Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Actuator based combustion optimization for fine dust reduction

By additive use of actuators in combination of adaptive algorithms a multi-functional logic for fine dust reduction in thermal gasification boiler systems for wood-combustion has to be developed in the context of a thesis at the TU-Graz.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA Working Party on Fossil Fuels (WPFF)

The Working Party on Fossil Fuels (WPFF) is the advisory council for the IEA Committee on Energy Research and Technology (CERT) for the field of fossil fuels.

Stadt der Zukunft

Photonic Cooling – Efficient cooling of buildings through the use of photonic

Within the scope of the project a photonic cooling approach was investigated and evaluated in terms of feasibility and cost efficiency for building applications. In particular cost-efficient photonic surfaces and concepts were investigated which need to have a high reflectivity in of the incident solar radiation (>97%) and a high emission coefficient within the spectral range of 8 – 13 micrometer in order to enable the emission of heat into the sky.

Haus der Zukunft

User-friendly heating and ventilation systems for low energy and passivehouses

The goal of the research project is the evaluation of different heating and ventilation systems for passive- and low energy multi family and office buildings taking into account indoor climate, possible variation of user behaviour, final and primary energy demand, costs, space demand and fail save installation and operation.

Fabrik der Zukunft

SUPROMED: Reprocessing and Reuse of Single Use Medical Devices in the Light of Sustainable Development Criteria - Implementation in Austria

In contrast to other countries there is currently no reprocessing and reuse of single use medical devices in Austria. Thus the potential for major ecological and economical savings remains unused. In a stakeholder dialogue, practical implementation strategies were developed to change the trend towards a sustainable value-added chain.

Stadt der Zukunft

BIMSavesEnergy - BIM-based planning-methods for the assurance of energy-efficiency in the building process

The Building Information Model (BIM) brings about fundamental changes in the planning and construction of buildings, as the common base makes it possible to work closely together across disciplines in construction projects. In this project, BIM-based planning methods were developed, which make the influence of planning decisions on energy efficiency quantifiable and controllable in the management process.

Stadt der Zukunft

EnErGy Plant Weiz - Renewable energy community Business Park Energy Lane and Factory Lane Weiz

Based on the results of the exploratory study project REC-Businesspark, a demonstrator for a "renewable energy community business park" is to be developed in Weiz. The focus is on the development of innovative operating and tariff models for a redox flow storage system that is integrated into a renewable energy community.

Stadt der Zukunft

ReHABITAT-Settlement: Sustainable rehabilitation and activation of a single-family housing estate in Mistelbach

Exploration of a sustainable single-family house redevelopment, with a holistically conceived definition of sustainability that starts with people, is based on sufficiency and also takes into account green and open spaces, social factors and mobility. The result is an integrated overall concept at the house and settlement level, and a transferable approach for other communities.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA EBC Annex 91: Open BIM for Energy Efficient Buildings

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is considered a key technology for optimising the overall energy performance of buildings. The project lays the foundations for OpenBIM tools to include the assessment and optimisation of the energy efficiency of buildings in the future, for Open BIM processes and data models to be increasingly harmonised and standardised, and thus for smaller construction companies to have the opportunity to work on complex BIM projects in the future.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA EBC Annex 89: Ways to Implement Net-zero Whole Life Carbon Buildings

IEA EBC Annex 89 focuses on the pathways and actions needed by various stakeholders and decision-makers to implement whole life cycle based net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from buildings in policy and practice. Annex 89 will support key stakeholders and decision-makers in developing and implementing effective Paris-goal compatible schemes and solutions to achieve NetZ-WLC buildings at multiple scales.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA EBC Annex 86: Energy Efficient Indoor Air Quality Management in Residential Buildings

Residential buildings should be able to provide good indoor air quality while ensuring high comfort and low energy use at lowest possible cost. This project will develop methods and compile data to evaluate different indoor air quality management strategies. Furthermore, innovative control strategies will be evaluated and tested in order to develop concrete recommendations for possible implementations of innovative ventilation systems for residential buildings.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA EBC Annex 62: Ventilative Cooling

The main goal of the Annex 62 is to make ventilative cooling an attractive and energy efficient cooling solution to avoid overheating in buildings. Ventilation is already present in buildings through mechanical and/or natural systems and it can remove excess heat gains as well as increase air velocities to widen the thermal comfort range. The results from the Annex facilitate better possibilities for both design purposes and for energy performance calculation.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA EBC Annex 80: Resilient Cooling for Residential and Small Non-Residential Buildings

In the project cost and energy-efficient and non-fossil solutions for cooling and ensuring summer suitability are systematically analyzed and further developed. As part of the international R&D co-operation, fragmented knowledge is bundled and made available to the Austrian construction and mechanical engineering industry. Austrian expertise in climate-sensitive building optimization is disseminated internationally through leading participation in this international research.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA SHC Task 48: Quality Assurance and Support Measures for Solar Cooling

The completed IEA SHC Task 48 focused on an enhanced quality improvement and market-support measures for the technology option ‘solar thermal cooling or air-conditioning'. In cooperation with a total of 22 organizations (12 research institutes, 5 universities and 5 companies) from eight countries numerous useful reports and tools have been created to improve the quality of solar cooling systems with significant contribution of the Austrian partners.

Stadt der Zukunft

HotCity - Gamification as a possibility to generate data for energy-oriented neighbourhood planning

The aim of the project was a functional test to determine whether an up-to-date data set of energy-oriented data can be collected for neighbourhood planning through gamification, cost-efficiently, quickly and reliably. This had been determined using the example of the potential determination of industrial and commercial waste heat sources in Vienna and Graz.

Stadt der Zukunft

ParaSol - Multifunctional solar canopies for urban streets and places

With the city of Leoben as a use case this exploratory project will, for the first time ever, examine the spatial effects, synergy- and energy potentials of newly developed wide-span light-weight solar canopies for streets and squares in urban public space as well as their implications on the townscape, the image of the city and the city function.

Stadt der Zukunft

URBAN STRAW - Fire protection conditioning of blow-in straw insulation material and its structural application for urban building classes 4 and 5

Investigation and development of fire protection conditioning of chopped straw blow-in insulation based on biogenic flame-retardants of similar building materials and their application methods. Use of the material as external thermal insulation in material-reduced prefab timber construction elements for urban building classes 4 and 5 up to 6 storeys.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Refrigerating plants in hotel and catering industry

To the frequent uses of refrigerating plants in hotel and catering industry was not paid a lot of attention in the way of energy efficiency so far. We are talking about plug-in cooling units and custom-made cooling equipment. Aim of the project: finding out the manner and amount of refrigeration usage, as well as the estimation of energy savings potential and measures, especially for custom-made cooling equipment.

Stadt der Zukunft

SAVE circular approaches for green buildings!

The project demonstrates the cycle and use of synergies in an ARWAG residential building from the extraction of valuable raw materials through a urine treatment plant (fertilizer) using energy recovery measures (heat recovery, heat pump, photovoltaics) to the use of the fertilizer for the generously designed greening measures and the associated effects on the microclimate.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Potential for Solar Heat in Industrial Processes (Claudia Vannoni/Riccardo Battisti/Serena Drigo 2008)

The goal of this report, developed in the framework of the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme Task33 and IEA SolarPACES Programme Task IV - Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP), is to highlightthe potential use of solar thermal (ST) plants to provide heat for industrial applications. In order to fulfil thisaim, several national potential studies were surveyed and compared with a focus on the key results and themethodologies applied. Englisch