Visualisation of IEA TCPs 2020
Short Description
The Technology Collaboration Programmes (TCPs) of the International Energy Agency (IEA) are global cooperation programmes in the energy sector. These 38 TCPs are themselves mostly structured into different activities - referred to as projects, tasks or annexes. A mapping carried out in the previous project revealed overlaps and gaps between the individual activities for the first time. However, the analyses also revealed further possibilities for cooperation, and indicated possible synergies of activities carried out separately. In the last two years, numerous new tasks/annexes have been started, requirements and priorities in the participating countries have changed. The aim of this project was to update and expand the first mapping. For the visualisation, all ongoing tasks of the TCPs in summer 2020 were analysed.
The implementation as a graph database has proved successful, the existing database management system was maintained. The database contains 617 nodes (working parties, TCPs, tasks, methods, topics, states, ...) and over 10,800 edges, which are pieces of relationship information between these nodes (task a deals with topic b, state x participates in activity a, state x invests z US$ in R&D on topic b...).
Austria and Austrian organisations are involved in 21 of 38 ongoing tasks. Austrian researchers and companies are cooperating with colleagues and organisations from 49 other countries. The focus is on Europe, North America and Asia, but numerous countries from other regions are also part of the cooperation. Austria or Austrian organisations are involved in 102 of the 209 activities currently underway, which corresponds to 6th place out of 56 participating countries. Austria thus makes comparatively intensive use of the opportunities offered by this research framework. 60 activities with Austrian participation can be assigned to the End-Use Working Party (efficiency in industry, buildings, transport and systemic issues), 38 further activities to the Renewable Energy Working Party. The participations in the IEA technology cooperation thus also correspond to the Austrian strategic priorities.
User-friendly interfaces were developed for selected questions (see, which enable a quick analysis of the most important correlations:
- An interactive world map shows the cooperation of Austria and Austrian organisations (in German).
- A treemap shows the focus of public Austrian R&D funding (in German) and links thematically to detailed information on TCPs with Austrian participation.
- Interactive tools (in English) show all TCPs and tasks that focus on a selectable topic or work on the same topics. Furthermore, all countries involved in a topic can be identified.
The complete data set is available for own custom evaluations. A manual provides all the necessary documentation.
Project Images
Terms of use: The pictures listed underneath the header “Project Pictures” originate from the projects in the frame of the programmes City of Tomorrow, Building of Tomorrow and the IEA Research Cooperation. They may be used credited for non-commercial purposes under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).
Mapping of IEA TCPs 2020

Mapping of activities in Technology Collaboration Programmes (TCPs) in the Energy Technology Network of the International Energy Agency (IEA) - Update 2020
L. Eggler, A. Indinger, L. Zwieb
Publisher: BMK
English, 66 Seiten
Publication Downloads
Project Partners
Lukas Eggler, MSc
Austrian Energy Agency
Mariahilfer Straße 136
1150 Wien
- Andreas Indinger
- Lukas Zwieb
Umsetzung des Web-Interfaces:
Mag. Sascha Nemecek
Nibelungengasse 8/2/Top 12
1010 Wien