Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

Circular Twin - A Digital Ecosystem for the Generation and Evaluation of Circular Digital Twins

By 2030, more than the equivalent of two Earths will be needed to meet the demand for natural resources, therefore a transition to circular systems is essential, especially in the construction industry. The digital "Circular Twin" ecosystem enables the early implementation of circular economy goals as well as end-to-end digitalization in construction utilizing Digital Twins, Generative Design Algorithms and Virtual Reality.

Haus der Zukunft

Integration of results of the program "Building of Tomorrow" into the established qualification program of energy counsellors and their daily consultancy activities

Preparing the results of the "Building of Tomorrow" program for energy counsellors by elaborating a material collection and integrating it into the basic education of energy counsellors. Furthermore a one-day training course for already active energy counsellors will be designed and held.

Fabrik der Zukunft

RAILWASTE - Production of railway sleepers by mixed plastic waste (SUSPRISE Joint Call)

Production of railway crossties ("sleepers") from an alternative (renewable) raw material

Haus der Zukunft

Facilitated decision-making procedures for sustainable refurbishment of residential properties

Participation in the refurbishment process: Monitoring of concrete refurbishment projects and development of guidelines to optimise the planning, information and decision-making processes in the course of the refurbishment of residential properties

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Electrical peak load in supermarkets - Strategies to improve energy efficiency

Levelling and reduction of electrical peak load in supermarkets by using additional energy storage systems and by managing the consumption of industrial refrigeration facicilties. Techno - economic feasibility study with high potential of replications via involved industrial partners.

Stadt der Zukunft

Digitalization in Urban Planning: From Spatial Energy Planning to Digitalization in Construction Engineering (PBM_integrativ)

The project provides a comprehensive overview of conditions and interrelations between administration, economy and planning and to elaborate the most important features and deficits in the flow of relevant information between the different phases of a building’s life cycle - planning, construction and management/administration.

Haus der Zukunft

Life Cycle Cost Forecasting Model - Real Estate-Database analysis for life-cycle based investment decisions

Estimation of operational costs of buildings based on a "cause/effect model" between technical building characteristics, investment and running costs to support the decision making process in early planning stages regarding energy efficient buildings.

Haus der Zukunft

"gugler! build & print triple zero" - subproject 9: Monitoring Gugler - Monitoring, evaluation, optimization GUGLER

The project objective is the measurement of relevant building values (energy consumption, ...), the evaluation of these values compared with the intended objectives and the optimization of the system based on the measured data. As a special innovation, monitoring the storage of alternatively generated electricity using photovoltaic and wind energy in the form of compressed air must be considered.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Distributed generation and renewables - Power Quality

The project will demonstrate how the integration of power electronics equipment in Distributed Generation (DG) units can actively improve the stability and quality of supply of electric power distribution networks in order to increase the penetration of DG and Renewable Energy Sources.

Stadt der Zukunft

Anergy2Plus - Demonstration and expansion of an anergy network as part of a holistic energy concept and plus energy quarter

The overall objective of the project is to pursue and demonstrate a holistic approach to the design, construction and ultimately the use of the residential quarter in the context of energy supply. Especially in the area of thermal energy supply, a project with lighthouse character on the way to a plus-energy quarter is to be created by demonstrating the innovative supply concept based on an anergy network.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Virtual power plants for self-sustaining regions

Geographic methods for the combination of renewable energy sources to create "virtual power plants" and development of self-sustaining regions in terms of energy-balance and the Kyoto target.

Haus der Zukunft

Experiences and attitudes of users as a basis for the development of sustainable housing concepts with high social acceptance

The aim of this project was to a) analyse current experiences of users of ecologically innovative residential buildings ("passive houses", solar houses, etc.) in Austria, b) to evaluate innovative housing concepts in focus groups, and c) to create a model for the continuous participation of users in the innovation process.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Production of bioethanol from lignocelluloses using steam explosion

By means of suitable thermomechanical pretreatment a process for the production of bioethanol on the basis of the waste compounds straw and wood will be developed. Regional plants will use local raw materials for local energy production.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Candles, based on regional, renewable raw-materials

Feasibility study of candles based on growing again, regional raw materials, corresponding to todays market demands and produced with current production techniques.

Stadt der Zukunft

Further Investigations and Monitoring of the Green Walls at GRG7 Kandlgasse

Following on from the completed research project "GrünPlusSchule", in which various greening measures were implemented at and in a school in Vienna's 7th district (GRG7), this follow-up project takes up further unanswered questions and is dedicated to detailed measurement data evaluations of the effects of indoor and outdoor greening.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Spatial models as a basis of decision making for the utilisation of regionally available energy potentials for a CO2 neutral satisfaction of the local heat demand

Analytical GIS-methods to model regionally available renewable energy potentials for the evaluation of measures to achieve a CO2-neutral heating and cooling supply.

Haus der Zukunft

Basic research on the load bearing capacity and high thermal insulation properties of foam glass granulate

The aim of the scientific investigations is to find the characteristic parameters of foam glass granulate applied as load transfer layer and thermal insulation, to provide the base for the application of a multi functional and economical insulation material at the interface between building and ground for buildings of the future.

Haus der Zukunft

Urban consolidation Lehen - Subproject 1: Fundamental study for an intelligent e-monitoring

The goal was to refine the energy monitoring for residential buildings as well as to find possibilities to visualise the energy consumption and continuously compare it with the "target consumption" in order to get a signal in time and thereby to be able to communicate it to the users. Different monitoring systems were investigated and the experience was evaluated.

Haus der Zukunft

What is so beautiful about the own home - a life-style concept of housing

Motives behind the wish of living in a certain way - here, especially in a detached house - explained through a life-style concept

Stadt der Zukunft

PlusIQ - Agricultural Photovoltaics: Integration as a Path to Plus-Energy-Quarters

This project examines opportunities, potentials and requirements of/for Agrophotovoltaic systems. Thereby, an interdisciplinary study will be conducted that integrates the major aspects of such systems holistically and from an integrative perspective. The complex interdependencies between the different aspects will be explored and described via a case study. Potential approaches toward realization will be studied and subjected to a comprehensive SWOT-analysis.