Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

Umsetzung regionaler Elektromobilitätsversorgung durch hybride Kopplung (Move2Grid)

Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen der „Stadt der Zukunft“ Sondierungs­projekte „Smart Exergy Leoben“, und „Energieschwamm Bruck“ soll im gegenständlichen,umsetzungsorientierten Forschungsvorhaben anhand des Beispiels Leoben untersucht werden, wie mit regionalen, erneuerbaren Ressourcen regionale Elektromobilität langfristig versorgt, optimal ins kommunale Verteilernetzsystem integriert und ökonomisch nachhaltig implementiert werden kann. Schriftenreihe 57/2019
T. Kienberger, A. Hammer, J. Vopava, B. Thormann, L. Kriechbaum, C. Sejkora, R. Hermann, K. Watschka, U. Bergmann, M. Frewein, J. Koß, H. Brandl, J. Vogel, S. Moser, M. Baresch, K. de Bruyn, R. Braunstein, C. Freitag, M. Peyreder
Herausgeber: BMVIT
Deutsch, 172 Seiten

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Stadt der Zukunft

Langzeitevaluierung des Energieverbrauchs von 100 energieeffizienten Gebäuden in Österreich als repräsentativer Querschnitt österreichischer Leuchtturmobjekte (LZE 100 Leuchtturmobjekte)

Erfassung, Auswertung und Analyse von Energieverbrauchsdaten von 100 energieeffizienten Gebäuden in Österreich über eine Betriebszeit von 3 bis 25 Jahren als repräsentativer Querschnitt der österreichischen Leuchtturmobjekte. Differenzierung nach Gebäudetypen, Energieträger und Ermittlung der realen Treibhausgas-Emissionen. Vergleich der gemessenen Verbräuche zu Benchmark-Werten. Schriftenreihe 24/2022
T. Roßkopf-Nachbaur, G. Lang, M. Ploß, M. Lang, A. Peter, T. Hatt
Herausgeber: BMK
Deutsch, 143 Seiten

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Klimaneutrale Stadt

crowd2raum - Participatory co-financing models for socially innovative and sustainable reactivation for vacancies

As part of the exploratory project "crowd2raum", existing funding and support programmes are being combined with existing crowdfunding mechanisms (imGrä platform) to create a co-financing model for vacancy activation. This will be developed and tested in practice through the activation of four vacant spaces in the base zone in the defined pilot areas in Vienna and Graz.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ELEMENTS - Development of a procedure for the evaluation of elements of the post-war building stock (1960 - 1979) in Graz, Austria

Investigation of the building stock constructed in Graz between 1960 and 1980 with the aim of creating the basis for developing a potential analysis procedure regarding its preservation and refurbishment. Stakeholders, including those from the fields of planning and building practice, will be involved in the development of the results.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Vitality City - Holistic energy strategies for cities in transition

Energy simulation of any size city (municipalities) based on the data from laser scanning and satellite analysis (Geodata) to obtain dynamical energy demands and available energy resources.

Stadt der Zukunft

Der städtische Untergrund als Rohstoffmine? Potential an Sekundärressourcen in der erdverlegten Infrastruktur

Machbarkeit eines Ressourcenkatasters zur Inventarisierung, Charakteri­sierung und Verortung der Materialbestände in den erdverlegten Infra­strukturnetzwerken österreichischer Stadtregionen. Das Ergebnis dient der ökonomischen Bewertung von Sekundärrohstoffpotenzialen. Schriftenreihe 27/2017
U. Kral, A. Allesch, H. Rechberger Deutsch, 73 Seiten

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Haus der Zukunft

THERM-opti-BALKON-P2 - Thermisch optimierte Balkonsanierung Phase 2: In-Situ-Versuchsanlage

Bei der thermischen Sanierung von Gebäuden stellen frei auskragende Balkone ein besonderes Problem dar. Mit dem THERM-opti-BALKON-System wird derzeit unter Laborbedingungen ein diesbezüglicher Lösungsansatz erforscht. Phase 2 soll eine In-Situ-Versuchsanlage unter realen Bedingungen als Technologiedemonstrator schaffen. Wichtigster Untersuchungsgegenstand ist das Langzeitverhalten des THERM-opti-BALKON-Systems.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Tariffs4all - Participation of the citizens from Bruck in the energy transition for all

The project responds to the challenges of participation in the energy transition in the municipality of Bruck/Mur by exploring the possibilities of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), Peer to Peer Trading (P2P Trading) and virtual metering points for generation plants be developed and implemented as a basis for new tariff/financing models.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

sewageENERGYrecovery - Performance comparison of different wastewater heat recovery systems for renewable heat generation

Independent detailed testing of the performance and efficiency of different wastewater heat recovery systems in actual operation by analysing measurement data. Evaluation of the analysed systems with regard to their optimal application possibilities.

Stadt der Zukunft

Integration von Begrünung in den österreichischen Energieausweis (GREENergieausweis)

Anpassung der Berechnungsmodelle im Energieausweis derart, dass Gebäudebegrünung darin möglichst realistisch abgebildet werden kann und Abschätzung zur Akzeptanz einer Umsetzung bei relevanten Stakeholdern. Schriftenreihe 43/2021
C. Kresser, E. Schriefl, H. Schöberl, I. Mühlbauer, S. Formanek, B. Scharf, G. Frühwirth
Herausgeber: BMK
Deutsch, 71 Seiten

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Stadt der Zukunft

P2PQ - Peer2Peer im Quartier

Das Projekt Peer2Peer im Quartier befasst sich mit der konkreten Umsetzung von Anwendungen zu Photovoltaik-Eigenverbrauchsoptimierung sowie Peer-to-Peer-Beziehungen auf Basis der Blockchain-Technologie in Quartieren und deren Validierung im Echtbetrieb. Schriftenreihe 26/2022

Herausgeber: BMK
Deutsch, 43 Seiten

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Klimaneutrale Stadt

OWA’s future - Otto Wagner Area: A trend-setting transformation from a medical institution into a NEB neighbourhood

Development of qualitative and quantitative planning objectives as well as an implementation strategy for the transformation of the Otto Wagner Area along the New European Bauhaus guidelines. The basis is formed by interdisciplinary expert forums, which provide important insights for the necessary transformation of existing areas and buildings in other cities as well.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

SAFE - Creating a safe school environment together

Tactical urbanism for the temporary redesign of school surroundings to reorganize school mobility in a participatory process. The resulting catalogue of measures will serve as a blueprint for an implementation at other schools in Austria.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Climate Scan District - Exploration and evaluation of potential districts regarding their suitability as a pioneer district

The "Climate Scan District" project aims to select the most suitable pioneer district in Dornbirn by applying the klima:aktiv criteria catalog for climate-neutral districts. This supports the city's transformation to climate neutrality by 2040. Extensive district profiles, action plans, and future visions are developed to create a well-founded and comprehensive basis for decision-making.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ProzesSan - Development of processes to increase the decarbonisation and refurbishment rate in the housing sector

The project aims to assist owners of large property portfolios with the challenges of refurbishing their buildings. The first step is to identify the various obstacles and develop appropriate solutions. These will be tested in three workshop phases with the owners, and a workshop manual and guidelines will be developed.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

FROSCHBERG 2.0 - Designing existing neighborhood(s) to be renewable and replicable

Exploration of replicable solutions for the socially acceptable transformation of existing neighbourhoods towards climate neutrality using the example of the Froschberg workers' housing estate. The result, the presentation and integration of climate neutrality into the refurbishment roadmap for the Froschberg workers' housing estate, serves as a starting point for implementation in a follow-up project.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ZEBdemo - Development and demonstration of a scalable zero emission building for the realization of climate-neutral cities

The ZEBdemo project is developing and demonstrating a scalable zero-emission building that drastically reduces CO2 equivalent emissions during the construction phase by using building materials such as clay bricks and straw insulation. At the same time, operational emissions are minimized through an intelligent, data-driven energy management system.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Circular Bio Floor- Floor construction made from biomaterials

In this project biogenic building materials from wood industry waste and geopolymer binders are developed that can be used as tamped fill or 3D-printed dry-screed elements in timber construction. These materials offer functional benefits and an excellent eco-balance, contribute to the conservation of forests and enable the production of separable and reusable floor segment panels using digital manufacturing technologies. That significantly reduces the consumption of primary raw materials.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

NEBKritQ - New European Bauhaus Quality Criteria for Sustainable Urban Development

Development of quality criteria and process proposals for sustainable urban development based on the dimensions of the New European Bauhaus (ecological sustainability, aesthetics, social inclusion), which can be used for the evaluation as well as for the project development and application of urban development projects.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

MasSan - Feasibility study of serial renovation concepts & models in Austria

Feasibility study to present and analyze the framework conditions and potential of serial renovations of large-volume buildings. The findings from the national pilot projects as well as the international / German projects and models are extracted and checked for their feasibility in the Austrian context and the requirements are prepared.