Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Haus der Zukunft

Architectural Concept for Musicians

Starting from the special needs of a specific user group, an Architectural Concept for Musicians will be proposed and realized, with Housing as principal functional usage.

Haus der Zukunft

Criteria catalogue for quality assurance in the construction of passive houses built in wood

By means of a criteria catalogue possible sources of error in the construction of passive houses built in wood will be identified both craft specific and concerning the installation of house automation facilities. Solutions will be acquired, a controlling tool for construction sites will be offered.

Fabrik der Zukunft

EOR - EASEY Online Rating - a roadmap of a free of charge online service for small businesses

Preparation tool for the bank rating; model and indicators - concept for communication and technological options.

Haus der Zukunft

Living-city Joint-space-potential Salzburg

Exemplary transformation of a traffic abused open urban structure. The target was to develop a model through supplementary housing as well as social measures and measures for the surrounding.

Haus der Zukunft

Multifunctional City Nucleus

Sustainable mixed-use utilization of urban commercial and industrial areas with a specific focus on energy-related aspects.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Two days of Sustainability

During a two days training course managers are trained in sustainable management.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Feasibility study of innovative absorption heat pump processes

A feasibility study of innovative absorption heat pump processes for strategic orientation and further development of heat pumping technology and its applications.

Haus der Zukunft

Facade Collectors

Development of technique and components for the production of back ventilation-free thermal flat collectors.

Stadt der Zukunft

MURREAL: Murtaler Reallabor - On the way to 100% renewable energy by 2040

MURREAL connects the actors of the industrial region Murtal with specialists in the field of high tech and materials with the raw material and energy sector, service providers and research and development. In this exploration for a real laboratory, synergies are to be worked out and business models are to be built up to consistently take the path towards 100% renewable energy and climate neutrality by 2040.

Stadt der Zukunft

INReS - Integration of sustainable stormwater management tools into planning execution and management software (BIM)

Exploration to prepare and evaluate the applicability of an interactive web application to recommend appropriate stormwater management measures for existing and new buildings that allows for (1) BIM compatibility for object-based implementation and (2) simplified application in the form of the stormwater toolbox.

Haus der Zukunft

SQUARE - A System for Quality Assurance when Retrofitting Existing Buildings to Energy Efficient Buildings

The project aims to promote a flexible quality assurance management for the retrofitting process. It leads to high quality renovations of residential multifamily buildings regarding energy improvement and improvement of indoor environment.

Stadt der Zukunft

AIA4ALL - development of open, modular and automatable employer’s information requirements (EIR) and BIM execution plan (BEP)

The Employer's Information Requirements - EIR (German: AIA) - serves the client to define goals and use cases for a BIM-based construction project. The aim of this project is to create a modular, machine-readable AIA that can be seamlessly integrated into the tool landscape of openBIM projects. This is done by developing an open platform for creating use cases for the AIA.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Feed-in and system integration of biogas in existing gas grids

Method for assessment of technological aspects of biogas supply to existing gas grids. Definition of characteristic numbers for quantitative an qualitative analysis. Aspects of systems integration.

Haus der Zukunft

Alternative insulation made from modified lignocellulosic fibers

Wood as the raw material for a new insulation material

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Establishing a logistics concept for an efficient collection of biogenous waste as input for energy recovery in biogas plants.

The basic organizational and technical conditions along with possible obstacles and critical success factors are investigated.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Applications of the synthesis gas from biomass gasification - polygeneration

Polygeneration based on biomass gasification offers a great variety of applications of the synthesis gas. A fundametnal study will be carried out to assess technical as well as economical and ecological possible routes to produce synthetic products.

Haus der Zukunft

Urban wind energy - Development of methods for the assessment of small wind turbines in urban areas

The project "Urban wind energy" aims to create the basis for the assessment of roof-mounted small wind turbines (SWT) in urban areas. Therefore, methods for the characterisation of turbulent wind flow fields are developed and on the other hand the impacts of turbulent wind conditions with reference to selected turbulence indicators on the performance of small wind turbines are investigated. The overall aim of the project is to address the question how to evaluate sites in urban areas for the application of small wind turbines.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Processing of filter residues of the beer - brewing process for the production of an innovative pharmaceutical substance

The latest technology for the filtration of beer is the use of ion exchangers. The reclaim contains high-potent substances (vitamins and minerals from the yeast, hops and other proteins) in concentrated form which should be processed and characterised. In a further step this substance should be the main ingredient of a food supplement. After a technical adaptation this concept can be used within other ranges of the food and natural substance industry.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

New European Bauhaus: Jour Fixe Austria

9. July 2024
Architekturzentrum Wien (AzW), Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

The event focussed on the exchange of national and international NEB activities and positions as well as networking among the participants.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Success strategies for product service systems (PSS)

Development of success oriented planning strategy for Austrian PSS providers based upon an analysis of best practice examples and international systematic PSS development approaches.