Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

Plus Energy Melk - Path for the realization of Plus-Energy-Districs in Melk

The city of Melk has set itself the goal of playing a pioneering role in renewable energy supply and climate protection. In this context, an initiative aimed at implementing Positive Energy Districts. Two urban development projects are currently underway to examine under which framework conditions, technical and organisational solutions Positive Energy Districts can be realised. A proactive participation process aims at informing developers and investors as well as other stakeholders about the realization of PlusEnergy concepts.

Haus der Zukunft

Renew Building - Competence Building and Knowledge Transfer for Climate-friendly renovation with ecological and renewable materials

The project Renew Building provided knowledge about eco-friendly renovation to the target groups (planners, architects, students of architecture, etc.) through theory and practice classes, lectures, an e-learning platform, and in an online knowledge database.

Haus der Zukunft

Online reference for ecologically rated building construction details suitable for achieving Passivhaus standard

An already well-established web database management system is being adapted to present the contents of a catalogue of building elements for the Passivhaus standard. A wider distribution of the contents and future extensions of the catalogue by distributed workgroups are the promises of the project.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Homeservices by the company of tomorrow

Sustainable services in co-operation with the housing sector will be investigated, their effects on environment, employment, acceptance by consumers, hindrances as well as prerequisites for sustainable facility management and a new positioning of concierge systems analysed.

Haus der Zukunft

Energy package Kolpinghaus / Eco-Suite Hotel

The Kolping association’s dormitory for pupils and students has been extended. The energy demand of the newly constructed Eco-Suite Hotel is minimized by use of highly efficient components (such as LED lighting). Locally available energy sources (waste water heat and sunlight) are used and an on-site energy system is being created for the use of the heat energy surplus. Guests at Eco-Suite Hotel can experience life in a plus energy building.

Stadt der Zukunft

Green SandboxBuilder - Regulatory sandboxes in the field of sustainable construction and renovation

In the "Green SandboxBuilder" project, for the first time in Austria, the need for regulatory sandboxes for ecologically sustainable and climate-effective projects in the building sector had been systematically explored. The implementation of regulatory sandboxes in the Austrian construction sector can contribute to decisively accelerating the introduction of technological, procedural and social innovations and thus to achieving the sustainability goals.

Haus der Zukunft

urban pv+geotherm - Innovative concepts for the supply of large volume buildings/ quarters with PV and geothermal energy

The use of renewable energies in inner city locations is mostly linked to higher costs andconsidered as problematic. The aim of this project was to optimize (cost and energy) heating (and where required, cooling) using geothermic and photovoltaic for an urban, densely-built development area. With the project´s findings it will be easier to ecologically and economically plan the use of renewable energies especially in urban areas.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Architecturally Diverse, Energetic Renewal

Post War Modernist Buildings Under Monument Protection. A Comparative Analysis of Energy Efficient Renewal Case study: Open Air School Franklinstrasse, Wien 21

Haus der Zukunft

The Passive House in Practice

Strategies to open markets for passive houses in the east of Austria

Haus der Zukunft

Reconstruction ecological Freihof Sulz

integral reconstruction of the valuable cultural heritage "Freihof Sulz" to a communication- and action centre; Demonstration project for local culture and life quality, old building techniques, energy saving and ecological reconstruction."

Haus der Zukunft

Sustainable Housing - Services creating individual and social advantages

Contemporary sustainable solutions for residential building will be optimised and realized by interdisciplinary planning orientated to the life-cycle services supporting the quality of life and intelligent use of information and communication technologies.

Haus der Zukunft

Innovation and Sustainability in the Construction and Housing Sector

Concepts for enhancing in-house innovation in construction; development of performance and benchmarking indicators in the housing sector. Economic proposals to improve legal and structural business environment and to increase sustainable and energy efficient construction and renovation activities.

Haus der Zukunft

ÖkoInform - Platform for Exchange of Information in Green Building

A platform for the exchange of information to promote the better integration of ecological materials and renewable resources in the research programme "Building of Tomorrow"

Haus der Zukunft

KELVIN - Reducing the urban heat island effect via improving the reflective properties of buildings and urban areas

The aim of this project was to estimate the potential to reduce urban heat islands via low-tech measures such as the variation of the surface albedo, using the City of Vienna as an example. The project has also assessed the energy savings and greenhouse gas emission reductions due to the decreased energy demand for cooling as a result of such measures.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Direct Supply with Cold, Heat, Electricity and further Added Values Using Renewable Fuel for Stationary Fuel Cells

Fuel cells can use local resources and provide regional energy support if optimized. BIO-VISION leads to a demo-project.

Fabrik der Zukunft

"Green Biorefinery - Utilitsation of Grass Fibres"

Basic properties of grass fibres from a green biorefinery will be investigated in order to have a sound base for comparison of grass fibres with other renewable fibres. Selected prototype-products with these grass fibres as main raw material source (e.g. insulation materials, gardening material, animal nutrition) will be developed, tested and evaluated whether they are technologically as well as economically feasible.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Webinar: EBC Technical Day - Energy innovations for the city of tomorrow

June 24th 2020

The Webinar highlighted activities of the IEA TCP ”Energy in Buildings and Communities” (EBC) as well as results from Austrian R&D projects funded within the Austrian research and technology programme “City of Tomorrow”.

Stadt der Zukunft

Digital Twin / Building Tracker - Coupling of building simulation with a physical building in real time

The goal of the project ist o couple an office building during operation with its virtual twin, the "building tracker", which will be developed and applied for the first time within the project. Thanks to coupling of monitoring and simulation, innovative building energy management of nearly zero-energy building is possible.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Constructed Wetlands for Industrial Waste Water Treatment and Water Re-Use

Measures to achieve the aim of sustainable wastewater treatment, design and building of constructed wetlands for different types of industrial wastewater for selected enterprises in the food industry, monitoring in order to optimise systems performances

Haus der Zukunft

Solarenergie Urban - Analysis and evaluation of the economic, energetic and architectural quality of urban solar energy buildings

This project developed energetic and economic optimised planning criteria for multi storey residential buildings for the integration of renewable energy systems in the building shell. The field of new construction and refurbishment had been investigated.