Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

City Cooling - Intelligent district cooling implementation, Vienna

Development of an intelligent district cooling concept and alternative solutions for heat rejection from central absorption chillers at the example of the neighbourhood TownTown in Vienna.

Haus der Zukunft

New Standards for Old Houses. Sustainable Renovation Concepts for Houses on Estates Built Between the Wars and Post-War

The many housing estates of detached houses in Austria built in the times of economic crisis between the wars and post-war as part of publicly funded housing programmes are the starting point for this research project. The aim is to offer detailed guidelines with basic planning principles for the renovation of these housing estates with detached houses, aiming to reach the standard of a low-energy house or a passive house.

Haus der Zukunft

Refurbishment of an existing villa of the "Gründerzeit" to passive house standard with passive and active solar use

The project shows in an exemplary way how buildings of the time of "Gründerzeit" could be maintained and could offer a better environmental balance including the view of the village and the traffic than a new building. As an example a villa has been converted into a multi-family house within a larger housing project.

Haus der Zukunft

Timber Passive House at Mühlweg, 1210 Vienna

Low-rise housing with 70 units (200 residents) in solid wood plate construction designed to meet European passive building standards. Strategies for highly ecological and sustainable building within the economic constraints of social housing, Mühlweg, 1210 Vienna. Industrial pre-fabrication, ...

Stadt der Zukunft

INNERGY - Real laboratory in the central Inn-valley for climate-neutral semi-urban areas

Sustainable energy supply solutions for existing quarters and industry had been surveyed holistically and cross-sectorally in a small-structured area, consequently pilot projects had been elaborated with the aim to build up a climate-neutral region.

Haus der Zukunft

Connection of innovative strategies and technologies to a holistic, resources-friendly plus energy building (FUTUREbase)

On the basis of a construction project in Giefinggasse 4 in Vienna the combination of new, innovative strategies and technologies to an integrated, resources conserving plus energy building with high signaling and multiplication effect had been tested for feasibility. A regional, energetical bond between the buildings TECHbase, ENERGYbase and the Klima-Windkanal had been developed.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Product Service Systems Water

Based on former FdZ projects in the area of PSS, EMA and Zero Emission PSS Water develops and realises a guideline with which sustainable water management in industry and public utiliies as a service can be offered.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Strategies and Operator Tools for Grid Restoration with Massive Renewable Energy Sources (RestoreGrid4RES)

RestoreGrid4RES faces the future renewable based generation structure within the transformation to a renewable and ecological power supply. The project had been funded in the frame of the „Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems“ (JPP SES).

Fabrik der Zukunft

Sustainability Skills - A qualification programme for founders of new businesses

A modular and web-based "Sustainability Skills" qualification programme on how to think, plan, and act in terms of sustainability and how to successfully apply these skills in a business environment.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Knowledge based determination of plant species

Pollen for medical applications can be sorted by special machines. An integrated database and a spectrometric calibration allow a precise separation of the species with an identification of the plant species.

Fabrik der Zukunft

CPC-lightweight construction collector

On the basis of our relieable CPC-collector SOLARFOCUS S1 we develop the CPC-lightweight construction collector to get more material efficiency and maximum output of solar hightemperature energy.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Innovative Concepts for Pumped Storage in Liberalized Grids

In liberalized grids the requirements for pumped storage equipment rise dramatically. The development of a controllable pump turbine to help stabilize the grid is one of the possible solutions to this problem.

Haus der Zukunft

e80^3-Buildings - Sub project 4: Demonstration object

Alongside the realisation of the plus energy building in Kapfenberg, a demonstration project is scheduled to be created that accomplishes an economically viable and technically innovative solution for the future.

Stadt der Zukunft

REC-Businesspark - Investigation of the first Austrian renewable energy community business and industrial park

In the course of the project, the conceptual design of a zero-emission or plus-energy business park in Weiz with a focus on photovoltaics and fuel cells in combination with a Renewable Energy Community (E-EGe) had been carried out. By establishing the park on a "greenfield", all structures can be created according to the requirements of the E-EGe.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Valuable (by-)products of gasification

19. - 20. October 2022
Living Hotel Kaiser Franz Joseph, Sieveringer Straße 4, 1190 Vienna, AT

The workshop will cover topics such as CHP (combined heat and power) / GHG (greenhouse gas) / synthesis products of gasification.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA Bioenergy Webinar Series: Integration of gasification processes in biorefineries

30. June 2022
Online, AT

A webinar on how gasification technology can be used in existing industries/biorefineries.

Haus der Zukunft

TFlex - Temperature-flexibilisation in low-load operation of local district heating systems

Within the research project TFlex it was checked if the losses adherent to small district heating networks during low-load periods can be reduced. One possible solution is by deactivating the network and supplying the customers from previously charged decentralized storages. The optimal clustering of the storages and the possibility of solar-charging the storage were calculated with the aim of a guaranteed one-hundred percent heat supply.

Haus der Zukunft

Kierling passive house - heading into the future sustainably

Using the example of demonstrational renovation, Kierling (built between 1977 and 1979) tests the possibilities of a renovation in passive house standard in technical, organizational and financial terms as an outstanding example of a comprehensive renovation.

Stadt der Zukunft

Urbane GmbA - Urban potential of greenable area in the obscured stock

Urbane GmbA aims to explore and assess the potential of greenable area from building and obscured stock (vertical and horizontal areas) in Vienna, to apply currently available survey instruments and to show research and development needs.

Stadt der Zukunft

ENUMIS - Energetic effects of urban manufacturing in the city

The project examines the challenges of urban manufacturing (UM) from the energy perspective and shows opportunities arising from the implementation of UM concepts for the future design of sustainable energy systems for cities.