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Haus der Zukunft

BIGMODERN - Subproject 10: Evaluation, Documentation and Ensuring Transferability

The subproject 10 is part of the flagship project BIGMODERN. It is based on the results of subproject SP 7 in which a monitoring concept has been developed. This concept is now implemented through monitoring of different aspects occurring during the first two years of operation of both BIGMODERN demonstration buildings.

Haus der Zukunft

ProKlim+ - Use of Model Predictive Control to optimize solar power consumption in case of increased energy efficiency.

Using weather forecast for building automation can help improving the energy efficiency of buildings and, thus, saving energy. In the project ProKlim+ the forecast of solar radiation will be used to optimize the building automation to satisfy the needs of the building users, and at the same time to minimize the energy demand on the one hand and to maximize the consumption of self-produced energy on the other hand.

Haus der Zukunft

Demonstration project LifeCycle Tower - batch-produced energy efficient timber/hybrid high-rise building system

The energy efficient building concept shall be tested with regard to its functional efficiency and real usage conditions. The demonstration project is based upon the results of previous research activities and shall be presented to a wider public. It shall illustrate the advantages of a batch-produced timber/hybrid high-rise building system which offers high quality of energy and resource efficiency.

Haus der Zukunft

Sorption cooling and air dehumidification device

Solar-assisted air-conditioning in combination with comfortable controlled ventilation systems soon possible and affordably for building owners. With a new part DEC-systems should become acceptance.

Haus der Zukunft

First remediation of already existing homes to passive house standard with Vacuum insulated panels (VIPs)

Demonstration of the way to redevelop a home of the 19th century to passive house standard in consideration of moisture process and the use of vacuum insulation.

Haus der Zukunft

New High thermal insulated lightweight timber-frame constructions

Development for the application in the passive house standard (e.g. low-energy houses).

Haus der Zukunft

BIGMODERN - Subproject 5: Feasibility studies about innovative technical solutions

The application of innovative technologies means additional planning and coordination effort which usually cannot be incorporated into the conventional planning processes of the BIG. To overcome these barriers for the application of innovative technologies, the sub project at hand aims at preparing information, feasibility studies, planning records, experiences and practical examples in a way, that they can be implemented directly into the planning process.

Haus der Zukunft

HY3GEN - A Regenerative Building

The "third generation hybrid building" (HY3GEN), whose main features are being defined in this project, has expanded this approach to include the integration of aspects of efficient resource utilization in construction and operation as well as the use of regenerative raw materials and renewable energy.

Haus der Zukunft

Recommendations for a consolidated Austrian research in the topic of "Smart Cities"

Based on a clear definition of the topics and focusing on energy relevant aspects the project will provide an overview on the present points of focus in research on "Smart Cities". Furthermore, future research topics will be defined and evaluated, and action plans for political stakeholders will be elaborated in the framework of two expert workshops.

Haus der Zukunft

Passivhauswohnen³: Facility Management for Residential Property Developers: A Key to Optimizing the Reduction of Energy and Operation Costs

What soon will be considered "standard" in ecological building must be carried out by the property developer and accepted by the future user. Therefore, in order to assist a smooth implementation of the new passive housing technique and begin the corresponding feedback mechanisms, a specific KMU "quality and incentive model" should be launched. The interrelationship of this model is designed with the property developer as well as the user in mind and aims for lasting "behavior modification" in energy and operational expense consumption.

Haus der Zukunft

Architectural Concept for Musicians

Starting from the special needs of a specific user group, an Architectural Concept for Musicians will be proposed and realized, with Housing as principal functional usage.

Haus der Zukunft

First energy autonomous revitalization of an urban former industry quarter with the standard type of "Passive House" to reduce primary energy max. 100 kWh/m2 NFL

A renovation with the energy efficient factor 10+ of a former industry quarter in the standard type of passive house with usage of the most modern technologies and locally renewable energy resources.

Haus der Zukunft

baubookPlus - Expansion of an extensive knowledge database of sustainable buildings

By the foundation of the baubook GmbH in 2008 the two databases of building products "öbox" and "" have been merged. The new database baubook was expanded. Essential functions (central product declaration, decentral quality management) and fields of products were added.

Haus der Zukunft

"gugler! build & print triple zero" - subproject 9: Monitoring Gugler - Monitoring, evaluation, optimization GUGLER

The project objective is the measurement of relevant building values (energy consumption, ...), the evaluation of these values compared with the intended objectives and the optimization of the system based on the measured data. As a special innovation, monitoring the storage of alternatively generated electricity using photovoltaic and wind energy in the form of compressed air must be considered.

Haus der Zukunft

Refurbishment of a housing complex to passive-house standard, Graz - Dieselweg

Refurbishment of the former "Puch-Siedlung", built as a housing area for employees of the company "Puch", in Graz Liebenau, in the period from the 1950s to 1970s, as an exemplary model for a refurbishment in "passive house standard" with special thoughtfulness to the tenants. "From domestic fuel to solar self sufficiency"

Haus der Zukunft

Photovoltaic solar modules for building integration

Development of new manufacturing technique for photovoltaic solar modules, which fulfil the special requirements of building integration.

Haus der Zukunft

Energy efficient, resource conserving and differentiated renovation of historic European building stocks (ReCoRe)

The project goal was the development of an integrated, long term and life cycle oriented approach to sustainable modernisation of historical building stocks. Within this project the partners used common objectives and planning tools and followed a common procedure in order to develop a specific national application which results from a historical, technical, social and cultural understanding of the specific national stock fragments.

Haus der Zukunft

Analysis and evaluation of structural additional costs for passive house projects

Structural extra costs of passive houses decide whether these will become accepted at the market. Within the project the costs of several "Building of tomorrow" passive houses were compared. The results enable estimations for future passive house projects.

Haus der Zukunft

Refurbishment of an existing villa of the "Gründerzeit" to passive house standard with passive and active solar use

The project shows in an exemplary way how buildings of the time of "Gründerzeit" could be maintained and could offer a better environmental balance including the view of the village and the traffic than a new building. As an example a villa has been converted into a multi-family house within a larger housing project.

Haus der Zukunft

RENEW SCHOOL Austria: Examples and financing models for school renovations

The project aimed at learning from 14 Austrian school buildings, from their financial and cooperation models, meaning successful cooperation between involved parties. The success factors have been derived from these projects and together with 10 best practice schools been published in a brochure. The project supported the Austrian activities in the IEE EU-Projekt RENEW SCHOOL (