Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

E.Vent – Efficient, cost-effective and low-maintenance central ventilation systems for multi-family housing – Design, operation and fire protection measures

Die Synopsis ist eine drei- bis vierzeilige Beschreibung des Projektinhalts alsErgänzung zum Titel und nähere Erläuterung des Projekts.

Haus der Zukunft

Technology Platform Photovoltaic Austria

Between research institutions and the economic system the way has been paved to initiate joint R&D projects. Common research activities have been initiated and intensified to be able to position local companies in international niche markets for photovoltaics.

Haus der Zukunft

Development of a solid-wood-passivehouse-window

Based on experience with low-energy-windows, a solid wood window is being developed, which meets passivehouse-standards.

Stadt der Zukunft

SCI_BIM - Scanning and data capturing for Integrated Resources and Energy Assessment using Building Information Modelling

The aim of the project is to increase the resources- and energy efficiency through coupling of various digital technologies and methods for data capturing (geometry and materials composition) and modelling (as-built BIM), as well as through gamification.

Haus der Zukunft

Thermo-Active Building Systems - Development of a Calculation kernel (TBA-CALC )

This project result will provide Austria with a uniform software environment for the simulation of thermo-active building systems in the form of a validated tool.

Stadt der Zukunft

3D*3B - 3D-Concret Printing, Reinforcement for low carbon and bending stressed structures.

The project is about 3D printed structural elements and their integration in building structures. The focus is predominantly set on bending stresses structural elements like panels and slabs. Results will point out technical, logistic and climate relevant aspects.

Stadt der Zukunft

6D BIM-Terminal: Missing Link for the development of CO2 neutral buildings

The present project aims to close the gap between specialist consultants and Building Information Modeling (BIM) applications. For that, relevant data for cost estimation, scheduling construction planning and management or sustainable building operation and facility management, shall be added automatically to BIM elements and imported into the respective specialist planning software. This data exchange shall be carried out using IFC interface according to ÖNORM A6241-2 and the properties of the ASI properties server via a central platform, the "6D BIM-Terminal".

Haus der Zukunft

PHplusCAD, IT-based efficient Passive house- and Plusenergy house-Planning

Elaboration and programming of a software that reduces effort and time consumption of Passive house and Plusenergy house planning. By developing direct interfaces between CAD-applications and PHplusCAD and interfaces between PHplusCAD and Passivhouse planning tools based on MS Excel the system could be improved and the related working processes alleviated.

Stadt der Zukunft

greening UP! Sustainable green maintenance, maintenance, maintenance of vertical greenery including legal aspects

Based on extensive surveys and analyses of existing vertical building greenery in outdoor areas (floor and system-bound façade greening) and vertical interior greenery, the project developed tailor-made green care, maintenance and repair concepts and addresses legal aspects. The "greening UP!" Knowledge pool with concrete recommendations and clearly presented findings as well as the conception of a digital tool for the "First Green Aid" complete the project.

Haus der Zukunft

baubookPlus - Expansion of an extensive knowledge database of sustainable buildings

By the foundation of the baubook GmbH in 2008 the two databases of building products "öbox" and "" have been merged. The new database baubook was expanded. Essential functions (central product declaration, decentral quality management) and fields of products were added.

Stadt der Zukunft

BIM2BEM Flow - Continuous BIM-based energy efficient planning

Automated integration and assignment of exchange requirements between the design and simulation programs, based on the elaborated exchange information requirements, should enable continuous energy efficiency planning along the design phase.

Haus der Zukunft

Modular and standardised passive houses in solid timber construction

Concerning to an accurate and adaptable construction of 2 to 4 storey solid timber houses with the characteristics of a passive house, a digital construction and dimension system will be developed. The system which contains standardised modular ecological detailed solutions enables an exact dimensioning and installation of passive houses by small carpentering companies.

Haus der Zukunft

Energy Efficiency and Risk Management in Public Buildings (EnRiMa)

The major objective of the project EnRiMa was to develop an internet based decision-support system (DSS) to enable operators of public buildings to increase the system efficiency as well as to reduce the CO2 emissions. The DSS can be linked to existing energy management systems as DESIGOTM. The University of Applied Science Burgenland, Campus Pinkafeld, and ENERGYbase, Vienna, have been used to test and calibrate the EnRiMa DSS.

Haus der Zukunft

e80^3-Buildings - Sub project 3: Development of technology and components

The main objective of the key project "e80^3" was to develop high-performance renovation concepts focusing on plus-energy-buildings. Afterwards these concepts were realized in at least one or two demonstration-projects.

Haus der Zukunft

LTS Flywheel - Long Term Storage-Flywheel: New approaches for increasing the economically usable storage time and safety

Development of the fundamentals for a Long Term Storage (LTS)-flywheel for decentralized storage of electrical energy (e.g. from wind or PV power plants), with a significant increase in storage time (goal: 12 hours) and safety, featuring low system costs. Therefore, the LTS-Flywheel is an essential contribution to the building of the future.

Haus der Zukunft

Evaluation of mechanical class room ventilation systems in Austria and generation of a planning guideline

Accumulation of technical solutions and practical experience of schools (kindergarten) with mechanical ventilation systems and identification of how pupils and teachers accept the systems.

Stadt der Zukunft

ÖKO-OPT-QUART - Economically optimized control and operating mode of complex energy networks of future city districts

In the project ÖKO-OPT-QUART energy-based, economic and control-orientated models will be developed in order to simulate the operating mode of complex, sustainable energy networks in city districts. For an exemplary configuration these models will be combined to an overall model which allows a realistic economic comparison of different control strategies. The final goal of the project is the development of a method for the systematic design of cost-optimized, predictive control strategies for complex energy networks in city districts.

Haus der Zukunft

solSPONGEhigh - High solar fraction by thermally activated components in an urban environment

Within this project the intensive use of thermally activated building elements (TABs) as an additional thermal storage in different buildings, with solar technologies (thermal, PV) preferred for energy supply, was investigated. The aim was to activate and use the thermal storage potential that is immanent in the building elements and thereby achieve solar coverage of the building's heat demand of nearly 100 %.

Haus der Zukunft

Facade Collectors

Development of technique and components for the production of back ventilation-free thermal flat collectors.

Haus der Zukunft

Urban wind energy - Development of methods for the assessment of small wind turbines in urban areas

The project "Urban wind energy" aims to create the basis for the assessment of roof-mounted small wind turbines (SWT) in urban areas. Therefore, methods for the characterisation of turbulent wind flow fields are developed and on the other hand the impacts of turbulent wind conditions with reference to selected turbulence indicators on the performance of small wind turbines are investigated. The overall aim of the project is to address the question how to evaluate sites in urban areas for the application of small wind turbines.