
There are 321 results.

Terms of use: The pictures on this site originate from the projects in the frame of the programmes City of Tomorrow, Building of Tomorrow and the IEA Research Cooperation. They may be used credited for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).

Stakeholders in the life cycle of IoT enabled heat pumps

Stakeholders in the life cycle of IoT enabled heat pumps

Products and services for IoT heat pumps

Products and services for IoT heat pumps

IoT participation of heat pumps

IoT participation of heat pumps

TCO of the various drive technologies compared

TCO of the various drive technologies compared

E-truck on country road

E-truck on country road

E-truck for Citylogistics

E-truck for Citylogistics

PV Facade, Innovametall

PV Facade, Innovametall

PV Noise barrier

PV Noise barrier

Axonometry architectural study in the project "Reallabor Gebäude - Gebäude als Reallabor für klimaneutrales, bedarfsgerechtes und leistbares Wohnen"

Axonometry architectural study in the project "Reallabor Gebäude - Gebäude als Reallabor für klimaneutrales, bedarfsgerechtes und leistbares Wohnen"

Big picture exploratory project "Gebäude als Reallabor für klimaneutrales, bedarfsgerechtes und leistbares Wohnen"

Big picture exploratory project "Gebäude als Reallabor für klimaneutrales, bedarfsgerechtes und leistbares Wohnen"

Award ceremony for the "Livable and modern living" ideas competition

Award ceremony for the "Livable and modern living" ideas competition

Group photo Study tour on urban greening and renovation projects in Vienna

Group photo Study tour on urban greening and renovation projects in Vienna

Vision workshop as part of the "Reallabor Gebäude" project

Vision workshop as part of the "Reallabor Gebäude" project

Membrane distillation (MD) laboratory plant at AEE INTEC in Gleisdorf

Membrane distillation (MD) laboratory plant at AEE INTEC in Gleisdorf

Data evaluation of the contact angle on an used membrane

Data evaluation of the contact angle on an used membrane

Contact angle measurement for membrane properties assessment

Contact angle measurement for membrane properties assessment

Example of solar shading of a public walkway in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Example of solar shading of a public walkway in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Example of Façade-integrated Shading - Masdar City, United Arab Emirates

Example of Façade-integrated Shading - Masdar City, United Arab Emirates

Example of a green façade on a Viennese Apartment Building

Example of a green façade on a Viennese Apartment Building

Definition of Resilience

Definition of Resilience