Feasibility concept for a customer-focused and resource-efficient production of wood-products, considering a parquet factory as an example

An innovative approach aiming higher resource-efficiency and added value by using new quality standards and production systems in parquet industry. A customer friendly product will be possible by combining industrial production methods with the flexibilty of a manufacture.

Short Description




The proposal deals with a problem in the wood working industry caused both by the actual quality standards for wood and an industrial production management which is not state of the art compared with other industries. The parquet industry is obliged to observe special quality standards of wood. Due to that wood with certain natural characteristics like discolouration or knots is not accepted in higher quality classes or has to be sorted out at all. As a matter of fact the effective utilization of the natural resource wood and the prize of the final product are negatively influenced. Additionally there are also special regulations concerning the standards of parquet. The customer has only the choice between a poor range of patterns. An individual arrangement of the desired flooring is nearly impossible. This situation is not considered to be satisfying, neither for the producer nor for the customer. The early working step grading diminishes the flexibility of the production process and wood is not used with reference to its natural properties.

A definitively new approach is based on a complete change in quality grading of wood and on innovative concepts for production management, taking parquet industry as an example. The main goal of the project is a feasibility concept for a new and customer oriented production management which is not influenced by common systems and habits.

The idea of product postponement will serve as a basis for the concept. Product postponement combines the advantages of mass production in a big range and the customer oriented completion just a few working steps before shipping or even in course of it. As a consequence there are lower storage costs of semi products and a shorter period between order and shipping. Even the risk of not selling products can be reduced.

After analysing the relevant circumstances and processes in selected companies new concepts for quality grading and production management are worked out. An early including of individual patterns arranged by the customers themselves is taken into consideration. After that all relevant data are used for a simulation model of a new production process. Based on this analyses can be lead trough regarding different alternatives within the process. This step is followed by an estimation of consequences of a new production concept, for instance its influence on the value-added chain concerning wood. The actual results are presented to representatives of the parquet industry. During a workshop the concept is evaluated and comments or corrections are documented. They will serve as an improvement tool for the new concept. Finally a roadmap is drawn up including all future means of a successful implementation of the innovative production management concept.

The most important results of the proposed project are:

  • Objective and purpose-oriented quality grading of wood
  • Concepts for an effective and customer oriented production process
  • Multifunctional simulation model
  • Catalogue of possible consequences of a new production concept
  • Roadmap for future means of a successful implementation of the innovative production management concept

The findings of this project should serve a s a basis for future improvements of the production management also in other branches of the wood working industry.

Project Partners

Project management

Institut für Holzforschung, Universität für Bodenkultur
Univ. Ass. DI Dr. Margareta Patzelt
Tel.: +43 (0) 1-47654/4253
E-Mail: margareta.patzelt@boku.ac.at

Project or cooperation partner

  • Institut für Sozioökonomik der Forst- und Holzwirtschaft
    Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Manfred Gronalt

Contact Address

Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Alfred Teischinger
Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33
1180 Wien
Tel.: +43 (0) 1-47654/4251
Fax: +43 (0) 1-47654/4295
E-Mail: alfred.teischinger@boku.ac.at