Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

KAFKA - Development of cascade reactions for a circular economy

KAFKA aims to expedite the development of biorefinery processes and showcase the potential of process cascades for producing high-quality chemical products from biogenic resources/waste. The central element of the project is an innovative reactor platform that flexibly combines biotechnological, electrochemical, and thermal processes. Investigations into new process cascades to enable a circular economy are thereby accelerated.

Stadt der Zukunft

SPACE4free - Retrofitting souterrain areas in 19th century townhouses to apartments with high quality of life and low energy consumption

Planning of durable and damage-free apartments with high quality of life and low energy consumption in moisture exposed souterrain areas of 19th century townhouses. Using innovative ventilation control systems comfortable room climate will be created. Additionally the tolerance of different types of use is ensured. A planning tool enables the scaling of the findings and thus the applicability to various planning situations.

Haus der Zukunft

(energy central 400+) Marketable energy central from 400 kW with innovative, simple electricity conversion for residential building, public utility and commercial objects

Development of a marketable, decentralised "energy central" on a scale from 400 kW for the generation of electricity, heating (and cooling) for residential building, public utility and commercial objects, with a broad variety of applicable fuels on the base of regionally available biogenous residual materials.

Stadt der Zukunft

DREI x NULL = NULL - Research project on climate-neutral construction in all life cycle phases based on three demonstration buildings

The aim of the F&E project is the realization of three different residential buildings, which are all climate-neutral in the life cycle phases of construction, operation and dismantling. The aim is to create exemplary showcase projects for the future residential construction sector.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Workshop: Will a smarter grid lead to smarter end users - or vice versa

3. - 4. June 2015
Oslo, NO

The workshop will focus on the potential benefits of smart grids for end-users and society at large, with the goal of identifying novel approaches and critical aspects for realising this potential as well as core R&D needs on this topic and similar areas that need attention.

Haus der Zukunft

"Building of Tomorrow" in the media

Press support for "Building of Tomorrow"

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Tulln Climate Neutral City 2040 (Tulln2040)

The core of the project is the development of a systemic strategy at a city-wide level that shows how the city of Tulln will achieve climate neutrality by 2040.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (HEV) Task 40: Critical Raw Materials for Electric Vehicles

The production of electric vehicles and batteries requires critical raw materials. In Task 40, demand and supply are compared, based on global scenarios of the development of electric vehicle fleets, battery technologies, primary and secondary raw material potentials and recycling technologies. Potential overall ecological and social impacts of raw material and battery production are assessed. Schriftenreihe 3/2024
M. Beermann, C. Aichberger, G. Jungmeier, M. Brenner-Fließer
Herausgeber: BMK
Mehrsprachig, 89 Seiten

Downloads zur Publikation

Haus der Zukunft

Monitoring Sunhouse Eferding

In course of the monitoring project the effectiveness of the energy-technical system was checked on the basis of running measuring data. The data were evaluated and, if required, the arrangements and settings of the control system were adapted. Main result is that the energy balance could have been improved explicitly whilst the monitoring process.

Haus der Zukunft

Serial refurbishment for buildings in timber construction

Refurbishment of single- and two-familiy houses in timber construction in Austria has a large CO2-saving potential. To meet the special requirements for the refurbishment of timber constructions, a concept for the renovation to passive house respectively plus-energy house standard with special focus on ecologic construction materials was developed in this project.

Haus der Zukunft

Sunny Energy Building: ENERGYbase - Office building of tomorrow

Energybase is a showcase project in terms of energy efficiency and use of renewable energies realized by the Vienna business agency. With 7.500 sqm net floor area ENERGYbase provides space for innovative business and research and development on the field of green energy.

Haus der Zukunft

BIGMODERN - Subproject 6: Incentives to enforce energy efficiency and sustainability in moderniza­tions of BIG-buildings

Development of approaches, which lead to general conditions for complete refurbishments in BIG-buildings, which support high standards regarding energy efficiency and sustainability. This will ensure high-quality modernizations for BIG's real estate.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Webinar: Future weather data and heatwaves

31. May 2022
Online, AT

Well-insulated and air-tight buildings are known to be vulnerable to overheating. An increase in the severity and duration of heatwaves is expected, resulting in more severe overheating risks, affecting on their turn the health and mortality of building users. To achieve more future-proof buildings, it is crucial to design buildings that are "resilient" to overheating in future climate conditions.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Resilient Cooling of Buildings - Case Studies and Policy Recommendation

20. October 2022

In this webinar EBC Annex 80 experts will present the key findings on resilient cooling policy actions, inlcuding examples from international standards and legislative as well as policy opportunities. Further you will receive an overview of the carried out field studies on resilient cooling and learn from two case studies from India and Belgium.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

3rd IEA SHC Task 65 - Austrian National Workshop

8. April 2024
Hotel Europa, Graz, AT

This is the third of three workshops of the IEA SHC Task 65, which takes place at the national level. The purpose of these workshops is to bring together collected Austrian know-how into Task 65 and to reflect the findings of international experts, as well as to test the tools and methods developed.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

European Networking Group Workshop: Harmonization and Standardization of Electric Road Systems - Roadside Infrastructure

27. - 28. March 2023
University of Applied Sciences Erfurt, Altonaer Straße 25, 99086 Erfurt, DE

This Workshop aims to initiate harmonization processes for standards and regulations with context to roadside equipment for Electric Road Systems (ERS). A consensus between the different existing ERS technologies should be found and new ways to unearth compatible solutions implementing ERS in Europe should be started.

Stadt der Zukunft

Vertical Farm Aspern - Democratization of vertical farming under consideration of parameters of circular economy

Planning, construction and optimization of a vertical farm for urban food production, involving the users in the operational management. The building and the operator concept represent the entire food value chain, from planting to selling.

Stadt der Zukunft

Future quarter 2.0 - Replicable, thermally and electrically grid-supportive conception of (positive energy) districts in a dense urban context

Development of a replicable concept for grid-supportive integration of innovative (positive energy) district with high on-site energy supply into the existing network infrastructure (electricity and district heating network).

Stadt der Zukunft

BIM4BEMS - Building Information Modeling for Building Energy Management Systems

BIM4BEMS explores use cases that represent the usage of building information models (BIM) in combination with building energy management systems (BEMS) during operation. This enables the interaction between BIM and building management systems (BMS) which improves the analysis and visualization of inefficiencies in facilities.