Search Results
Manage_GeoCity - Development of a method for the coordinated management of geothermal energy in urban areas
Based on the urban region Graz a method had been developed for the coordinated use and management of shallow geothermal energy for heating and cooling as well as seasonal heat storage in urban regions. Ground water flow, different geologic conditions, heating and cooling demand, heat input from solar collectors and industrial waste heat and the possibilities of seasonal heat storage in the subsurface were considered.
BIM4BIPV - Future aspects of building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) in cross-system BIM planning
Research into an end-to-end BIM planning flow for energy-optimised, building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) that simultaneously generates solar energy, enables optimal use of daylight and provides shading.
AR-AQ-Bau - Use of Augmented Reality for acceptance and quality assurance on construction sites
The aim of this research project is the development of a construction site-suitable augmented reality (AR) system included a Remote-Expert-System and a BIM-Closed-Loop data transfer system for improving the quality of construction, building security and energy efficiency as well as increasing the efficiency of construction investigation.
openBAM - Open Building Automation Modelling - Open modeling of building automation over the entire building life cycle
Platform-independent modeling of control and regulation logic for detailed study of building automation systems involving construction and building technology. The result enables the analysis of energy saving potentials through building automation before construction.
Energy-Sponge-Bruck (Energieschwamm Bruck an der Mur)
The aim of the exploration-study for the urban region Bruck/Oberaich "Energieschwamm Bruck" or "Energy-Sponge-Bruck" was to establish clear and stringent basics for a flexible development of the future energy system. Therefore an energy development concept as well as a cadaster for short-term implementation measures had been applied. The structured, Bruck-based approach acts as framework for a general energy-conception-method, valid for small and medium urban regions with 10,000 to 20,000 inhabitants.
HPZ-Walls - High-performance exterior brick walls without additional thermal insulation
Sustainable multi-storey housing made of bricks can only be realised if the strength of thermally optimised vertical coring bricks is tripled. This is to be achieved by changing the hole pattern, namely by reducing the air gap from 8 to 4 mm. A success of the project will form the basis for the realisation of insulation-free, 8-storey residential and office buildings in brick construction.
Smart.Monitor – SMART city indicators and MONITORing for smart city objectives – based on the example of the Smart City Vienna Framework Strategy
Elaborating and preparing the basic information and data required to conceptualize indicators and a monitoring system for the smart city framework strategy. The results shall support the future monitoring of the Smart City Vienna Framework Strategy.
GEMA – Assessment of the performance of energy-efficient demonstration buildings
In GEMA, the project team will study and analyse the energy consumption of at least 10 commercial and residential buildings in Austria, which include innovative technologies or concepts for minimising their energy requirements. The results will allow for the potential optimal performance in terms of energy, environmental and social indicators of buildings in future construction projects.
Future quarter 2.0 - Replicable, thermally and electrically grid-supportive conception of (positive energy) districts in a dense urban context
Development of a replicable concept for grid-supportive integration of innovative (positive energy) district with high on-site energy supply into the existing network infrastructure (electricity and district heating network).
Intensified Density - a small scale densification strategy for the suburbs by using modular construction
The project investigated whether a small scale densification strategy for the suburbs / intermediary cities, using modular construction, and existing infrastructure on empty plots of land, can offer a competing alternative to not only the sprawl of single family dwellings but also to large projects.
PVOPTI-Ray, Optimization of reflecting materials and photovoltaics in urban environment with respect to energy balance and bioclimate.
Within the scope of the project PVOPTI_Ray the influence of reflection and energy balance on the performance of building integrated photovoltaics (PV) in complex urban environment have been investigated. Equally the influence of PV modules and of the energy conversion of solar energy at the PV module surface has an impact on micro climate and therefore also on pedestrians who are exposed to the radiation fluxes. This was also investigated.
BIMaterial Process Design for Material Building Pass
Building Information Modelling supported compilation of a Material Building Pass; as a qualitative and quantitative documentation of the material composition of, and the material distribution within, a building structure. This project is a central milestone towards standardized, BIM-generated building material passes.
BTTAB - Broad-based testing of energy-efficient demonstration buildings with thermally activated building components
Buildings with thermal building component activation that have not yet been researched in as many federal states and application categories as possible will be monitored, which will include operating data as well as the experiences of those involved. The aim of this study is to take a general look at the various applications of the thermal building component activation technology and to evaluate and compare the pilot projects with the help of suitable evaluation criteria.
StadtKlimaVISION - Preparing an urban innovation laboratory for climate-neutral urban planning: It's starting in Linz!
In StadtKlimaVISION, an innovation laboratory for climate-neutral urban planning in the city of Linz is being designed with the aim of aligning urban planning instruments more closely with climate change adaptation and climate protection and involving stakeholders from business, science and civil society.
Multi-WP – High-efficiency multivalent heat pump concepts for the thermal use of external air with geothermal storage
Optimization of multi-WP systems consisting of air-source heat pumps and geothermal storage with regard to increasing flexibility and efficiency from 30 kW for individual buildings as well as neighbourhood solutions and addressing aspects such as PV utilization optimization, mode of operation, utilization conflicts and noise pollution from air-source heat pumps. The project will establish the use of the heat source external air in combination with seasonal storage as a particularly efficient alternative for heating, cooling and hot water supply.
P2PQ - Peer2Peer im Quartier
The research project Peer2Peer im Quartier deals with applications optimizing the selfconsumption of PV-generated energy within urban quarters by enabling peer-to-peer relations among energy prosumers based on Blockchains. Aim is to develop and validate these applications in real operation.
SAVE circular approaches for green buildings!
The project demonstrates the cycle and use of synergies in an ARWAG residential building from the extraction of valuable raw materials through a urine treatment plant (fertilizer) using energy recovery measures (heat recovery, heat pump, photovoltaics) to the use of the fertilizer for the generously designed greening measures and the associated effects on the microclimate.
Piezo-Klett: Development of piezoelectric hook-and-loop application for the energy supply of active sensor technology in the building industry
The present project considered buildings, parts of buildings and their joints (component nodes) as energy generators by using the hook-and-loop fastener in combination with the piezoelectric effect to perform a so-called energy harvesting.
Counterintuitive Building Types - Innovation Potentials for Sustainable Transformation of Commercial and Retail Locations
Selected commercial retail and properties provide existing resources for this project’s case studies that will convert and further develop them towards more positive energy, use, and life cycle balances. The currently underperforming properties will be transformed into more active and attractive places of higher experiential density and environmental relevance through multiplication of space and uses in the interior and exterior areas, demonstrating opportunities for more sustainable development of these understudied building typologies.
Green and Resilient City - Management and planning tools for a climate-sensitive urban development
The aim of the project was to provide a "proof of concept" of a control loop and tool set for the management, optimization and evaluation of green and climate-sensitive urban (district) planning- The tool set consist of urban and open space planning instruments as well as climate simulations at different scale levels.