Energy Counselling within 60 Minutes

Concept for a high quality, PC supported, 60 minutes energy counselling method, focusing on building refurbishment and new constructions, including a software tested in real counselling situations and a printed documentation.

Short Description





The number of counselling cases is increasing. In addition the current counselling method was developed 20 years ago in Styria and Vorarlberg. Both together make clear, that new ways in energy counselling should be taken, of course based on the already developed experience.

The project deals therefore with the following question in the area of energy counselling for building refurbishment and new constructions.

How could a concept for energy counselling be designed to enable high counselling quality within 60 minutes counselling time?

In energy counselling it is essential to compare several combinations of energy efficiency measures (selection of the heating system, insulation measures,..) with respect to relevant criteria. These criteria include energy consumption (before and after the measure), ecological impact and economic considerations (investment, running costs before and after).

A well structured overview showing the energy consumption, ecological and economical consequences for different combinations makes the comparison of measures understandable for the customer. To offer such an overview within a short time, a powerful counselling-software is required.

Content and objectives

  • Providing an overall concept for a 60 minutes energy counselling tailored to the customer's requirements, including the generation of an overview and time for related discussion. This overview contains several combinations of measures including information about their energy consumption as well as ecological and economical consequences.
  • Collecting technical and economic data (including a concept for data investigation)
  • Designing and coding of the counselling-software. This software provides the overview in a customer friendly way.
  • Testing and corrections: An extensive dual step test is essential to prove the feasibility of the counselling concept and the counselling-software. The second test step is done in real counselling situations.
  • Providing a supporting documentation
  • Dissemination activities include training lectures for energy counsellors and the integration of the project results into the educational program for energy counsellors.

The compatibility with the requirements of the EU directive on the energy performance of buildings is taken into account in all design steps.

Expected results

  • Overall concept for a high quality, PC based, 60 minutes energy counselling method focusing on building refurbishment and new constructions.
  • A tested and well documented (to allow additions and adaptations) counselling-software ready to use.
  • A supporting documentation containing used formula, important data and examples for realistic counselling situations.


Die Wiener Volkshochschulen GmbH, "die umweltberatung"
Buchengasse 77, 1100 Wien
Tel.: +43 (1) 603 32 32 - 63
Fax: +43 (1) 603 32 32 -32

Project Partners

Project management

DI Franz Kuchar "die umweltberatung"
Die Wiener Volkshochschulen GmbH, "die umweltberatung"

Project or cooperation partner

  • energieautark consulting gmbh
  • DI Johannes Haas, Energie und Umwelt Unternehmensberatung
  • Umweltschutzverein Bürger & Umwelt "die umweltberatung" Niederösterreich