6D BIM-Terminal: Missing Link for the development of CO2 neutral buildings
Short Description
Building Information Modeling (BIM) offers good prerequisites for taking environmental and sustainability aspects into account over the life cycle of the building as early as the planning phase. Important methodologies for the life cycle assessment are life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle costs (LCC).
The aim of the 6D BIM Terminal research project was to close the gap between BIM based design planning and specialist planning and to support a continuous life cycle analysis with BIM during the planning phase.
The prototype of the "BIMterminal" was developed as part of the project. The building models are imported into the program in open IFC4 format and displayed in a 3D view. The tool evaluates the geometric and alphanumeric data ("3D BIM") contained in the IFC4 files and links them with data that are necessary for building life cycle assessments and tenders for construction work. On the basis of the evaluated data and the stored codes, the BIMterminal calculates the life cycle assessment parameters and life cycle costs and creates service specifications for the building.
Preliminary work - which is also available as additional results - required:
- the establishment of process patterns and the definition of the workflow (sub-processes) for the functionalities of the BIMterminal
- the definition of a data structure for the exchange of material and element-specific information based on (inter)national standards (ISO 16739 (IFC standard), buildingSMART data dictionary (bsDD), ÖNORM A 6241-2)
- the analysis and supplementation of the Austrian standardized specifications for building construction
- creation of a catalogue with 6D BIM components and technical building systems, which can be used as a reference and adapted to specific projects.
- the connection of the specialist planning tools for the exchange of data with the BIMterminal
The results of the basic work were introduced in the ÖNORM A 2063 (standard for taking into account the planning method BIM when exchanging data for tender phases, contracting and billing) in form of a process scheme, a construction product list and a list of properties.
The outcomes of the project support planners to take ecological and economic optimization into account right from the start of a BIM process. Above all, they should support SMEs and make it easier for them to get started with complex BIM planning.
The project team will continue to develop the BIMterminal after the end of the project. The tool will be available at https://bimterminal.com/ as a community and professional edition. In the Community Edition, users can use the existing source codes or add their own codes for evaluating IFC files.
Project Partners
Project management
IBO – Österreichisches Institut für Bauen und Ökologie GmbH
Project or cooperation partners
- ib data
- baubook GmbH
- Güssing Energy Technologies (GET)
- AEE Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien (AEE INTEC)
- A-NULL Development GmbH
Contact Address
IBO – Österreichisches Institut für Bauen und Ökologie GmbH
Mag. Hildegund Figl
Alserbachstraße 5/8
A-1090 Wien
Tel.: +43 (1) 319 20 05
E-mail: hildegund.figl@ibo.at
Web: www.ibo.at