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There are 521 results.

Haus der Zukunft

E_PROFIL - neighborhood profiles for optimized energy transformation processes

E_PROFIL is a set of methods (an IT-supported toolkit) for the elaboration of neighbourhood profiles. The aim of the project is to facilitate an energy and resource efficient development in the planning practice of Austrian cities. Furthermore, the project is an important asset for research and planning activities in Europe and can also be applied to other neighbourhoods.

Haus der Zukunft

Eco-Checkers - An exhibition of ZOOM Children's Museum

Main results of "Building of Tomorrow" are edited for the target group "children and teenagers". The result is an attractive exposition in the "ZOOM Kindermuseum".

Stadt der Zukunft

Eco.District.Heat - Potentials and restrictions of grid-bound heating systems of urban areas

Aim of the project Eco.District.Heat is to provide strategic decision-making support that enables Austrian towns and cities to deal with aspects of grid-bound heating (and cooling) systems in accordance with integrated spatial and energy planning from a holistic perspective when elaborating urban energy concepts.

Haus der Zukunft

Ecological restoration of a listed building with passive house technologies

Ecological exemplary reconstruction of the "Haidenhof"-building, Bad Ischl, Upper Austria. Building refurbishment with respect to monumental protection and newest passive house technologies. Reorganisation of the former residential building to an academy of arts and culture.

Haus der Zukunft

Economic usage of Photovoltaic electricity in buildings

The aim of this project is to optimise the direct usage of PV-electricity produced in buildings. The main question concerning the right dimen­sioning of the PV generator should be answered in order to achieve a high direct usage rate of produced PV electricity under economic considerations. This analysis will be carried out for various building categories. As result, a calculation method will be developed (incl. report), in order to achieve the optimal, most economic PV system for various building categories and user typologies.

Stadt der Zukunft

Edible Seestadt - Green Seestadt - Learning for the Edible City of the Future

"Edible Seestadt" ("Essbare Seestadt") identifies which contributions an edible city provides for a climate-neutral resilient district and how this contribution can be sustainably stabilized and optimized.

Haus der Zukunft

Effective Comfort in a Climatic comfort house

Sophisticated implementation of different passive house-building services systems on a basis of four similar parts of a structure of multi-storey dwelling houses.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Einfach:wohnen, integrated concept for multi-storey residential buildings

The aim of the project is to create a base for future social residential housing projects, for further projects and the development of standards in the field of passive and low energy houses.

Stadt der Zukunft

EnErGy Plant Weiz - Renewable energy community Business Park Energy Lane and Factory Lane Weiz

Based on the results of the exploratory study project REC-Businesspark, a demonstrator for a "renewable energy community business park" is to be developed in Weiz. The focus is on the development of innovative operating and tariff models for a redox flow storage system that is integrated into a renewable energy community.

Stadt der Zukunft

EnerPHit-green concept Modernisation of a historic building with application of an aerogel insulation plaster

This demonstration project shows the comprehensive modernization of a historic building within the constraints of a regional protection zone. By using the Aerogel high-performance insulating plaster, a comprehensive energy-efficient building refurbishment had been realized without changing the outer appearance of the façade.

Haus der Zukunft

Energetic roof including window, PV and thermal solar components as on-roof and façade module - on-roof and façade module

Development of a novel on-roof respectively façade module, which includes a thermal solar component as well as photovoltaics and a skylight. With the serial implementation of this development idea there should be offered for the first time an energetic roof as retrofitting kit for existing buildings.

Haus der Zukunft

EnergieAudioAkademie - Development and usage of audiofiles for the training of professionals from the building sector

Important issues in building energy efficiency will be prepared as audio files. The target groups are builders and plumbers. The files complement existing training and educational programs and will be disseminated via CDs and/or USB sticks to the target groups via craftsmen networks and an internet platform.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Energy Counselling within 60 Minutes

Concept for a high quality, PC supported, 60 minutes energy counselling method, focusing on building refurbishment and new constructions, including a software tested in real counselling situations and a printed documentation.

Haus der Zukunft

Energy Efficiency and Risk Management in Public Buildings (EnRiMa)

The major objective of the project EnRiMa was to develop an internet based decision-support system (DSS) to enable operators of public buildings to increase the system efficiency as well as to reduce the CO2 emissions. The DSS can be linked to existing energy management systems as DESIGOTM. The University of Applied Science Burgenland, Campus Pinkafeld, and ENERGYbase, Vienna, have been used to test and calibrate the EnRiMa DSS.

Stadt der Zukunft

Energy Mosaic Austria - Austrianwide modelling and web-based visualisation of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions on local level

The project consists of a modelling and a web-based visualisation of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of all Austrian cities and municipalities considering all kinds of land use and mobility. The results deliver a sound basis for numerous energy and climate relevant fields of action and for awareness raising of decision makers and the public.

Haus der Zukunft

Energy Plus House Weber - highest energy efficiency in the tension between tradition and modernity

The tension between tradition and modernity is shown and exemplarily solved on the example of the historic farmhouse "vulgo Weber". The object was converted into an energy plus house with an exceptionally holistic approach and also thought as a demonstration object for a broad public through the touristic use of the house.

Haus der Zukunft

Energy efficient, resource conserving and differentiated renovation of historic European building stocks (ReCoRe)

The project goal was the development of an integrated, long term and life cycle oriented approach to sustainable modernisation of historical building stocks. Within this project the partners used common objectives and planning tools and followed a common procedure in order to develop a specific national application which results from a historical, technical, social and cultural understanding of the specific national stock fragments.

Haus der Zukunft

Energy package Kolpinghaus / Eco-Suite Hotel

The Kolping association’s dormitory for pupils and students has been extended. The energy demand of the newly constructed Eco-Suite Hotel is minimized by use of highly efficient components (such as LED lighting). Locally available energy sources (waste water heat and sunlight) are used and an on-site energy system is being created for the use of the heat energy surplus. Guests at Eco-Suite Hotel can experience life in a plus energy building.

Haus der Zukunft

Energy relevant and ecological monitoring studies of demonstration buildings, which were built in the framework of the program "Haus der Zukunft".

Energy relevant and ecological monitoring studies of demonstration buildings, which were built in the framework of the program "Haus der Zukunft". The user acceptance should also be levied and displayed

Haus der Zukunft

Energy-Sponge-Bruck (Energieschwamm Bruck an der Mur)

The aim of the exploration-study for the urban region Bruck/Oberaich "Energieschwamm Bruck" or "Energy-Sponge-Bruck" was to establish clear and stringent basics for a flexible development of the future energy system. Therefore an energy development concept as well as a cadaster for short-term implementation measures had been applied. The structured, Bruck-based approach acts as framework for a general energy-conception-method, valid for small and medium urban regions with 10,000 to 20,000 inhabitants.