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Energy2POG - Hybrid Energy Cluster Pogusch - Renewable energies and cost-efficient operation
The aim of the project was the design, optimisation and demonstration of a hybrid energy supply system as well as optimised material flows for a restaurant and hotel business in an exposed location. The concept allows the integration of material flows into the heat and energy supply system.
Circular Twin - A Digital Ecosystem for the Generation and Evaluation of Circular Digital Twins
By 2030, more than the equivalent of two Earths will be needed to meet the demand for natural resources, therefore a transition to circular systems is essential, especially in the construction industry. The digital "Circular Twin" ecosystem enables the early implementation of circular economy goals as well as end-to-end digitalization in construction utilizing Digital Twins, Generative Design Algorithms and Virtual Reality.
StromBIZ - demonstration projects: business models for decentralized electricity generation and distribution
Feasible business models to utilize locally generated renewable energy are expected to induce a tipping point for the "Energy Turnaround" in Austria. Within the proposed project a number of demonstration PV plants on residential and non-residential buildings had been realized. On this basis new approaches of business cases had been developed, implemented, tested and disseminated.
Exploration of window systems with innovative glass - especially vacuum insulating glass - for building renovation
Exploration of the use of the first fabricable highly insulating vacuum glazing (VG) for highly efficient window systems specifically for the renovation of existing buildings via Verification of the availability and performance of Vacuum Glazing VG worldwide, concepts for structural optimization and thermal simulations of integrated systems, investigation of typical applications and market potential studies and identification of achievable energy savings for single buildings and settlements.
AIA4ALL - development of open, modular and automatable employer’s information requirements (EIR) and BIM execution plan (BEP)
The Employer's Information Requirements - EIR (German: AIA) - serves the client to define goals and use cases for a BIM-based construction project. The aim of this project is to create a modular, machine-readable AIA that can be seamlessly integrated into the tool landscape of openBIM projects. This is done by developing an open platform for creating use cases for the AIA.
Urban district heating extended – Development of flexible and decarbonized urban district heating systems
Development of innovative urban district heating systems by integration of long-term thermal storage, large scale heat pumps, large scale solar thermal installations, waste heat recovery and analysis and evaluation by simulation. The results of this project will provide templates for technology selection, system design and merit order for new urban district heating areas.
MOTIVE – Modeling, Optimizing, and technical integration of Vacuum-Glazing-Elements
This project addressed the development of construction details for the implementation of vacuum glazing panels in new windows. In this project such constructions (form of frame, thermal bridges, structural aspects, mounting of glass) were explored via empirical experiments and via simulation. As an outcome, a mock-up was constructed, and the findings were documented in a comprehensive document.
SüdSan - Socially acceptable, climate-compatible refurbishment of two multi-family-houses as a model for the refurbishment of the Südtiroler-Siedlung Bludenz
Planning, energetic-economic optimisation, construction and monitoring of the costs, comfort and energetic performance of two socially acceptable and climate-target-compatible refurbished smaller apartment buildings in the Südtiroler-Siedlung Bludenz.
Heat Harvest - Harvest of urban solar excess heat from buildings and surfaces to avoid summer overheating in cities
"Harvest" of solar urban excess heat from building surfaces, sidewalks, streets and squares to avoid urban heat islands by lying flat absorber pipes, which are then fed into geothermal probe storage tanks for later use as a source for heating buildings.
lowTEMP4districtheat - Reduction of the system parameters of heating networks for the integration of renewable heat sources using soft sensors
Analysis of the use of soft sensors in addition to selective real measurements for the complete recording of real-time parameters of heating networks. The data obtained enable detailed grid simulations with low computing power requirements and form the basis of a strategy for lowering the grid temperatures and feeding in decentrally generated heat.
NETSE - User orientated development of technologies and services for energy communities
In the NETSE project the basics for the implementation of energy communities are developed. This includes the relevant technical equipment and interfaces, the development of a platform for the operation of an energy community as well as tools for the optimization of the technical setup and the operation of energy communities.
P³Power - Plug&Play Storage of Photovoltaic Power
The core of the project P³Power is the measurement technology NetDetection, which is able to detect the power consumption of a household from any point, e.g. a regular wall socket. Based on this technology a plug&play powerplant, consisting of photovoltaics and battery pack, is realized. The system is able to guarantee 100% self-consumption within flexible aggregates (from single households to whole communes) without any changes of existing infrastructure. The measurement technology will be implemented into digital hardware, evaluated comprehensively in lab and household environment and subsequently new energy service business models are developed.
GrünStattGrau – Innovations for Greening Cities "The green living laboratory"
GrünStadtGrau represents the holistic of competence for green building technologies such as green roofs and living walls in Austria. It generates impulses for urban green infrastructure on buildings and links innovative products and projects, supports through know-how and analysis for implementation processes. GrünStattGrau guides urban and participatory strategies from development to implementation.
Joining Cards - Investigation of de-constructable fastening and joining techniques for the development of mono-material interior systems made of cardboard
Strategic examination of cardboard products and paper-based materials for the development of de-constructible interior systems and the definition of building components and their interfaces. The result forms the basis for further research projects in the form of a comprehensive knowledge gain.
Syn[En]ergy: Development of Potential Synergy Effects between the Interdependency of Urban Planning goals and Photovoltaic Usage on Open Urban Landscapes
Open spaces such as parking lots, brownfields and some categories of recreation areas offer an underutilised potential for photovoltaics in urban regions. In the course of Syn[En]ergy an inter- and transdisciplinary approach potential synergies and conflicts with other use demands were investigated, a typology and practical solutions for selected areas with regard to requirements from economy, urban planning and design, legal as well social aspects developed, and then evaluated by stakeholders from enterprises, administration and the general public.
Energy-Sponge: The Building as an Energy-Sponge - Electricity In - Heat Out
Innovative, dynamic control concepts had been developed which enable (air) heat pumps in combination with PV- or renewable grid electricity to use the building mass of a multi-familiy house as heat storage. User acceptance had been evaluated and possible business models had been developed.
From courtyards to lightyards
The feasibility of daylight-optimized solutions for retrofitting courtyards by an intelligent alignment of different materials has been examined. With it, daylighting levels in lower floors can realistically be increased tenfold. Additionally, a calculation tool for generating and evaluating optimal courtyard solutions was designed. Besides daylighting parameters also economic criteria were considered.
SUBURBAHN – test- and demonstration-area for urban development and mobility around public transport stations in the central area of Upper Austria
Targeted, process-oriented conception for the implementation and operation of a test- and demonstration-area for urban development and mobility in Ansfelden involving relevant scientific stakeholders, local and regional stakeholders, decision-makers as well as the interested public according to the living lab approach.
BIMstocks - Digital Urban Mining Platform: Assessing the material composition of building stocks through coupling of BIM to GIS
The main goal of BIMstocks is the development of a method for the digital capturing of the material composition of the existing building stock for follow up modelling of an Urban Mining Platform as well as for the prediction of the recycling potentials.
solSPONGEhigh - High solar fraction by thermally activated components in an urban environment
Within this project the intensive use of thermally activated building elements (TABs) as an additional thermal storage in different buildings, with solar technologies (thermal, PV) preferred for energy supply, was investigated. The aim was to activate and use the thermal storage potential that is immanent in the building elements and thereby achieve solar coverage of the building's heat demand of nearly 100 %.