Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Haus der Zukunft

PRoBateS - Potentials of planning and building legislation for energetically sustainable city structures

The aims of this project are to analyse planning and building legislation in order to identify barriers, potentials and suitable courses of action for energy-orientated policy measures. Specific policy recommendations are developed with a view to increasing the sustainability of energy-related city structures. For these purposes the project combines two different disciplinary approaches: a thorough legal analysis and a spatial structure and quantitative impact assessment.

Haus der Zukunft

Stakeholder process of the initiative "Reference architecture for secure Smart Grids in Austria"

The project worked out the development of a smart grids reference architecture for Austria under involvement of all actors. Based on technological-scientific elements a process which met the requirements of stakeholders like operators of infrastructure, industry and also public agencies had been worked out to achieve nationally accepted and internationally orientated reference architecture.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA DHC TS5 - Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into existing District Heating and Cooling Systems (RES DHC)

The expansion of sustainable district heating/cooling is an essential part of the Austrian heat transition. The transformation of these supply systems to fully renewable systems requires the combination of a multitude of aspects. The aim of the project is to compile a data and knowledge base from international projects in this context. Expertise and process know-how for the process of implementing the transformation of district heating and cooling systems will be collected and processed.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA DHC Annex XIII Project 02: MEMPHIS 2.0 - Advanced algorithm for spatial identification, evaluation of temporal availability and economic assessment of waste heat sources and their local representation

The identification and integration of waste heat sources is a key measure towards the decarbonisation district heating networks (DHN). Aim of MEMPHIS 2 is to develop an improved algorithm for identification of different current and future waste heat sources; including time relations of the heat emitted and techno-economic details as well as the further development of the online waste heat explorer.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA DHC Annex XIII Project 07: CASCADE - A comprehensive toolbox for integrating low-temperature sub-networks in existing district heating networks

The majority of urban district heating networks operate at high temperatures, which are a barrier to the efficient integration of heat sources such as solar, geothermal, ambient or low temperature waste heat. CASCADE is investigating the integration of low-temperature networks into the return pipe of existing district heating networks, which will reduce return temperatures and thus improve efficiency and increase its capacity to connect new customers.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA EBC Annex 64: Optimised Performance of Energy Supply Systems with Exergy Principles (Working period 2014-2018)

To reduce CO2 emissions in cities, an overall understanding of energy conversion processes is necessary, which also takes temperature levels into account. This is particularly important when alternative heat sources such as waste heat, ambient heat, solar and geothermal energy are to be used, as these often have a low temperature level, i.e. a low exergy content. Accordingly, urban energy systems are analysed and optimised within the framework of the IEA EBC Annex 64 with the help of the exergy approach.

Haus der Zukunft

Wall systems made of renewable resources

Testing and optimising post and beam straw bale constructions Testing the thermal insulation (specific heat conductance) and fire resistance of a construction (combustibility grading period), optimisation of building junction elements, development of a mobile testing lab for efficient and effective quality management

Haus der Zukunft

1000 passive houses in Austria - 2nd documentation period 2004 - 2005

2nd documentation period of the joint project of IG Passivhaus Österreich under the programme line "Building of tomorrow", an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) to set up a detailed network documentation on a representative cross-section of all passive houses in Austria.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Climate pioneer city Salzburg

The aim is to draw up a master plan to achieve climate neutrality for the city of Salzburg by 2040. Together with stakeholders, development and urban planning processes can be analyzed, targets set and the necessary resolutions obtained. The exchange with the other pioneering cities is intended to ensure the broadest possible exchange of knowledge and to exploit synergies.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Highlights of Energy Research 2018 - System Integration and Sector Coupling

March 20th, 2018, 9:00 - 16:30
TUtheSky, Getreidemarkt 9, Vienna

The 11th Highlights of Energy Research will focus on system integration and coupling of sectors. National and IEA research projects in the areas of energy systems and grids, industry, mobility and buildings and urban systems will be presented.

Haus der Zukunft

Potential and concepts for waste water heat recovery in combination with solar collectors and heat pumps (WRGpot)

The objective of the project is to find possibilities for the reduction of heat demand for hot water preparation of low energy and passive house buildings, in order to advance a further step into the direction of plus-energy buildings.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA ES Annex 39: Large Thermal Energy Storages for District Heating

Large-scale heat storage systems will play a central role in increasing the necessary flexibility of district heating networks and enable the further expansion of renewable energies. The main objective of the Annex is to determine the aspects that are important in planning, decision-making and implementing large thermal energy storages for integration into district heating systems and for industrial processes, given the boundary conditions for different locations and different system configurations.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA HPT Annex 54: Heat pump systems with low GWP refrigerants

The aim of the project was to investigate the current situation in the area of refrigerants with a low global warming potential ("low-GWP"). The focus of the national project lies on the current refrigerant application situation and on an outlook until 2030 on the availability of components and systems.

Stadt der Zukunft

scaleFLEX - Scalable method for optimizing the energy flexibility of districts

Development of a decentrally organized automation method for improving the demand-side flexibility options of buildings and districts. The utilized data-driven algorithm promise high scalability and therefore low installation and operating costs. The developed method will be validated using different building types (high-tech office buildings, low-tech office buildings, residential buildings).

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA-ISGAN Annex 1: Global Smart Grid Inventory IEA-ISGAN and Annex 2: Smart Grid Case Studies

The international Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) aims to improve the understanding of Smart-Grid-technologies and to accelerate global deployment. The work in ISGAN is structured in eight standing working groups (annexes). The present project describes the Austrian contribution to Annex 1: Smart Grids Inventory and Annex 2: Smart Grids Case Studies.

Haus der Zukunft

ThinkHome: Improved energy efficiency based on artificial intelligence in future homes

ThinkHome is a networked controlled home of the future with the ultimate goal to optimise energy efficiency and user comfort at the same time. On this way, smart interaction between all building services is of utmost importance. Goals of this project include the definition of a comprehensive knowledge base that holds all relevant building data, the evaluation of control strategies based on artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as agent based software engineering.

Stadt der Zukunft

SYSPEQ - Systemische Lösung zum Betrieb von Plusenergiequartieren

Full-scale planning concepts for positive energy districts (PEDs) and their operation as energy communities (ECs). The focus is on the implementation in the existing building stock, especially in the area of social/non-profit housing. Financing options for renewable generation units, planning and operation of a PED (especially as an EC), marketing opportunities for surplus electricity and the development of an information and networking platform are part of this project. A special highlight is the practical proof-of-concept in Fuchsenloch, which is a social housing quarter of Sozialbau.

Haus der Zukunft

Energy-Sponge-Bruck (Energieschwamm Bruck an der Mur)

The aim of the exploration-study for the urban region Bruck/Oberaich "Energieschwamm Bruck" or "Energy-Sponge-Bruck" was to establish clear and stringent basics for a flexible development of the future energy system. Therefore an energy development concept as well as a cadaster for short-term implementation measures had been applied. The structured, Bruck-based approach acts as framework for a general energy-conception-method, valid for small and medium urban regions with 10,000 to 20,000 inhabitants.

Haus der Zukunft

Economic usage of Photovoltaic electricity in buildings

The aim of this project is to optimise the direct usage of PV-electricity produced in buildings. The main question concerning the right dimen­sioning of the PV generator should be answered in order to achieve a high direct usage rate of produced PV electricity under economic considerations. This analysis will be carried out for various building categories. As result, a calculation method will be developed (incl. report), in order to achieve the optimal, most economic PV system for various building categories and user typologies.