Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

GreenTech-Renovation - Energetische Sanierung von gläsernen Gebäuden von architektonischem Wert

Der Schwerpunkt des Projekts GreenTech-Renovation war, innovative Lösungen zur energetischen Sanierung von architektonisch wertvollen Bauten mit hohen Glasanteil zu finden. Dafür wurde ein zukunftsweisendes bauphysikalisches Konzept entwickelt, das den Einsatz alternativer Energieformen beinhaltet. Ein intelligentes Nutzungskonzept kann mit ökologischem und sozialem Engagement die energetischen Sanierungskonzepte verstärken und deren Nachhaltigkeit garantieren. Die 10-R der Kreislaufwirtschaft (Refuse, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture, Repurpose, Recycle, Recover) dienen dabei als Leitlinie. Schriftenreihe 74/2023
S. Tillner, A. Willinger, S. Stockhammer, T. Zelger, J. Leibold, E. Paráda, D. Bell, P. Bauer, L. Zeilbauer, S. Formanek, K. Mauss, B. Lipp, T. Dobra
Herausgeber: BMK
Deutsch, 152 Seiten

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Stadt der Zukunft

"Gasthermenersatz" - Modular aufgebaute Wärmepumpe mit umweltfreundlichem Kältemittel als Gasthermenersatz im großvolumigen Wohnbau

Das Projekt "Gasthermenersatz" zielt darauf ab, ein Funktionsmuster einer dezentralen, schalloptimierten Wärmepumpenlösung mit seriell- oder parallel verschalteten Kältekreis-Modulen zu entwickeln, zu bauen und zu testen. Diese erneuerbare Technologie ist besonders geeignet, um bestehende Gasthermen im großvolumigen Wohnbau zu ersetzen, und damit den Weg zur klimaneutralen Stadt zu ebnen.

Stadt der Zukunft

Lüftungskonzept Österreich

Ziel des Projektes ist die Schaffung eines Nachweisverfahrens (auf Basis Microsoft-Excel), welches zeigt, ob eine natürliche Lüftung bzw. Fensterlüftung bei einer Standardnutzung zur Vermeidung von Schimmelbildung ausreichend, bzw. in Hinblick auf eine ausreichende hygienische Luftqualität zumutbar ist. Schriftenreihe 33/2021
A. Greml, G. Rojas-Kopeinig, R. Pfluger, P. Tappler
Herausgeber: BMK
Deutsch, 87 Seiten

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Haus der Zukunft

THERM-opti-BALKON-P2 - Thermisch optimierte Balkonsanierung Phase 2: In-Situ-Versuchsanlage

Bei der thermischen Sanierung von Gebäuden stellen frei auskragende Balkone ein besonderes Problem dar. Mit dem THERM-opti-BALKON-System wird derzeit unter Laborbedingungen ein diesbezüglicher Lösungsansatz erforscht. Phase 2 soll eine In-Situ-Versuchsanlage unter realen Bedingungen als Technologiedemonstrator schaffen. Wichtigster Untersuchungsgegenstand ist das Langzeitverhalten des THERM-opti-BALKON-Systems.

Stadt der Zukunft

RENOWAVE.AT - The innovation lab for sustainable, climate-neutral renovation of buildings and districts

RENOWAVE.AT will act as a central contact point for collaboration in innovation projects and provide systematic and early access to as well as promote innovative, scalable renovation concepts and sustainable renovation technologies within real development environments (open innovation principle).

Stadt der Zukunft

PhaseOut – Heat pump technologies in the renovation of existing buildings

The aim is the conception, optimization, implementation, demonstration and evaluation of innovative, minimally invasive renovation solutions (thermal renovation and heating system replacement) with heat pumps and PV in multi-storey buildings on seven identical buildings. The comprehensive comparison includes various technical solution variants based on modular and scalable building technology systems as well as multifunctional building components for the exchange of decentralized gas heating by central, semi-central and decentralized heat pump solutions.

Stadt der Zukunft

LehB:klimafit! Live in existing buildings today: climate fit together

The aim of the project is to explore transferable renovation concepts for the implementation of climate-fit renovations in Vienna. Integrally optimized renovation packages will be developed, which will be optimized in the building ensembles for implementation-probable, climate-friendly overall solutions with the relevant stakeholders.

Stadt der Zukunft

OWA+Quartier - Sustainable refurbishment and energy supply for the historic Otto-Wagner-Areal towards a plus-energy district

Development of thermal and electrical energy supply for the Otto-Wagner-Areal as well as model solutions for construction and building services in order to initiate the redevelopment of the area in the direction of a plus-energy district.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Bregenz 2040 climate neutrality roadmap focussing on the electricity and heating transition, mobility and public acceptance

The central goal of the project is to create a consistent, comprehensive, and feasible roadmap to achieve climate neutrality in Bregenz by 2040.

Stadt der Zukunft

GreenTech-Renovation - Energetic Renovation of Glass Buildings of Architectural Value

The focus of the GreenTech-Renovation project was to find innovative solutions for the energetic renovation of architecturally valuable buildings with a high proportion of glass. A future-oriented building physics concept that includes the use of alternative forms of energy had been developed for this purpose. With ecological and social commitment, an intelligent usage concept could strengthen the energetic renovation concepts and guarantee their sustainability. The 10-Rs of the circular economy (Refuse, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture, Repurpose, Recycle, Recover) will serve as a guideline.

Stadt der Zukunft

Sani60ies - Demonstration of minimally invasive thermal and energetic refurbishment of classic 1950s and 1960s apartment buildings

System development of a façade-integrated building component activation for "warm" refurbishments with high transfer potential to buildings of classic apartment complexes from the 1950s and 1960s. The system is being tested and further developed based on three building projects and demonstrated through broad application (over 200 flats).

Stadt der Zukunft

Climate communities

Transdisciplinarily developed climate-friendly solutions for decarbonisation of the building stock in small and medium-sized municipalities. The application of the sample solutions will readily identifiable through a web tool.

Stadt der Zukunft

TheSIS - Thermal renovation with internal insulation systems - investigation and development of moisture-proof solutions

Development of innovative solutions for the retrofit of the building envelope with internal insulation with a focus on the hygrothermal optimization of a moisture-adaptive vapor retarder in form of a paint coating. As a result, the moisture hazard related to the implementation of internal insulation systems is reduced and the energetic, comfort-related and economic advantages are made available.

Stadt der Zukunft

SüdSan - Socially acceptable, climate-compatible refurbishment of two multi-family-houses as a model for the refurbishment of the Südtiroler-Siedlung Bludenz

Planning, energetic-economic optimisation, construction and monitoring of the costs, comfort and energetic performance of two socially acceptable and climate-target-compatible refurbished smaller apartment buildings in the Südtiroler-Siedlung Bludenz.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ELEMENTS - Development of a procedure for the evaluation of elements of the post-war building stock (1960 - 1979) in Graz, Austria

Investigation of the building stock constructed in Graz between 1960 and 1980 with the aim of creating the basis for developing a potential analysis procedure regarding its preservation and refurbishment. Stakeholders, including those from the fields of planning and building practice, will be involved in the development of the results.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Climate neutrality roadmap Feldkirch

Feldkirch has already implemented important measures in the field of climate and energy policy. The city is a member of a KEM and KLAR region and has been a very active e5-municipality since 2005.

Stadt der Zukunft

ReHABITAT-Settlement: Sustainable rehabilitation and activation of a single-family housing estate in Mistelbach

Exploration of a sustainable single-family house redevelopment, with a holistically conceived definition of sustainability that starts with people, is based on sufficiency and also takes into account green and open spaces, social factors and mobility. The result is an integrated overall concept at the house and settlement level, and a transferable approach for other communities.

Stadt der Zukunft

ReCon: Development of a resilient hook-and-loop-fastening-system for the adaptable assembly of building components in the building industry

Systemic examination of the hook-and-loop fastener and building component interfaces for the development of a resilient fastening system between parts/components with different functions and lifespan. The desired result serves to verify the fastening system and forms a basis for further research and establishment in the building industry.

Stadt der Zukunft

Building as living lab - Buildings as a living lab for climate-neutral, needs-based and affordable housing

Within ÖWG, climate protection and sustainability are strategically anchored in renovation and densification projects. A comprehensive, climate-neutral renovation concept had been developed for a specific pilot property in Graz in an open, co-creative innovation process. The building becomes a living lab in which new solutions are tested in the everyday lives of the residents.

Stadt der Zukunft

Circular Standards: Development of a circular standard-detail-catalogue

In this research project, the technical design of standardized constructions details is the subject of investigation. Construction details will be researched, analyzed and evaluated and (further) developed or revised with regard to the parameter "recyclability". The expected result consists of circular-standard-details and the identification of problem areas and opportunities.