IEA Energy Efficient End-use Equipment (4E)
Short Description
In 2008 the Technology Programme on Energy Efficient End-Use Equipment (4E) was established to support government efforts in designing and implementing policies for efficient end-use equipment. The member governments collaborate and coordinate activities to strengthen energy efficiency programs, by setting policies that reflect changes in technology and market conditions, expanding the scope of policies, and improving implementation and compliance through learning from the experience of others.
The structure of 4E is shown below:
The objectives of 4E are:
- Identifying and promoting policy approaches at the international level, based on results of the 4E platforms and projects.
- Disseminating research results, methods, and best practices.
- Exchanging experiences and coordinating harmonized international policy approaches for end-use devices.
Austria is a member of 4E since 2009. Austria currently participates in the EDNA, PECTA and EMSA platforms. This work involves regular decisions-making and technical contribution to the projects and ongoing activities of the Platforms and of the ExCo.
The 4E Technology Collaboration Programme has an approved strategic plan for its fourth phase, from 2024 to 2029, with an expanded view to various products and systems. Collaborative research and development activities are undertaken within the 4E Platforms. Each focuses on technology areas with a large potential for energy savings, where a sustained focus builds knowledge and networks.
Ongoing Tasks
- EMSA Platform Electric Motor Sytems raises worldwide awareness of the efficiency potential of motor systems and provides guidance and tools to exploit the energy performance of new and existing motor systems worldwide.
Working period 2024 - 2029 - EDNA Platform Efficient Demand Flexible Networked Appliances provides analysis and policy guidance to members and other governments aimed at improving the energy efficiency and demand flexibility of connected devices and networks.
Working period 2024 - 2027
Completed Tasks
- PECTA Platform Power Electronic Conversion Technology gathers and evaluates information about new Wide-band gap (WBG) based power electronic devices, coordinates internationally acceptable approaches that promote WBG-based power electronics and develops greater understanding and action amongst governments.
Working period 2021 - 2024
Working period 2019 - 2021 - IEA 4E Electric Motor Systems Annex - EMSA
EMSA works on the promotion of efficiency motor systems and provides guidelines, tools, and recommendations for their implementation.
Working period 2021 - 2024
Task 3: New Industrial Developments and Digitalisation (Working period 2021 - 2024)
Working period 2019 - 2021
Working period 2017 - 2019
Working period 2014 - 2017 - IEA 4E Electronic Devices and Networks Annex - EDNA
Working period 2022 - 2024
Working period 2019 - 2021
Working period 2017 – 2019: Task 3 "Intelligent efficiency". Project: "Basket of products testing"
Working period 2014 - 2017: Task 1 "Smart Metering Infrastructure and energy monitoring systems" - IEA 4E Standby Power Annex - SP Annex: The focus of this Annex included standby power in stand-alone and network products, by monitoring and reporting standby changes over time. Data collection, the development of policy recommendations and evaluation tools were important activities in the SP Annex.
- IEA 4E Annex Mapping and Benchmarking - M&B Annex: This Annex focused on monitoring and comparing the product performance and their energy consumption between countries, and exploring the resulting opportunities to improve the energy effciency of products. Since May 2014 this M&B work is overseen directly by the 4E Executive Committee.
IEA Effiziente elektrische Endverbrauchsgeräte Annexes: Mapping and Benchmarking, Standby Power
Zeitraum: 2011 - 2012
Schriftenreihe 14/2013 W. Wimmer, Herausgeber: BMVIT
Deutsch, 80 Seiten
Weitere Informationen
Downloads zur Publikation
Annual Reports
- 4E Annual report 2023
- 4E Annual report 2022
- 4E Annual report 2021
- 4E Annual report 2020
- 4E Annual report 2019
- 4E Annual report 2018
- 4E Annual report 2017
- 4E Annual report 2016
- 4E Annual report 2015
- IEA 4E Annual Report 2014
- IEA 4E Annual Report 2013
IEA 4E Product Energy Efficiency Trends (PEET) Project
The Product Energy Efficiency Trends (PEET) project aims to monitor the energy efficiency of selected product groups in the 4E member countries and regions, to provide information on progress from year to year. The latest PEET reports published in 2022 summarize the state of energy efficiency regulations for four product groups. These are: electric motors, room air conditioners, televisions and monitors, and household refrigerators
Newsletters can be found on the IEA 4E Website.
Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Denmark, European Commission, France, Japan, Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, United kingdom, and United States of America
Contact Address
engineering & management consultancy GmbH
Dr. Adriana Díaz
Schwindgasse 4/2, A-1040 Wien
Tel.: 43 (1) 40 35 611-33
ExCo alternate
Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Ing. Michael Hübner
Radetzkystraße 2, A-1030 Wien
Tel.: 43 (1) 71162-652922