Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Haus der Zukunft

Urban consolidation Lehen - Subproject 2: Development - intelligent E-Monitoring

In the oppositional subproject 2 technical and organisational requirements for the transformation of the innovative Smart Metering-concept will be developed. Through the connection of the application of Smart Metering with an active integration of the inhabitants over mutual communication the concept, which is planned for the key project Urban Consolidation Lehen stands out of other comparable antedated activities.

Stadt der Zukunft

M-DAB2: Material intensity of inner development - resource assessment and localization of urban development potentials

For the first time, the material intensity of inner development (in terms of material quantities) for different design variants is to be considered in the evaluation of inner development potentials. A set of methods for the holistic evaluation of potential areas and different development variants and scenarios for resource-saving inner development will be created.

Stadt der Zukunft

Energy-Sponge: The Building as an Energy-Sponge - Electricity In - Heat Out

Innovative, dynamic control concepts had been developed which enable (air) heat pumps in combination with PV- or renewable grid electricity to use the building mass of a multi-familiy house as heat storage. User acceptance had been evaluated and possible business models had been developed.

Stadt der Zukunft

EnerPHit-green concept Modernisation of a historic building with application of an aerogel insulation plaster

This demonstration project shows the comprehensive modernization of a historic building within the constraints of a regional protection zone. By using the Aerogel high-performance insulating plaster, a comprehensive energy-efficient building refurbishment had been realized without changing the outer appearance of the façade.

Haus der Zukunft

RENEW SCHOOL Austria: Examples and financing models for school renovations

The project aimed at learning from 14 Austrian school buildings, from their financial and cooperation models, meaning successful cooperation between involved parties. The success factors have been derived from these projects and together with 10 best practice schools been published in a brochure. The project supported the Austrian activities in the IEE EU-Projekt RENEW SCHOOL (

Haus der Zukunft

aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside - subproject 3a: Technology Centre aspern IQ

The demonstration project "Technology centre aspern IQ" showed that the energy required for space conditioning (heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, hot water) can be covered from domestic energy production.

Haus der Zukunft

CityCalc - Calculation Tool for Energy-Efficiency in Urban Planning

To assess the energy performance of urban planning projects in early design stages with low input and evaluation effort within the project CityCalc, an easily applicable planning and evaluation tool has been developed.

Haus der Zukunft

Low Tech - High Effect! An overview of sustainable low-tech buildings: realized best practice examples, innovative approaches, principles and systematic solutions

In this study approaches of low-tech buildings were examined and particularly innovative and representative concepts were documented in detail. The aim was to elaborate the current state of the art and the existing know how and knowledge on the basis of realized examples as well as to show potential for further development.

Stadt der Zukunft

REC-Businesspark - Investigation of the first Austrian renewable energy community business and industrial park

In the course of the project, the conceptual design of a zero-emission or plus-energy business park in Weiz with a focus on photovoltaics and fuel cells in combination with a Renewable Energy Community (E-EGe) had been carried out. By establishing the park on a "greenfield", all structures can be created according to the requirements of the E-EGe.

Haus der Zukunft

LightFromFacade - Optimized Day- and Artificial Lighting by Facades

Multfunctional facades with integrated artificial- and daylighting systems had been simulated and evaluated regarding lighting and energy (lighting quality and energy demand). The results create basics for further façade developments and for academic education.

Stadt der Zukunft

ENUMIS - Energetic effects of urban manufacturing in the city

The project examines the challenges of urban manufacturing (UM) from the energy perspective and shows opportunities arising from the implementation of UM concepts for the future design of sustainable energy systems for cities.

Haus der Zukunft

Urban consolidation Lehen - subproject 6a and 6b: Energy efficient urban districts by means of community organizing and social measures in urban consolidation

Community organizing is used as a method to develop an activating social process to inform and include involved people in the district concerning new buildings but also in the process of urban renewal. Experiences and feedback were worked on scientifically to give feedback to the community as well as to builders and planners.

Haus der Zukunft

TFlex - Temperature-flexibilisation in low-load operation of local district heating systems

Within the research project TFlex it was checked if the losses adherent to small district heating networks during low-load periods can be reduced. One possible solution is by deactivating the network and supplying the customers from previously charged decentralized storages. The optimal clustering of the storages and the possibility of solar-charging the storage were calculated with the aim of a guaranteed one-hundred percent heat supply.

Stadt der Zukunft

SUPERBE - Potential of Superblock-concepts as contribution to planning energy-efficient urban quarters

The exploratory study SUPERBE for the first time looks into the applicability and potential effects of Superblock concepts in an Austrian urban context in order to assess their contribution to energy-oriented urban planning.

Haus der Zukunft

Participation in CEN TC 350 (sustainability of construction works) - WG4 Economic Performance Assessment of Buildings

Participation in the CEN TC 350/WG4 to develop a standard to evaluate the integrated effectiveness of buildings during their life cycle. Evaluation and integration of national comments in order to prepare the standard for the final vote.

Haus der Zukunft

Sorption cooling and air dehumidification device

Solar-assisted air-conditioning in combination with comfortable controlled ventilation systems soon possible and affordably for building owners. With a new part DEC-systems should become acceptance.

Haus der Zukunft

CiQuSo - City Quarters with optimised solar hybrid heating and cooling systems

The project CiQuSo aimed to develop, evaluate and optimize concepts for solar energy systems to provide energy for buildings and cities. The applicability of the developed methods and concepts were shown as an example at Itzling, a part of Salzburg city.

Haus der Zukunft

OPEN LIVING PLUS - building structures and utilization options with high social functionality and plusEnergie-standard for rural regions

In small to medium sized communities in rural Regions there is a high demand for sustainable building and space for innovative living facilities, to satisfy the requirements of current and coming life designs. The project’s intentions were to provide social scientific groundwork, develop building structures and utilization options of high social functionality and to transfer knowledge to decision makers in communities and regional authorities.

Haus der Zukunft

Syn[En]ergy: Development of Potential Synergy Effects between the Interdependency of Urban Planning goals and Photovoltaic Usage on Open Urban Landscapes

Open spaces such as parking lots, brownfields and some categories of recreation areas offer an underutilised potential for photovoltaics in urban regions. In the course of Syn[En]ergy an inter- and transdisciplinary approach potential synergies and conflicts with other use demands were investigated, a typology and practical solutions for selected areas with regard to requirements from economy, urban planning and design, legal as well social aspects developed, and then evaluated by stakeholders from enterprises, administration and the general public.

Haus der Zukunft

BIGMODERN - Subproject 9: Demonstration project University Innsbruck, Faculty for Construction Engineering - Implementation

The demonstration project University Innsbruck, building of the faculty for construction engineering is part of the flagship project BIGMODERN. The demonstration project shows that in major renovation projects high energy and sustainability performance can be achieved using economically viable solutions.