Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

SUPERBE - Potential of Superblock-concepts as contribution to planning energy-efficient urban quarters

The exploratory study SUPERBE for the first time looks into the applicability and potential effects of Superblock concepts in an Austrian urban context in order to assess their contribution to energy-oriented urban planning.

Haus der Zukunft

Syn[En]ergy: Development of Potential Synergy Effects between the Interdependency of Urban Planning goals and Photovoltaic Usage on Open Urban Landscapes

Open spaces such as parking lots, brownfields and some categories of recreation areas offer an underutilised potential for photovoltaics in urban regions. In the course of Syn[En]ergy an inter- and transdisciplinary approach potential synergies and conflicts with other use demands were investigated, a typology and practical solutions for selected areas with regard to requirements from economy, urban planning and design, legal as well social aspects developed, and then evaluated by stakeholders from enterprises, administration and the general public.

Stadt der Zukunft

F4WM - Fit4WienerMission

Preparation for the EU Urban Mission by updating goals and strategies (Smart City Wien Framework strategy, Climate-Roadmap), developing a manual for climate-neutral Viennese neighbourhoods and concepts for the participation of citizens (Climate Citizens' Council) and businesses (Climate Agreements), as well as a city-internal capacity and structural planning.

Stadt der Zukunft

MehrWertStrom 2030 - PV-Community system - Exploring a participatory pilot project with regional added value for structurally weak regions

The "MehrWertStrom 2030" project analysed the legal, technical, organizational and economic feasibility of PV community joint venture facilities on multi-party buildings including the added value for structurally weak regions and developed innovative solutions related to organization, financing and realization.

Stadt der Zukunft

SmartQ+ Bruck/Leitha - Energy saving potentials through neighbourhood and community planning

First-time linking of transport and energy simulation models for municipal planning in order to visualise (energy) saving potentials in settlement development and effects of planning projects on mobility demand and the energy network of a municipality in an interactive visualisation.

Haus der Zukunft

Spatial Energy Planning for Smart City Quarters and Smart Regions

In the project ERP_hoch3 energy related policy research in three Austrian agglomerations (Vienna – Lower Austria, Graz – Styria and Vorderland-Feldkirch) has been done, scenarios of the current state and the target state have been modelled and calculated. The aim was to develop generic transferable recommendations for spatial energy planning in agglomerations.

Stadt der Zukunft


The integration of heat pumps can increase the cost effectiveness of existing heating networks and counter the high costs for the expansion of power grids at the same time. Aim of the project is to develop innovative business models for small and medium municipal heating networks with focus on synergies between heat and power market. Main focus is a heat pump pooling for several heat grids.

Stadt der Zukunft

G2G – Innovation axis Graz-Gleisdorf

Development of testbeds and demonstration zones within already designated areas for urban development along the Graz-Gleisdorf Innovation-Axis with a focus on energy, integrated building technology, smart city-spaces, compact settlement structures, generational living, and ‘cities of short ways’. It will pay specific attention to intermodal mobility as well as ICT-based solutions.

Stadt der Zukunft

DIM4Energy - Digital Information Models for the Planning and Optimization of Buildings and Urban Energy Infrastructure

Digital information models (DIM) are playing an increasingly important role in urban planning and decision-making processes, from individual buildings (BIM) to urban information models (UIM). For the planning and optimal operation of plus-energy neighborhoods, valuable information could be obtained from these existing models, provided the appropriate data sources and associated software tools are properly linked.

Stadt der Zukunft

CityStore - Sondierung des wesentlichen F&E-Bedarfs zur Optimierung von städtischen Energiespeichern in integrierten Energiesystemen

CityStore pursues a first-of-its-kind, innovative approach on spatial location of storage needs and potentials. This includes the evaluation of concrete challenges and prerequisites as well as the identification of useful storage technologies and capacities. Model calculations for the model cities Graz and Weiz will be carried out. If, and to which extent, the results can be generalized will be investigated in the Follower Region South Burgenland. The results should enable optimized planning and realization of urban energy storage facilities – thereby enabling targeted investments in energy infrastructure to achieve (local) climate and energy targets.

Stadt der Zukunft

PVOPTI-Ray, Optimization of reflecting materials and photovoltaics in urban environment with respect to energy balance and bioclimate.

Within the scope of the project PVOPTI_Ray the influence of reflection and energy balance on the performance of building integrated photovoltaics (PV) in complex urban environment have been investigated. Equally the influence of PV modules and of the energy conversion of solar energy at the PV module surface has an impact on micro climate and therefore also on pedestrians who are exposed to the radiation fluxes. This was also investigated.

Stadt der Zukunft

P³Power - Plug&Play Storage of Photovoltaic Power

The core of the project P³Power is the measurement technology NetDetection, which is able to detect the power consumption of a household from any point, e.g. a regular wall socket. Based on this technology a plug&play powerplant, consisting of photovoltaics and battery pack, is realized. The system is able to guarantee 100% self-consumption within flexible aggregates (from single households to whole communes) without any changes of existing infrastructure. The measurement technology will be implemented into digital hardware, evaluated comprehensively in lab and household environment and subsequently new energy service business models are developed.

Stadt der Zukunft

Intensified Density - a small scale densification strategy for the suburbs by using modular construction

The project investigated whether a small scale densification strategy for the suburbs / intermediary cities, using modular construction, and existing infrastructure on empty plots of land, can offer a competing alternative to not only the sprawl of single family dwellings but also to large projects.

Stadt der Zukunft

EPIKUR – Energy efficiency potential of intelligent measures of urban densification

The present research proposal focused on the possibility, implications and consequences of "inwards urban expansion" through densification of the existing urban tissue. In this context, densification is not only approached through known and common aspects of building regulations and guidelines, but in view of what is actually possible to achieve.

Stadt der Zukunft

MISSION KS 30 - Mission Klagenfurt climate-neutral and smart until 2030

Updating the Smart City Strategy (SCS) of Klagenfurt to achieve climate neutrality by 2030 and adapting the indicators to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN. Fulfilling the participation requirements for the urban mission of Horizon Europe "100 Climate-neutral Cities by 2030".

Stadt der Zukunft

ParaSol - Multifunctional solar canopies for urban streets and places

With the city of Leoben as a use case this exploratory project will, for the first time ever, examine the spatial effects, synergy- and energy potentials of newly developed wide-span light-weight solar canopies for streets and squares in urban public space as well as their implications on the townscape, the image of the city and the city function.

Stadt der Zukunft

STP2030, St. Pölten 2030: KlimaNEUTRAL + KlimaFIT

A broadly based, participatory strategy process for the co-creative development of the “Roadmap to Climate Neutrality” St. Pölten by 2030. The roadmap is based on a shared vision, which is differentiated into transformation paths in different fields of action. The result is a “climate of change” in urban society that serves as the basis for participation in tenders, cooperation and implementation on the way to climate neutrality.

Stadt der Zukunft

The Green Parking Space – Utilization of urban parking areas for production of biomass

Many traffic areas in urban environments are actually used as such only a small fraction of the time. Subject of this project was to investigate the possibility of using those areas by additional integration of photobioreactors for the production of biomass, integrating such systems to the maximum extent into the urban substance and energy cycles.

Stadt der Zukunft

Probing for PV façade systems made of lightweight plastic modules with reversible fittings for new and old buildings (PV-FAS_light + easy)

Probing for a new, simple, cost-effective and building-integrated PV facade system made of plastic PV modules through initial investigations for fixing technology, for building physics, for fire protection and for electrical engineering concerning the usability, the areas of applicability and the yield and application potentialfor new buildings and for existing buildings.

Stadt der Zukunft

Eco.District.Heat - Potentials and restrictions of grid-bound heating systems of urban areas

Aim of the project Eco.District.Heat is to provide strategic decision-making support that enables Austrian towns and cities to deal with aspects of grid-bound heating (and cooling) systems in accordance with integrated spatial and energy planning from a holistic perspective when elaborating urban energy concepts.