Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Webinar: Future weather data and heatwaves

31. May 2022
Online, AT

Well-insulated and air-tight buildings are known to be vulnerable to overheating. An increase in the severity and duration of heatwaves is expected, resulting in more severe overheating risks, affecting on their turn the health and mortality of building users. To achieve more future-proof buildings, it is crucial to design buildings that are "resilient" to overheating in future climate conditions.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Resilient Cooling of Buildings - Case Studies and Policy Recommendation

20. October 2022

In this webinar EBC Annex 80 experts will present the key findings on resilient cooling policy actions, inlcuding examples from international standards and legislative as well as policy opportunities. Further you will receive an overview of the carried out field studies on resilient cooling and learn from two case studies from India and Belgium.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

3rd IEA SHC Task 65 - Austrian National Workshop

8. April 2024
Hotel Europa, Graz, AT

This is the third of three workshops of the IEA SHC Task 65, which takes place at the national level. The purpose of these workshops is to bring together collected Austrian know-how into Task 65 and to reflect the findings of international experts, as well as to test the tools and methods developed.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

European Networking Group Workshop: Harmonization and Standardization of Electric Road Systems - Roadside Infrastructure

27. - 28. March 2023
University of Applied Sciences Erfurt, Altonaer Straße 25, 99086 Erfurt, DE

This Workshop aims to initiate harmonization processes for standards and regulations with context to roadside equipment for Electric Road Systems (ERS). A consensus between the different existing ERS technologies should be found and new ways to unearth compatible solutions implementing ERS in Europe should be started.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA DHC Annex TS2 webinar: Decreasing district heating return temperatures - How to identify critical substations

04. December 2019
Webinar, AT

In this Webinar, we will present measures to decrease return temperatures in substations and methods to identify where to apply them in order to maximize the impact on the entire system. Results for the network at TU Darmstadt Campus Lichtwiese will be shown as an example.

Haus der Zukunft

"Building of Tomorrow" in the media

Press support for "Building of Tomorrow"

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Tulln Climate Neutral City 2040 (Tulln2040)

The core of the project is the development of a systemic strategy at a city-wide level that shows how the city of Tulln will achieve climate neutrality by 2040.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Workshop: Will a smarter grid lead to smarter end users - or vice versa

3. - 4. June 2015
Oslo, NO

The workshop will focus on the potential benefits of smart grids for end-users and society at large, with the goal of identifying novel approaches and critical aspects for realising this potential as well as core R&D needs on this topic and similar areas that need attention.

Stadt der Zukunft

Energy Flexible Buildings – Potential and Performance

26th September 2017, 10.00 a.m.
Kuppelsaal TU Wien, Karlsplatz, 1040 Vienna

The aim of this workshop was to bring together international experts and the Austrian building and demand response community for know-how exchange and discussion on the topic of energy-flexibility in buildings and its role for smart grids. The focus was on thermal and electricity based flexibility potential of buildings and practical experience with first implementations and demonstrations.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Economic chances of biogas supply for gas fuel stations in regions, which are not connected to the natural gas grid.

Examination of the economy of biogas supply for gas fuel stations in regions, which are not connected to the natural gas grid. Development of an economically attractive, technologically and cost-optimized biogas utility system for gas stations without connection to the natural gas grid.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Immobilization of Lipases on Corn Cob Granulate - New Key Technology for Biodiesel Production

The main objective of the project is to improve the method for producing biodiesel by enzymatic catalysis.The target is to find a method to catalyze the production of fatty acid methyl esters by corn-cob-immobilized lipases which can be used in industrial scale.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA HPT Annex 48: Industrial Heat Pumps, Second Phase

Industrial heat pumps enable the use of waste heat and increase the energy efficiency of industrial processes. The aim of this project was to provide comprehensive information on the successful application of industrial heat pumps and thus contribute to the further dissemination of this technology.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA FBC Implementing Agreement Fluidized Bed Conversion (working period 2017 - 2020)

The technology programme includes the collaboration, the exchange of relevant information and networking in the area of fluidized bed conversion of fuels applied for clean energy production.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Steyr 2040 climate neutrality roadmap - a city positions itself

The project will develop a climate neutrality roadmap for the city of Steyr on the basis of an energy and climate balance sheet to be drawn up.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Workshop on Photovoltaic Performance and Reliability

8. April 2016
EURAC research, Viale Druso, 1, Drususallee 139100 Bozen, IT

After the 14th IEA PVPS Task 13 experts group project meeting an international workshop will be held. Content will be Outdoor & indoor inspection methods, Performance monitoring and modelling.

Stadt der Zukunft

Intensified Density - a small scale densification strategy for the suburbs by using modular construction

The project investigated whether a small scale densification strategy for the suburbs / intermediary cities, using modular construction, and existing infrastructure on empty plots of land, can offer a competing alternative to not only the sprawl of single family dwellings but also to large projects.

Haus der Zukunft

Reduction of maintenance costs of ventilation systems in plus energy buildings

Maintenance costs for central air ventilation systems are approximately 0,42 Euro/m².a excluding VAT, for decentralized systems 1,16 Euro/m².a excluding VAT. 50% savings in operating costs of apartment passive houses opposed to apartment low-energy buildings [SCH11] can be achieved with maintenance costs of around 0,42 Euro/m².a.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

ZERMEG II - Zero emission retrofitting method for existing galvanising plants

ZERMEG II is the follow up project of ZERMEG, which was commissioned after the first call of the Austrian Factory of the Future program in 2001. The project developed a method to revamp existing galvanising plants in order to operate them with a maximum reduction of the use of chemicals and maximum recycling.

Stadt der Zukunft

NETSE - User orientated development of technologies and services for energy communities

In the NETSE project the basics for the implementation of energy communities are developed. This includes the relevant technical equipment and interfaces, the development of a platform for the operation of an energy community as well as tools for the optimization of the technical setup and the operation of energy communities.

Stadt der Zukunft

Joining Cards - Investigation of de-constructable fastening and joining techniques for the development of mono-material interior systems made of cardboard

Strategic examination of cardboard products and paper-based materials for the development of de-constructible interior systems and the definition of building components and their interfaces. The result forms the basis for further research projects in the form of a comprehensive knowledge gain.