IEA 4E TCP-PECTA: Power Electronic Conversion Technology (Working period 2024 - 2027)
Short Description
The Power Electronic Conversion Technology Platform (PECTA) is one of four Platforms (EDNA, EMSA, SSL and PECTA) within the IEA 4E TCP (Technology Collaboration Program of Energy Efficient End-Use Equipment) and was launched in march 2019.
Overall Goal of PECTA
The overall goal of PECTA includes collecting and analyzing information on new wide band gap (WBG) based power electronic devices, coordinating internationally acceptable approaches that promote WBG-based power electronics and developing greater understanding and action amongst governments and policy makers.
Specific Goals
- Collecting and analyzing information on new WBG-based power electronics as energy efficient technology.
- Share expertise and pool resources on this energy efficient technology
- Coordinating internationally acceptable government approaches that promote WBG-based power electronics.
- Developing greater understanding and promote government actions that encourage the use of WBG-based power electronics.
- Accompanying and supporting international standardization public organizations (e.g. IEC).
The platform is split into 2 different terms:
- PECTA's 1st term (2019 – 2024):
- PECTA's 2nd term (2024 – 2029)
The new strategy for the second term includes four main thematic groups, each comprising a dynamic number of tasks:
1. Policy Research & Policy Tools
- 1.1. Finetuning promising policy measures for specific appliances/equipment
- 1.2. Improving EU regulations for PV converters
- 1.3. Identifying possible policy approaches for WBG-based efficiency improvements in motors and motor systems
- 1.4. Efficiency measurement standards
2. Policy Supporting Activities
- 2.1. Revision and update of the Application Readiness Map (ARM)
- 2.2. GHG emissions and sustainable resource use
- 2.3. E-vehicle chargers
- 2.4. Measurement of specific appliances and equipment
3. Industrial Coordination and Cooperation
- 3.1. Technology drivers/trendsetters
- 3.2. Industrial bridge
4. Dissemination/Communication
- 4.1. Workshops and webinars
- 4.2. University lectures
- 4.3. Reports and policy briefs
- 4.4. PECTA's large end-term event
In addition to managing the PECTA platform (Platform Manager), Austria's participation emphasizes contributions in the areas of DC-Wallbox development (Thematic Category 2) and dissemination (Thematic Category 4). This involves both direct and indirect support for Tasks 2.3 (Measurement of specific appliances and equipment) and 2.4 (E-vehicle chargers).
As part of this collaboration, initial insights into the market for low-power DC-Wallbox solutions, particularly regarding energy efficiency, will be gathered. This includes developing a concept for efficiency measurements of DC-Wallboxes, conducting related efficiency measurements, and analyzing two market-available products (e.g., semiconductors, efficiency performance, etc.).
Austria (Platform Manager), Denmark. European Commission, Sweden, Switzerland
Contact Address
Operating Agent and national expert
Univ.-Prof. Markus Makoschitz
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
1210 Wien, Giefinggasse 4
Montanuniversität Leoben
8700 Leoben, Franz Josef-Straße 18
ExCo Representative
Dr. Adriana Díaz
ECODESIGN company GmbH
Schwindgasse 4/2, 1040 Wien