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Development of transparent, technical and economic models for medium and high volume residential buildings, with special focus on the non-profit sector. Topics such as generation living, teleworking as well as smart homes are developed in an integrated model, for dense structures as well as pavillons and townhouses. All models follow the three pillars of sustainability.
Ice-storage NEW - New economical ice storage concept for optimized heat storage using heat pumps and peak use of wind power
Development of a technically and economically optimized new ice-storage concept as a thermal wind power peak storage and to improve the performance of heat pumps as a contribution for peak smoothing of the electrical load profile.
EnErGy Plant Weiz - Renewable energy community Business Park Energy Lane and Factory Lane Weiz
Based on the results of the exploratory study project REC-Businesspark, a demonstrator for a "renewable energy community business park" is to be developed in Weiz. The focus is on the development of innovative operating and tariff models for a redox flow storage system that is integrated into a renewable energy community.
urban pv+geotherm - Innovative concepts for the supply of large volume buildings/ quarters with PV and geothermal energy
The use of renewable energies in inner city locations is mostly linked to higher costs andconsidered as problematic. The aim of this project was to optimize (cost and energy) heating (and where required, cooling) using geothermic and photovoltaic for an urban, densely-built development area. With the project´s findings it will be easier to ecologically and economically plan the use of renewable energies especially in urban areas.
NaNu3 - Parametric Planning for a Sustainable Roof (Blue, Grey and Green)
Demonstration of the feasibility and validation of a parametric model that can evaluate the practical and financial feasibility of the combined use of roof areas as well as its microclimate and environmental effectiveness at an early planning stage.
PESI - Paradigm shift in urban energy systems through synergies with industry
Analysis of different options for the use of industrial surplus energies of various shapes (waste heat, waste water, waste) and renewable energy sources in the industrial sector (e.g. solar panels on roof surfaces) in adjacent urban areas, which act as an "energy sponge". Based on real consumption and availability data, a simulation model was created and opportunities for synergies were documented.
"Gasthermenersatz" - Modular heat pump with environmentally friendly refrigerant to replace natural gas-based heating systems in large-scale residential buildings
The project "Gasthermenersatz" aims at developing, manufacturing, and testing a functional prototype of a decentralized, sound-optimized heat pump solution with refrigerant circuit modules connected in series or parallel. This renewable technology is well-suited to replace existing natural gas-based heating systems in large-scale residential buildings and to pave the way to carbon-neutral cities.
PLAISIR - Planning Innovation: Learning form socially innovative energy projects
PLAISIR analyses social innovation in energy projects located in peripheral region in order to understand their role in energy transition processes and to give recommendations for energy-oriented, endogenous regional development policy.
DieWärmePioniere - Participatory climate transformation roadmap as basis for a demo district in the gas-supplied Kahlenbergerdorf
Development of a transformation roadmap for the decarbonization of a neighborhood and implementation of a subarea. Securing acceptance of the project and raising awareness through an active participation process of the population and the establishment of an energy community for heat supply.
ÖKO-OPT-AKTIV - Optimised control and operating behaviour of thermally activated buildings in future urban districts
Development and simulation of scalable, distributed control strategies for the use of the storage effect of thermally activated components in buildings of future city districts for their energy supply by an energy centre.
SmartControl - Standardized and smart control of municipal energy systems
The aim of the project is to develop a standardized and easy-to-implement procedure for communication, monitoring and control of decentralized technologies within municipal energy communities. Therefore, innovative interfaces and self-learning algorithms will be developed, which will ensure that the concept can be transferred to municipalities or neighborhoods without a great deal of data and measurement effort.
DALEC - Day- and Artificial Light with Energy Calculation
In the course of DALEC an online concept evaluation tool for architects, building engineers, lighting designers and building owners was developed. Although easy to use, the software accounts for the complex thermal and light processes in buildings and allows a simple evaluation of heating, cooling and electric lighting loads. Not only energy, but also user behavior were considered (e.g. in terms of glare protection) and visual and thermal comfort were evaluated. This novel and innovative, holistic approach makes sustainable and energy efficient building design possible for new buildings as well as refurbishment.
ZQ3Demo - Implementation of urban Future Quarters including stakeholder integration and legally and economically replicable solutions
ZQ3Demo accompanies three innovative urban quarters in Vienna to demonstrate and further develop ecologically and economically sustainable solutions for the implementation of Plus-Energy-Quarters (PEQ) on the basis of real-life examples.
GreEnergieausweis AT - Ways of integrating greenery into the Austrian Energy Certificate
Adaption of the calculation models in the energy certificate in such a way that the greening of buildings can be depicted as realistically as possible and assessment of the acceptance of implementation by relevant stakeholders.
MEIDLINGER "L"-Participatory and scalable climate change adaptations in existing buildings at the intersection of public and private space
The project pursued an integral and interdisciplinary approach to climate change adaptation in existing buildings at the interface between public and private space. A scalable and multipliable model for Vienna and other cities had been developed.
BIM2BEM Flow - Continuous BIM-based energy efficient planning
Automated integration and assignment of exchange requirements between the design and simulation programs, based on the elaborated exchange information requirements, should enable continuous energy efficiency planning along the design phase.
greenWATERrecycling – utilization of greywater for energy recovery and for providing greywater-filtrate for watering green walls
Development of a system for energy-recovery of waste heat of greywater and of greywater-filtrate in ordert o reduce the energy consumption of hot water supply and the water consumption for irrigation.
Plan4.Energy – methodological set for the planning support of positive energy districts
Plan4.Energy develops a set of methods to support the planning of positive energy districts. The data-based system integration will enable a user-friendly quantitative assessment of the possibilities for building a positive energy district. This will allow stakeholders without the relevant background knowledge to realistically assess different project variants.
DIM4Energy - Digital Information Models for the Planning and Optimization of Buildings and Urban Energy Infrastructure
Digital information models (DIM) are playing an increasingly important role in urban planning and decision-making processes, from individual buildings (BIM) to urban information models (UIM). For the planning and optimal operation of plus-energy neighborhoods, valuable information could be obtained from these existing models, provided the appropriate data sources and associated software tools are properly linked.
Sophokles - Solar shading lamellas with photovoltaic coating for climate-neutral, energy-efficient structures
Development of lightweight, strip-like photovoltaic modules that combine shading and emission-free power generation in one monolithic component. The size and module voltage of the photovoltaic blinds can be individually adapted to the conditions of the building. The core of the innovation is an interconnection concept for thin-film solar cells, with which the film-like photovoltaic material can be interconnected in series and in parallel as required.