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KityVR - Artificial intelligence techniques to implement CityGML models and VR visualization
The goal of the project is to link 3D city models and virtual reality for energy-relevant applications as key-enabler for digital planning, construction and operational management. Missing data will be calculated using statistical enrichment methods.
Biotope City - construction manual for the green city of the future
"Biotope City" is an overall concept for the implementation of comprehensive urban greening with the aim of using the regenerative mechanisms of nature. With this approach, quality of life is to be comprehensively, sustainably and cost-effectively increased and resilience against extreme weather events in cities will be improved. The project aims to generate realistic components of a "construction manual" for the green city of the future, which are generalizable and transferable.
FFF-TaliSys - Freeform Systems for Daylighting to be Integrated in a Façade and in a Skylight
In the course of the project FFF-TaliSys novel daylighting systems based on freeform surface technology were developed and implemented into functional models, thus, innovative systems that solve the contradictory requirements of daylighting systems.
SUPERBE - Potential of Superblock-concepts as contribution to planning energy-efficient urban quarters
The exploratory study SUPERBE for the first time looks into the applicability and potential effects of Superblock concepts in an Austrian urban context in order to assess their contribution to energy-oriented urban planning.
Salzburg:KanS - Salzburg: Climate-neutral city
Salzburg:KanS aligns the vision and climate protection goals of the city of Salzburg with the climate neutrality targets of the province and estimates the sector-specific CO2 reduction contributions until 2030. Based on these contributions, the project develops implementation strategies for the entire city as well as the focus areas of “climate-neutral mobility” and “climate-neutral neighborhoods”.
URSOLAR - Optimization of SOLAR energy usage in URban energy systems
URSOLAR provides decision makers with a roadmap for the integrated use of solar energy in urban environments. The roadmap shows, how photovoltaics- and solar-thermal installations can be used in an ecological, economical and socially optimal way whilst considering legal requirements as well as infrastructural conditions in typical city quartiers and stakeholder interests.
Energy Mosaic Austria - Austrianwide modelling and web-based visualisation of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions on local level
The project consists of a modelling and a web-based visualisation of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of all Austrian cities and municipalities considering all kinds of land use and mobility. The results deliver a sound basis for numerous energy and climate relevant fields of action and for awareness raising of decision makers and the public.
Innovation lab act4energy
The Innovation Lab act4energy is set up as an innovation laboratory project. Its focus is to solve the problems of renewable energies integration with a focus on photovoltaic power paired with local consumption, linked to the the high fluctuation of renewable energies.
ECC – EnergyCityConcepts – Development of a methodology and concept for the implementation of sustainable energy systems in cities by the example of Gleisdorf and Salzburg
In the context of this project two concrete model regions (small city Gleisdorf and urban city quarter Salzburg-Schallmoos) will be developed and tested with new methodical approaches (interdisciplinary urban and regional energy planning, modeling and simulation). An ambitious political commitment of both model regions is a 100% renewable or rather CO2-neutral energy supply.
Cooperative Living Volkersdorf (KooWo - Volkersdorf) - sufficiency, space and energy efficiency in the quarter
The jointly planned demonstration project "KooWo" in Volkersdorf aims at reaching sufficiency as well as energy and CO2 reductions in a holistic way. System boundaries are shifted in order not to look only at energy consumption in buildings, relating to unit of floor space, but to consider all use of resources and relating it to persons and social communities.
plusenergy-FLAGSHIP: Plus-Energy office building 2.0 - the viadonau headquarters
In the course of this project, various innovations towards a "Plus-Energy Standard 2.0" are to be implemented and combined in an overall concept for the new viadonau headquarters (via donau - Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft m.b.H.).
TFlex - Temperature-flexibilisation in low-load operation of local district heating systems
Within the research project TFlex it was checked if the losses adherent to small district heating networks during low-load periods can be reduced. One possible solution is by deactivating the network and supplying the customers from previously charged decentralized storages. The optimal clustering of the storages and the possibility of solar-charging the storage were calculated with the aim of a guaranteed one-hundred percent heat supply.
Cooling LEC - Energy-flexible buildings by controlling cooling systems via unidirectional communication in local energy communities
As a result of climate change and the rise in temperature, especially due to the increase in active cooling systems, especially at low-voltage level, new challenges are being posed to the electricity system (in particular to the distribution network). Due to the high electrical input of active cooling units and the high density of plants, which are sometimes operated uncoordinated and at unfavorable times, leads to peak consumption in the system. The project Cooling LEC therefore has as its overall objective the development and demonstration of a central control / intelligence of decentralized active cooling systems by further developing the unidirectional communication of ripple control systems to create energy-flexible buildings in the sense of the new approach of "Local Energy Communities" by creating a "special tariff". Ripple control systems have been established for many decades and are available and proven by all energy suppliers. The upscaling potential is very big.
Reallabor 100% renewable energy Waldviertel
Under the motto "Always one step ahead", the aim is to develop a content-related and economic implementation concept for a "Reallabor 100% erneuerbare Energie Waldviertel".
The Green Parking Space – Utilization of urban parking areas for production of biomass
Many traffic areas in urban environments are actually used as such only a small fraction of the time. Subject of this project was to investigate the possibility of using those areas by additional integration of photobioreactors for the production of biomass, integrating such systems to the maximum extent into the urban substance and energy cycles.
6D BIM-Terminal: Missing Link for the development of CO2 neutral buildings
The present project aims to close the gap between specialist consultants and Building Information Modeling (BIM) applications. For that, relevant data for cost estimation, scheduling construction planning and management or sustainable building operation and facility management, shall be added automatically to BIM elements and imported into the respective specialist planning software. This data exchange shall be carried out using IFC interface according to ÖNORM A6241-2 and the properties of the ASI properties server via a central platform, the "6D BIM-Terminal".
EDEN - Developement of a structured data and preparation documentation with a minimized error-proneness for energy performance cerificates.
Current energy performance certificates hold major flaws. Therefore, the presented research initiative aimed at the development of a standardized and easy-to-use, generic Input-Data-Documentation, which ensures the quality of energy certificates for all involved stakeholders. During the development, the documentation had been conducted and for a chosen sample of representative buildings, which is expected to demonstrate the high potential of such a development.
OptiMAS - Optimization of building energy efficiency through model-based energy flow analysis with non-invasive sensors
Using a model-based energy flow analysis supported by non-invasive sensor technologies OptiMAS investigated how to monitor, analyze and optimize existing buildings independent of the installed HVAC systems and automation components. With the OptiMAS approach the optimization potential of individual buildings up to entire areas can be detected, located and tapped by adjustment of system parameters to ensure highest energy and resource efficiency.
F4WM - Fit4WienerMission
Preparation for the EU Urban Mission by updating goals and strategies (Smart City Wien Framework strategy, Climate-Roadmap), developing a manual for climate-neutral Viennese neighbourhoods and concepts for the participation of citizens (Climate Citizens' Council) and businesses (Climate Agreements), as well as a city-internal capacity and structural planning.
DW² - Thermal improvements on diaphragm walls
New materials and installation methods for diaphragm walls will be investigated in laboratory and field tests in order to improve the thermal properties of the construction elements. Additional numerical and ecological aspects are considered to ensure an energetic enhancement of underground constructions such as underground garages or thermal energy storages.