Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

SCI_BIM - Scanning and data capturing for Integrated Resources and Energy Assessment using Building Information Modelling

The aim of the project is to increase the resources- and energy efficiency through coupling of various digital technologies and methods for data capturing (geometry and materials composition) and modelling (as-built BIM), as well as through gamification.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Linz with Ambitio3xn - Linz with ambition for climate neutrality: governance, infrastructure and climate-social neighborhood Franckviertel

The project "Linz with Ambitio3xn" supports the city of Linz in becoming climate neutral by 2040. Contributing to this ambitious goal requires aligning urban planning instruments with urban climate mitigation and decarbonizing existing gas infrastructure in the Franckviertel neighborhood. In the project, standards for net zero non-profit housing will be tested in practice and shared learning are promoted.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

IntEGrity - Integration and Diffusion of Energy Communities

IntEGrity aims at fully integrating energy communities in the existing energy landscape in order to push for efficient diffusion and to use the potential of the positive contribution to energy awareness, efficiency and climate neutrality. In order to fully enable integration, the project explores innovative developments on three levels - social level, energy community level and service level.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Earthen building 2.0: Earthen building of the future - The art of craftsmanship based on engineering approaches

The exploratory project investigates the suitability of fiber optic sensors for the long-term monitoring of the deformation behavior of rammed earth wall elements under moisture and temperature fluctuations (shrinkage) as well as loads (creep). The experimental findings will be integrated into a finite element model to simulate failure behavior under load.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

LeiSan - Flagship Project: Renovation of the Komposch-Ebene Residential Quarter in Bad Eisenkappel, Carinthia

Exploration for an existing quarter in Bad Eisenkappel with the goal of renovating the building stock, involving the residents, the open space, mobility, and local generation of renewable energy. The result should demonstrate the economic feasibility of a holistic concept for the quarter and serve as a basis for a demonstration project.

Stadt der Zukunft

StirliQ+ Component development of the expansion Stirling generator with supercritical fluid as working & lubrication medium

Technical research and further development of details or components of the novel StirliQ engine, which has the potential to overcome the technical hurdles of conventional Stirling engines. On the basis of simulations as well as a laboratory plant, a narrowing down of the process parameters with regard to a resilient pre-dimension of apparatus components is carried out.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

5th Gen HG - 5th Generation Heating Grid Neutal

In the 5th Gen HG project, an energy supply concept based entirely on renewable electricity and heat is to be developed for the municipality of Neutal in Burgenland and the neighbouring technology site. A newly designed 5th generation heating grid will form the local energy distribution backbone in the municipality. In addition to the technical and economic conceptualisation, the integration of local stakeholder requirements is a key feature of the project.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Smart Dag - smart and climate-neutral renovation of the Dag Hammarskjöld housing estate

For a smart and sustainable renovation of the Dag Hammarskjöld housing estate in the city of Klagenfurt, a residential area from the 1950/1960s, the existing housing stock (buildings, green and open space, social structure) will be analysed and assessed based on the "Quartier &Wir" guide. The results are the basis for the launch of an architectural competition. The residents of the area who still live on site and the housing development agency of the department of the provincial Carinthian Government are involved in the feasibility study. The aim is to transfer the results of the study to other renovation projects and thus contribute to achieving the city of Klagenfurt's climate goals.

Stadt der Zukunft

50 green houses - Development and demonstration of a low-tech façade greening system

Development of a cost-efficient all-in façade greening system („Greening-Toolkit“) including a maintenance concept, involving all trades and processes, for a broad (facing roads) implementation on facades in the urban built environment, combined with a process innovation for simplification of all necessary coordination processes.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

InSite - Monitoring and evaluation of innovative demonstration buildings

In the "Stadt der Zukunft" and "Smart City Initiative" programmes, a large number of demonstration projects have been implemented in recent years. To be able to evaluate the developed innovations in a uniform and comparable form and to make the knowledge gained accessible to implementers, InSite subjects 10 selected objects from these programmes to energy and ecological monitoring as well as sociological surveys over a period of 24 months. The interpreted results are publicly available as a published study and as an interactive online platform.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

NEB-Tischlerei-Melk - Development of a former joinery site into a multipliable European lighthouse NEB neighbourhood

The former production site of the Fürst Möbel GmbH shall be transformed into a climate-neutral, multifunctional, scalable mixed-use NEB city quarter. This quarter called “Tischlerei Melk” is intended to achieve the highest ambition levels of the NEB compass and to position and represent Austria strongly in this context. As the area is located next to the world-famous Abbey of Melk, the project has the potential to become an internationally known best-practice solution.

Stadt der Zukunft

BIMstocks - Digital Urban Mining Platform: Assessing the material composition of building stocks through coupling of BIM to GIS

The main goal of BIMstocks is the development of a method for the digital capturing of the material composition of the existing building stock for follow up modelling of an Urban Mining Platform as well as for the prediction of the recycling potentials.

Stadt der Zukunft

PEQBacker: Integrated District Planning - Enabler on the way to a Plus-Energy District

Development of guidelines for the implementation of Plus-Energy District coordination units based on research of success factors, exploration of mission elements of existing structures and consultation of a broad stakeholder group with the goal of increasing the transformation of existing and emerging neighbourhoods toward Plus-Energy Districts.

Stadt der Zukunft

VisErgyControl - Integral control system for daylight and artificial lighting for high visual and melanopic comfort with minimized primary energy consumption

Within the project VisErgyControl an integral, simulation-based, energy-efficient open loop daylight and artificial lighting control system had been developed. The research project focuses on the visual and melanopic requirements of users while minimizing the energy consumption for heating and cooling.

Stadt der Zukunft

ZQ3Demo - Implementation of urban Future Quarters including stakeholder integration and legally and economically replicable solutions

ZQ3Demo accompanies three innovative urban quarters in Vienna to demonstrate and further develop ecologically and economically sustainable solutions for the implementation of Plus-Energy-Quarters (PEQ) on the basis of real-life examples.

Stadt der Zukunft

Green and Resilient City - Management and planning tools for a climate-sensitive urban development

The aim of the project was to provide a "proof of concept" of a control loop and tool set for the management, optimization and evaluation of green and climate-sensitive urban (district) planning- The tool set consist of urban and open space planning instruments as well as climate simulations at different scale levels.

Stadt der Zukunft

RENOWAVE.AT - The innovation lab for sustainable, climate-neutral renovation of buildings and districts

RENOWAVE.AT will act as a central contact point for collaboration in innovation projects and provide systematic and early access to as well as promote innovative, scalable renovation concepts and sustainable renovation technologies within real development environments (open innovation principle).

Stadt der Zukunft

3D*3B - 3D-Concret Printing, Reinforcement for low carbon and bending stressed structures.

The project is about 3D printed structural elements and their integration in building structures. The focus is predominantly set on bending stresses structural elements like panels and slabs. Results will point out technical, logistic and climate relevant aspects.

Stadt der Zukunft

Flucco+ - Flexible user comfort in quarter-hourly CO2-neutral Positive Energy Districts (PED)

The aim of the project is to improve the planning basis for the construction and operation of energy flexible buildings in three specific areas. First the further development of existing models of thermal comfort for dynamic situations, second the quantification of future energy grid usefulness and third the holistic testing of the developed comfort and CO2 model at three potential positive energy districts (PED), taking into account the ecological assessment as well as the life cycle costs.

Stadt der Zukunft

M-DAB - Digitise, analyse and sustainably manage the city's material resources

The research project investigates how digital technologies can support us in determining the existing and future material resources in construction qualitatively (building materials and their recycling) and quantitatively (quantities of building materials).