
There are 337 results.

Terms of use: The pictures on this site originate from the projects in the frame of the programmes City of Tomorrow, Building of Tomorrow and the IEA Research Cooperation. They may be used credited for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).

Integration of PECTA within the 4E technology program

Integration of PECTA within the 4E technology program

Structure of PECTA during Phase 1

Structure of PECTA during Phase 1





R&D Map

R&D Map

Visualisation of TCPs

Visualisation of TCPs

Austrian Activities Worldwide

Austrian Activities Worldwide

process integration framework schematic

process integration framework schematic



IEA Task Meeting Vienna

IEA Task Meeting Vienna

Open Day at the Lichtenegg Energy Research Park 1

Open Day at the Lichtenegg Energy Research Park 1

IEA Task Meeting Vienna

IEA Task Meeting Vienna

Development of technology specific indicators

Development of technology specific indicators

left: The vicious circle of high system temperatures (lock-in), right: The added value of low system temperatures

left: The vicious circle of high system temperatures (lock-in), right: The added value of low system temperatures

Daily performance ratio of the testmodules (temperature corrected)

Daily performance ratio of the testmodules (temperature corrected)

LIDAR with off-grid power supply

LIDAR with off-grid power supply

LIDAR measurement device commissioning

LIDAR measurement device commissioning

Technology Readiness Level, TRL, of various mobile applications of fuel cell systems.

Technology Readiness Level, TRL, of various mobile applications of fuel cell systems.

Vision of a sustainable hydrogen economy

Vision of a sustainable hydrogen economy

Analysis comparing different drive options and the break-even point of TCO costs.

Analysis comparing different drive options and the break-even point of TCO costs.