Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

FEELings - User Feedback for Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Der Energieverbrauch von Gebäuden wird maßgeblich durch das Verhalten von NutzerInnen beeinflusst. In diesem Forschungsprojekt wird ein neuartiges User-Feedbacksystem untersucht. NutzerInnen geben Feedback zur empfundenen Raumqualität. Auf Basis des Feedbacks werden Einstellungen an der Gebäudetechnik zur Energieeffizienz- und Komfortsteigerung optimiert. Der Proof-of-Concept für dieses neuartige System wird anhand von zwei Use-Cases erbracht.

Stadt der Zukunft

Repair & Do-It-Yourself Urbanism (R&DIY-U)

Das Projekt verfolgte die Zielsetzung, das transformative Potential des Repair & DIY-Urbanism zu stärken. Dies erfolgte im Hinblick auf eine grundlegende Umwandlung des vorhandenen wenig nachhaltigen Umgangs mit Gebrauchsgütern in konkreten Stadtbezirken, deren Infrastrukturen und dominante Wirtschafts- und Alltagspraktiken hin zu resilienten Stadtbezirken.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Klimaneutralitätsfahrplan Feldkirch

Feldkirch hat bereits wichtige Maßnahmen im Bereich Klimaschutz und Energiewende gesetzt. Die Stadt ist Mitglied in einer KEM und KLAR Region und seit 2005 e5-Gemeinde.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

LehB:KlimafitDemo2+1 - Living in existing buildings today: climate-friendly renovations in existing buildings within the framework of the common good housing law

The LehB:KlimafitDemo2+1 project examines innovative renovation solutions for the climate-fit modernization of non-profit residential buildings without placing a financial burden on tenants. By implementing a flexible modular system and involving the residents, economic, technical and social aspects of the renovation are optimized. The aim is to make an important contribution to achieving climate neutrality by 2040 through adapted measures and comprehensive monitoring.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

PersonAI - User-Centered AI-based energy services built on personal preference models

Conduct a large-scale, long-term study with 40-50 people to create personal comfort profiles to increase comfort in buildings. The personal comfort profiles will then be fed back into the building control system as input variables in a proof-of-concept.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

crowd2raum - Participatory co-financing models for socially innovative and sustainable reactivation for vacancies

As part of the exploratory project "crowd2raum", existing funding and support programmes are being combined with existing crowdfunding mechanisms (imGrä platform) to create a co-financing model for vacancy activation. This will be developed and tested in practice through the activation of four vacant spaces in the base zone in the defined pilot areas in Vienna and Graz.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Tariffs4all - Participation of the citizens from Bruck in the energy transition for all

The project responds to the challenges of participation in the energy transition in the municipality of Bruck/Mur by exploring the possibilities of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), Peer to Peer Trading (P2P Trading) and virtual metering points for generation plants be developed and implemented as a basis for new tariff/financing models.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Path to the Future (WEG zur Zukunft) - The Path to Implementing a Climate-Resilient Future in Condominium Ownership

The research project "WEG zur Zukunft / Path to the Future" examines the low renovation rates of condominium owners' associations (WEGs) in Austria and the associated communicative, regulatory, organizational, and financial challenges. In collaboration with the affected stakeholders – primarily owners and property management companies – foundations for solutions are being developed through a co-creative process that can assist in the path toward implementation.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Twin2Share - Digital twins for energy optimization in energy communities (ECs)

Digital twins to support energy communities over their life cycle. The project focuses on optimizing energy efficiency and costs, dynamic load management and the integration of users to promote sustainable energy use and the stabilization of the electricity grid.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

SAFE - Creating a safe school environment together

Tactical urbanism for the temporary redesign of school surroundings to reorganize school mobility in a participatory process. The resulting catalogue of measures will serve as a blueprint for an implementation at other schools in Austria.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

FROSCHBERG 2.0 - Designing existing neighborhood(s) to be renewable and replicable

Exploration of replicable solutions for the socially acceptable transformation of existing neighbourhoods towards climate neutrality using the example of the Froschberg workers' housing estate. The result, the presentation and integration of climate neutrality into the refurbishment roadmap for the Froschberg workers' housing estate, serves as a starting point for implementation in a follow-up project.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ECO-Transformation - Energy transformation through community building, sufficiency and serial solutions using the example of the "Cottage District"

Combining technical and environmental-psychological expertise to develop a transformation process towards a climate-neutral neighbourhood based on the methods of community building, sufficiency potential and serial implementation solutions using the example of the Cottage Quarter. Preparation of the serial implementation of the developed solutions and the transformation process.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

LeiSan - Flagship Project: Renovation of the Komposch-Ebene Residential Quarter in Bad Eisenkappel, Carinthia

Exploration for an existing quarter in Bad Eisenkappel with the goal of renovating the building stock, involving the residents, the open space, mobility, and local generation of renewable energy. The result should demonstrate the economic feasibility of a holistic concept for the quarter and serve as a basis for a demonstration project.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

IntEGrity - Integration and Diffusion of Energy Communities

IntEGrity aims at fully integrating energy communities in the existing energy landscape in order to push for efficient diffusion and to use the potential of the positive contribution to energy awareness, efficiency and climate neutrality. In order to fully enable integration, the project explores innovative developments on three levels - social level, energy community level and service level.

Stadt der Zukunft

50 green houses - Development and demonstration of a low-tech façade greening system

Development of a cost-efficient all-in façade greening system („Greening-Toolkit“) including a maintenance concept, involving all trades and processes, for a broad (facing roads) implementation on facades in the urban built environment, combined with a process innovation for simplification of all necessary coordination processes.

Stadt der Zukunft

ZQ3Demo - Implementation of urban Future Quarters including stakeholder integration and legally and economically replicable solutions

ZQ3Demo accompanies three innovative urban quarters in Vienna to demonstrate and further develop ecologically and economically sustainable solutions for the implementation of Plus-Energy-Quarters (PEQ) on the basis of real-life examples.

Stadt der Zukunft

SolCalc: Development of a standardized calculation algorithm for the energy consumption assessment and the energy certification of residential buildings with a solar fraction of up to 100% in combination with biomass boilers and heat pumps

Development of a standardized calculation algorithm for the energy consumption assessment and the energy certification of residential buildings with a solar fraction of up to 100% in combination with biomass boilers and heat pumps

Stadt der Zukunft

Repair & Do-It-Yourself Urbanism (R&DIY-U)

The project follows the aim to analyze and to strengthen the transformative potential of Repair & Do-It-Yourself Urbanism with regard to a fundamental change of the existing poor sustainable handling of commodities in selected urban districts, their infrastructures and dominant business and private household practices into resilient areas.

Stadt der Zukunft

greening UP! Sustainable green maintenance, maintenance, maintenance of vertical greenery including legal aspects

Based on extensive surveys and analyses of existing vertical building greenery in outdoor areas (floor and system-bound façade greening) and vertical interior greenery, the project developed tailor-made green care, maintenance and repair concepts and addresses legal aspects. The "greening UP!" Knowledge pool with concrete recommendations and clearly presented findings as well as the conception of a digital tool for the "First Green Aid" complete the project.

Stadt der Zukunft

GLASGrün - Regulation of climate, energy demand and comfort in GLASS buildings through structurally integrated vertical GREEN

Development of vertical vegetation systems for summergreen shading of glass facades of food retail and commercial areas. GLASGrün generates quantitative data on energy and microclimate balance and qualitative data on user perception. The results are guidelines for scalable and transferable constructive solutions with maintenance and management plans.