Post City Linz - Biodiversity in the CO2-neutral urban quarter

The project "Post City Linz" aims to show that a currently unattractive industrial wasteland can be transformed into a microclimatically ambitious, energy- and resource-efficient quarter with 150,000m² of gross floor area by means of an innovative mix of office, commercial, hotel and residential uses. The focus is on the integration of biodiversity promotion, a CO2 neutral energy supply and innovative energy management in the quarter, animal aided design as well as rainwater management based on the principle of the "sponge city".

Short Description


Starting April 2022

Starting point / motivation

Since the closedown of the postal distribution center in 2014, the area close to the main train station in Linz has lost its traditional function. It is now being developed into a quarter with a gross floor area of over 150,000 m2.

In the course of the planned rededication, a two-stage EU-wide open general planning competition was launched in 2019, which was won by Nussmüller Architekten ZT GmbH. The goal is to create a multifunctional quarter with offices, apartments, stores, restaurants and other uses.

In several phases, the new "Post City Linz" consisting of 11 high-rise buildings is to be built over the next few years. Due to its central location, the "Post City Linz" offers excellent conditions for the development of an innovative energy- and resource-saving quarter.

Contents and goals

The set goals as well as the innovation content result from the examination of the feasibility of an energetically and urban-climatically ambitious quarter concept and corresponding definition of implementation measures.

The findings obtained from the exploratory study form the basis for ongoing planning and implementation and are expected to reveal generally applicable findings for the transformation of inner-city industrial and commercial areas toward resilient energy- and resource-saving quarters.


The focus of the investigation lies on a package of measures as part of a systematic and coordinated approach: support of biodiversity by "animal aided design" of building envelopes, a CO2 neutral energy supply and innovative energy management in the quarter, as well as rainwater management based on the principle of the "sponge city". Basing on this approach, innovative green structures will be planned and evaluated regarding urban heat islands as well as quality of sojourn and energy and resource saving potentials.

Expected results

The results of the exploratory study include efficient urban greening technologies to support natural cooling effects (e.g. evaporation processes, integration from the area of albedo, thermal insulation effect, microclimate) as well as detailed concepts for a CO2 neutral energy supply and energetic building optimization, and lead to significant improvement in the quality of life. In addition, façade solutions that promote biodiversity in the quarter will be developed.

The processing and connection of different technologies (biodiversity, animal aided design, sponge city concept, energy management concept, life cycle consideration, etc.) is illustrated by means of a catalog of measures as well as recommendations for action, taking into account the architectural quality.

The findings from the study form the basis for the ongoing planning and implementation of the project also named "Post City Gardens" and are intended to provide generally valid findings for the transformation of inner-city industrial and commercial areas towards resilient energy- and resource-saving neighborhoods.

Project Partners

Project management

Österreichische Post AG

Project or cooperation partners

  • AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien (AEE INTEC)
  • Nussmüller Architekten ZT GmbH
  • GrünStattGrau Forschungs- und Innovations-GmbH
  • studio boden

Contact Address

Österreichische Post AG
Nachhaltigkeit & Gebäude-Compliance
DI(FH)Dkfm(FH) Andreas Frey
Rochusplatz 1
A-1030 Vienna