
Es wurden 644 Einträge gefunden.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Bioenergy in a Net Zero Future

19. October 2023
Hôtel Mercure – Lyon Centre Charpennes, 7 place Charles Hernu, 69100 Villeurbanne, Lyon, FR

This workshop aims to discuss the role of bioenergy in the transition to a carbon neutral energy systems. The focus will be on policies and strategies to support the role of bioenergy in the energy transition and on the flexibility of bioenergy in the energy system, the use of biogenic CO2 and promising developments in bioenergy concepts.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

IEA HPT Annex 56 - IoT for Heat Pumps Final Results

18. October 2023, 9:30 am
online, AT

During this event you will have the opportunity to gain insights into the outcomes of the IEA HPT Annex 56, focusing on IoT (Internet of Things) and Digitalization for Heat Pumps.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

IEA HEV Task 45 - Electrified Roadways (E-Roads) Workshop #5

09. - 10. October 2023
Södertälje, SE

In the bi-annual meeting the participating countries will gather information, gain first-hand knowledge of how this technology is progressing and identify specific areas that may be of critical interes for further research.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC-7)

25. - 27. September 2023
Station Square Sheraton, Pittsburgh (PA), USA

This conference aims to be a forum to discuss the various issues related to post-combustion capture technologies status and development. For the 7th time, the most diverse aspects of these processes will be discussed during a three-day international conference

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA Vernetzungstreffen 2023 "Wissen für die Wende – Mobilität und Energie"

26. September 2023, 09:30 - 16:00 Uhr
Urania Wien

Die Veranstaltung diente dem Austausch von Neuigkeiten aus den Technology Collaboration Programmes, Tasks und Annexen der IEA Forschungskooperation und der Vernetzung der Akteure und Akteurinnen.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

13. Österreichisches IEA Wirbelschichttreffen

20. - 22. September 2023
JUFA-Hotel, Mautner Markhof Gasse 50, 1110 Wien, AT

Das 13. Wirbelschichttreffen ist ein Zusammentreffen von Stakeholdern aller Bereiche der Wirbelschichttechnologie. Es bietet eine großartige Gelegenheit sich mit anderen Expertinnen und Experten und Fachleuten auszutauschen und wertvolle Einblicke in die neuesten Entwicklungen und Trends zu gewinnen.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

IEA 4E Workshop - Addressing product lifetime, repairability, and resource efficiency: what can we learn from current trends in European product policy

21. September 2023
Online, Lund, SE

This workshop provides an opportunity to better understand and learn about a range of circular economy issues alongside energy efficiency product policies in the EU. The increasing awareness of the influence of product lifetimes on related GHG emissions and other environmental issues is giving rise to policies to promote durability and repairability.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

IEA 4E EMSA Workshop: How can digitalisation in industrial electric motor driven systems contribute to saving more energy?

19. September 2023
Vienna, AT

Following the presentation of the latest results of the Electric Motor Systems Annex research on digitalisation, we would like to discuss on market and technology trends as well as energy effects, best practices and policies.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Seminar: Energy flexible buildings as a part of resilient low carbon energy systems

13. September 2023
Technology Centre Seestadt - aspern Seestadt, Seestadtstraße 27, 1220 Wien

This seminar is looking into the role of energy flexibility measures and solutions supporting buildings and building neighborhoods in demand response and their use of fluctuating renewable energy sources.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Hydrogen and fuel cells for transportation - status, examples and recommendations for action

26. June 2023 POSTPONED to 12. September 2023
Online and on-site: HS i9, Technische Universität Graz, Inffeldgasse 13, 8010 Graz, AT

National and international experts will provide insights into the latest technical developments and best practice examples for fuel cells in transport and the design, construction and operation of a corresponding hydrogen infrastructure.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

IEA Hydrogen TCP Task 41 Final Workshop

11. September 2023, 10:00 - 12:00
Teams Meeting, ES

The main objectives of Task 41 are to provide an updated and continuously updatable long-lasting database on hydrogen technologies allowing improved modelling, understanding and decision-making. Additionally, the Task aims to establish a closer collaboration between the Hydrogen Technology Collaboration Program (TCP) and the Energy Technology Systems Analysis Program (ETSAP) community.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Informations-Webinar für Einreicher:innen zum Driving Urban Transitions Call 2023

5. September 2023, 13:30 - 15:00 Uhr

Dieses Webinar ist speziell für österreichische Antragsteller:innen konzipiert und gibt Gelegenheit, von erfolgreichen Projekten aus vergangenen Ausschreibungen zu lernen und wertvolle Tipps und Tricks zur Gestaltung Ihres Antrags mitzunehmen.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

15. International Summer School on Advanced Studies of Polymer Electrolyte Fuell Cells and Hydrogen

28. August - 2. September 2023
TU Graz, AT

This summer school offers students and early career researchers intensive days of lectures, workshops, networking and socialising. The event covers a broad spectrum of fuel cell and hydrogen research by internationally renowned experts in the field of polymer electrolyte fuel cells and additional lectures on various hydrogen technologies.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

21. Internationaler Radiance Workshop

28. - 31. August 2023
Innsbruck, AT

Der Radiance Workshop ist ein jährlich stattfindendes User-Meeting der Anwender- und Entwickler-Community der Software Radiance.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

6th International Workshop on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells

30. August 2023
Lecture hall i7, Inffeldgasse 25/D, 8010 Graz, AT

The "International Workshop on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells" is organised together with the "Summer School on PEFC & H2" at Graz University of Technology and offers a suitable setting to question and discuss the current developments in the IEA Implementing Agreement Advanced Fuel Cells in a relaxed atmosphere.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Erfahrungsaustausch "Wasserstofflogistik"

4. Juli 2023
Green Energy Center Europe, Technikerstraße 1-3, 6020 Innsbruck, AT

Im Zuge der Veranstaltung werden Vorträge zum Thema Wasserstofflogistik mit den Schwerpunkten Pipeline- und Containertransport gezeigt.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA GHG Risk Management Network Meeting 2023

28. - 29. June 2023
Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Schottland, GB

Well integrity and risk management in a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

IEA Bioenergy: Understanding Indirect Land-Use Change (ILUC) and Why Reality is a Special Case

28. June 2023
Online, AT

Indirect Land-Use Change (ILUC) refers to the phenomenon where changes in land use for one purpose, such as the cultivation of crops for biofuels, can indirectly impact land use and environmental conditions elsewhere. Specifically, ILUC explores the potential effects of increasing demand for bioenergy crops on global agricultural land use patterns, deforestation rates, and greenhouse gas emissions. IEA Bioenergy invites you to participate in this free international webinar.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

BMK-Symposium "Technologiesouveränität in der Energiewende"

26. Juni 2023, 9:30 – 17:30 Uhr
Technisches Museum Wien, Festsaal, Mariahilfer Straße 212, 1140 Wien und Livestream

Die Marktzahlen aus Österreich im Jahr 2022 zeigen Anstiege in allen erneuerbaren Energie- und Speichertechnologien. Beim Symposium diskutierten Expert:innen über europäische Lösungsansätze für Technologiesouveränität, Österreichs Technologiepolitik sowie Marktstrategien österreichischer Unternehmen.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Mission Innovation Austria Week 2023

12. - 14. Juni 2023
Stegersbach und online

Die Mission Innovation Austria Week, der Treffpunkt für Energie- und Klimaschutzinnovationen, findet dieses Jahr vom 12. bis 14. Juni in Stegersbach statt. Auch 2023 bietet die zentrale Veranstaltung der österreichischen Innovationskräfte als Live-Event mit Pop-up-Sender Neues aus Forschung, Technologie und Gesellschaft.