Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Haus der Zukunft

SURO - Der städtische Untergrund als Rohstoffmine? Potential an Sekundärressourcen in der erdverlegten Infrastruktur

Machbarkeit eines Ressourcenkatasters zur Inventarisierung, Charakteri­sierung und Verortung der Materialbestände in den erdverlegten Infra­strukturnetzwerken österreichischer Stadtregionen. Das Ergebnis dient der ökonomischen Bewertung von Sekundärrohstoffpotenzialen.

Stadt der Zukunft

Urbaner Kältebedarf in Österreich 2030/2050 (UKÖ 2030/2050)

Systematische Aufarbeitung des steigenden Kühlbedarfs und Darstellung der geographischen Verortung des Kältebedarfs in Österreich. Das Ergebnis dient als Entscheidungshilfe bei der Entwicklung von Klimaschutzmaßnahmen und Klimawandelanpassungsstrategien sowie eine Abschätzung zum Kältebedarf der Zukunft.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

GeoDatKlim - Geo Data and Satellite Data for Carbon Neutral Cities

The Vienna Geospace Hub innovation lab will help optimize the application of geospatial and satellite data to solve complex urban challenges. The innovation lab serves as a networking platform for administration, science, economy, as well as a development and test environment for innovative use cases.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

IntEGrity - Integration and Diffusion of Energy Communities

IntEGrity aims at fully integrating energy communities in the existing energy landscape in order to push for efficient diffusion and to use the potential of the positive contribution to energy awareness, efficiency and climate neutrality. In order to fully enable integration, the project explores innovative developments on three levels - social level, energy community level and service level.

Stadt der Zukunft

BIMstocks - Digital Urban Mining Platform: Assessing the material composition of building stocks through coupling of BIM to GIS

The main goal of BIMstocks is the development of a method for the digital capturing of the material composition of the existing building stock for follow up modelling of an Urban Mining Platform as well as for the prediction of the recycling potentials.

Stadt der Zukunft

RENOWAVE.AT - The innovation lab for sustainable, climate-neutral renovation of buildings and districts

RENOWAVE.AT will act as a central contact point for collaboration in innovation projects and provide systematic and early access to as well as promote innovative, scalable renovation concepts and sustainable renovation technologies within real development environments (open innovation principle).

Stadt der Zukunft

3D*3B - 3D-Concret Printing, Reinforcement for low carbon and bending stressed structures.

The project is about 3D printed structural elements and their integration in building structures. The focus is predominantly set on bending stresses structural elements like panels and slabs. Results will point out technical, logistic and climate relevant aspects.

Stadt der Zukunft

M-DAB - Digitise, analyse and sustainably manage the city's material resources

The research project investigates how digital technologies can support us in determining the existing and future material resources in construction qualitatively (building materials and their recycling) and quantitatively (quantities of building materials).

Stadt der Zukunft

BIMpeco - Environmentally relevant product data in collaborative BIM environments

Construction products can pose a risk to the environment and health due to their pollutant content or releases. In the BIMpeco project, workflows and data structures for digital information management of this environmentally relevant product data are developed. For this purpose, the new ISO standards ISO 23387 and ISO 19650-1 are tested and synchronized with established process flows. The project results will be made available on an open-source basis and can be integrated into any Common Data Environment (CDE) that complies with the standards mentioned. The BIMpeco project is the first to lay the foundations for product information management of environmentally relevant properties in the CDE, covering the entire lifecycle and supply chain.

Stadt der Zukunft

Urban district heating extended – Development of flexible and decarbonized urban district heating systems

Development of innovative urban district heating systems by integration of long-term thermal storage, large scale heat pumps, large scale solar thermal installations, waste heat recovery and analysis and evaluation by simulation. The results of this project will provide templates for technology selection, system design and merit order for new urban district heating areas.

Stadt der Zukunft

BIM2BEM Flow - Continuous BIM-based energy efficient planning

Automated integration and assignment of exchange requirements between the design and simulation programs, based on the elaborated exchange information requirements, should enable continuous energy efficiency planning along the design phase.

Stadt der Zukunft

NaNu3 - Parametric Planning for a Sustainable Roof (Blue, Grey and Green)

Demonstration of the feasibility and validation of a parametric model that can evaluate the practical and financial feasibility of the combined use of roof areas as well as its microclimate and environmental effectiveness at an early planning stage.

Stadt der Zukunft

Green BIM - Green building infrastructure as part of BIM-based planning and maintenance

Fusion of greenery and BIM planning to achieve a friction-free conducting and maintenance. By analysing the case studies, “Green BIM” examined to what extent typical steps in planning regarding greened buildings can be edited by characteristic software programs in a BIM-equitable way. The expected outcomes are supplements to international standards for data structures in civil engineering (IFC / ISO 16739) which are further on added to BIM applications by the software industry.

Haus der Zukunft


Development of transparent, technical and economic models for medium and high volume residential buildings, with special focus on the non-profit sector. Topics such as generation living, teleworking as well as smart homes are developed in an integrated model, for dense structures as well as pavillons and townhouses. All models follow the three pillars of sustainability.

Haus der Zukunft

Green facades with moss plants

Development of moss-covered facade panels by selecting and testing of appropriate moss species, new water storage and adhesive substratum, Materials of the support panels and technical construction details, for year-round green, sustainable, maintenance friendly, affordable building facades

Stadt der Zukunft

SC_micro-quarters – Planning and modernisation of smart city quarters with a view to energy optimisation and a high quality of life

The SC_micro-quarters project demonstrates possibilities for urban planning and urban quarter development with a view to creating a path to a low carbon city with a high quality of life and good resilience, while taking into account existing and proposed buildings, infrastructures and uses. The central element is the modelling of urban structures at micro-quarter level.

Stadt der Zukunft

digiactiv - digital transformation for more interactivity in MEP-(mechanical, electrical and plumbing-)planning

The aim of the digiactiv project is to improve the interoperability between the different stakeholders in the building construction sector using open and neutral semantic data models. With digital transformation processes, digiactiv helps to increase the quality of planning and the operation of buildings, as well as to minimize the interface risk between various stakeholders.

Stadt der Zukunft

VITALITY District - Optimized energy concepts in the early planning phase of resilient, energy-efficient neighbourhoods

The aim of the VITALITY District project is to coordinate the total (electrical and thermal) load and generation profile in the design phase of urban areas and neighbourhoods in order to optimize the energy concept of energy-efficient districts. Hence smart city indicators in detailed level (buildings, individual technologies, public spaces) as well as models, principles and catalogs of criteria for energy-optimized urban neighbourhoods are going to be created. The results are going to be presented in compact form on the district level in order to serve as input for future urban planning projects.

Stadt der Zukunft

greenWATERrecycling – utilization of greywater for energy recovery and for providing greywater-filtrate for watering green walls

Development of a system for energy-recovery of waste heat of greywater and of greywater-filtrate in ordert o reduce the energy consumption of hot water supply and the water consumption for irrigation.

Stadt der Zukunft

KityVR - Artificial intelligence techniques to implement CityGML models and VR visualization

The goal of the project is to link 3D city models and virtual reality for energy-relevant applications as key-enabler for digital planning, construction and operational management. Missing data will be calculated using statistical enrichment methods.