonstration eines Laborprototyps zur dezentralen Herstellung von hochreinem Wasserstoff aus Biogas. S. Nestl, G. Voitic, R. Zacharias, S. Bock, V. Hacker
Herausgeber: Wiley-VCH, Energy Technology
Englisch, 7 Seiten

Haus der Zukunft

Smart ABC Smart Energy Efficient Active Buildings and Building Clusters

The EPBD recast 2010 targeted "nearly zero energy buildings". This low amount of energy is to be covered by energy from renewable energy sources. The project "Smart ABC" analysed a variety of relevant solution sets regarding the building performance and the renewable based energy supply options. Energetic and ecological impacts were analyzed in order to optimize the integration of renewable energy technologies in building standards and to find answers how to depict a building cluster regarding standards and tools.

Haus der Zukunft

Measures for Minimisation of Rebound-Effects Concerning Residential Building Renovation (MARESI)

Development of a pragmatic assessment scheme applicable to building practice for the impact of building products on human health

Haus der Zukunft

Systemic renovation in the social housingsector

This project treats a global renovation of a residential estate built in the 1960s in the context of council housing in a laggard region. The point is to optimise with a systemic approach in a interdisciplinary team all partitions which include habitation.

Haus der Zukunft

Information-point for renewable and environmental/ecological materials

An internet platform with full information and detailed data about building materials made of renewable resources, which serves as the central information-point for different stake holders - from private house builders over architects and master-builders to experts in the field of building laws and regulations.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Information point for renewable and ecological materials (II) online information plus service offer

Development and maintainance of the internet platform for building materials made of renewable resources at, which serves the central information-point for important stake holders - private house builders, architects, master-builders and experts in the field of building laws.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA ES Task 43: Storage for renewables and flexibility through standardized use of building mass

Thermal building mass activation uses building masses to condition interior spaces, but can also function as energy storage through targeted overheating/undercooling. This storage potential can be used for local and grid-connected renewable thermal and electrical energy (Power2Heat). The project develops new content on the construction, control and business models of such storages and disseminates it as guidelines, data and on the basis of best-practice objects that have been implemented.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA AFC Annex 35: Fuel cells for portable applications (Working period 2017 - 2019)

The aim of Annex 35 is the information exchange on the status and new developments of portable fuel cell systems and comprises the development and manufacture of membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) all the way through to system components such as electronic converters or gas supply units. In addition the setup and configuration of hybridized systems and the key topics of secure operation, codes and standards are of interest.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA PVPS Task 13: Reliability and Performance of Photovoltaic Systems (Work Plan 2024 - 2025)

IEA PVPS Task 13 engages in focusing the international collaboration in improving the reliability of photovoltaic systems and subsystems by collecting, analyzing and disseminating information on their technical performance and durability, providing a basis for their technical assessment, and developing practical recommendations for improving their electrical and economic output in different climatic regions.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Secondary Phosphorus as Raw Material for the Chemical Industry

Recycling of Phosphorus as Contribution to the Security of Supply of Bioeconomy

Stadt der Zukunft

Evaluation of visionary architectural concepts

The aim of this project is to show that even at first glance unrealistic and seemingly unworkable solutions can contribute to overcome or mitigate increasingly global problems. The keywords "smart city", "smart home" (and similar ones) require solutions that are envisioned on free roads, as off-the-shelf solution often do not deliver the required output.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA EBC Annex 71: Building Energy Performance Assessment Based on In-situ Measurements

The requirements on building envelope and on building technology are steadily increasing. There is a lack of measurement and analysis methods to control the quality of the built implementation and to optimize the building operation. This project developed a methodological basis to enable an in-situ evaluation of the actual energy performance and building operation. For this purpose, it investigated methods to generate data-driven building models favouring the use of already available on-board data.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Positioning of sustainable gardening products in retail sales markets

Market analysis for sustainable gardening products and research of marketing strategies. Promotion of a range of sustainable products in the Austrian retail sales market specialized in gardening. Development of a concept for implementation together with one Austrian chain of garden centres (bellaflora).

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA SHC PVT Task 60: Applications of Photovoltaic/thermal (PVT) Systems and New Fields of Application and Examples of PVT

The international research collaboration IEA SHC Task 60 (Application of PVT Collectors) identified existing applications for PVT technologies and evaluated and highlighted potential system solutions where PVT technology has clear advantages over separate installation of PV modules and solar thermal collectors. In analogy, their advantages and current barriers for a broad market acceptance were highlighted.

Haus der Zukunft

Energy efficient, resource conserving and differentiated renovation of historic European building stocks (ReCoRe)

The project goal was the development of an integrated, long term and life cycle oriented approach to sustainable modernisation of historical building stocks. Within this project the partners used common objectives and planning tools and followed a common procedure in order to develop a specific national application which results from a historical, technical, social and cultural understanding of the specific national stock fragments.