Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

CO2-Demobau - Exploration of the feasibility of carbon-neutral model construction sites

By highlighting green innovations, networking with stakeholders in the construction industry and applying the findings of the previous study "CO2 neutrale Baustelle", the foundation is set for future carbon-neutral model construction sites. These construction sites will serve as best-practice examples in the fields of contracting, construction operations organization and technology.

Stadt der Zukunft - Development of a Vision 2030 for a Digital Building Authority and Recommendations for Action in Austria

In Austria, planning permission applications are submitted and managed largely manually. The aims of the project are to evaluate the potential and limitations of digitizing building approval processes and to create a Vision 2030 strategy for a digital building authority.

Haus der Zukunft

Operational and maintenance costs in passive houses and low energy houses

How much energy does a passive house actually save? Does a passive house pay-off by itself? What are the costs for maintancence? For the first time an approximation for the running costs of a passive house were systematically documented and compared.

Haus der Zukunft

ECR Energy City Graz - subproject 2: Framework-Plan Energy City Graz-Reininghaus

Main project-issue is the scientific work and the demonstration of the vision of the energy self-sufficient, CO2-neutral city-district Graz-Reininghaus. The Framework-Plan Energy City Graz-Reininghaus shall stimulate an awareness-raising process towards energy-efficient and sustainable city-development.

Haus der Zukunft

Development of a strategy for industrialized serial production of ecological passive houses made out of renewable resources

Development of a strategy for industrialized seria. production of ecological passive solar houses made out of building materials based on renewable resources as foundation for the dissemination of sustainable solutions for the production of prefabricated houses and of single houses.

Stadt der Zukunft

RENEWnow - New impulses for the highly efficient energetic renovation of multi-storey buildings and districts

Exploration of an innovative approach for the highly efficient renovation of apartment buildings in Austria. The aim is to develop a new service model (one-stop shop) for property managers and owner associations through a targeted, novel mix of technical and non-technical measures.

Stadt der Zukunft

LooPi - the autonomous unisex plant-based urinal for public spaces

Application of the prototype in the operational environment for a period of 20 months. Technical monitoring thoughout the cycle of seasons, user interviews concerning satisfaction, evaluation of the potential use of LooPi material streams as soil conditioner for organic farming. Results serve the development towards market maturity.

Stadt der Zukunft

EPIKUR – Energy efficiency potential of intelligent measures of urban densification

The present research proposal focused on the possibility, implications and consequences of "inwards urban expansion" through densification of the existing urban tissue. In this context, densification is not only approached through known and common aspects of building regulations and guidelines, but in view of what is actually possible to achieve.

Stadt der Zukunft

vilFIT – Villach Fit 4 Urban Mission

In this project, measures, strategies and the necessary capacity building for achieving climate neutrality in the city of Villach will be advanced. The focus is on social and structural innovations (participation processes, development of pilot initiatives, public relations, etc.) as well as the definition of networks and structures or controlling and monitoring instruments.

Stadt der Zukunft

MISSION KS 30 - Mission Klagenfurt climate-neutral and smart until 2030

Updating the Smart City Strategy (SCS) of Klagenfurt to achieve climate neutrality by 2030 and adapting the indicators to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN. Fulfilling the participation requirements for the urban mission of Horizon Europe "100 Climate-neutral Cities by 2030".

Fabrik der Zukunft

Using the Sustainability Balanced Scorecard (SBSC) at operational and inter-operational level (ÖKOPROFIT) for reconciliating the systems of objectives in the realm of sustainability

Further development and implementation of the sustainability scorecard for definition of sustainable objectives on cross-company level (local agenda 21 project ÖKOPROFIT) and company level. Comparing the target systems.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Development of an eco-efficient alternate building material by using biogenic fountain remnants to act as binders

Development of alternative construction material "Mixolith" with wood ashes from power plants (biomass energy) as hydraulic binders. Evidence of product properties for construction of embankment safeguard dams or road construction. Many years of experience with alternative construction material.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

IEA HPP Annex 33: Compact heat exchangers for heat pumping equipment

International cooperation aiming at widening the use of compact heat exchangers in heat pumping equipment. The goal of this project is to identify compact heat exchangers, either existing or under development, that may be applied in heat pumping equipment such as compression or absorption heat pumps.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA EBC Annex 68: Indoor Air Quality Design and Control in Low Energy Residential Buildings

In this project, the scientific basis and data for a coupled calculation and evaluation of indoor air quality and energy efficiency of residential buildings were developed. Assessment metrics and detailed air pollutant models were developed and integrated into the building simulation to derive guidance for the planning and operation of energy-efficient residential buildings.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

CEPAM – Circular Economy Powder for Additive Manufacturing

In the CEPAM research project, a recycling process for high-quality metal powders for additive manufacturing is developed. Various methods of energy input are being evaluated for energy efficiency, scalability and powder quality and built up on a pilot scale. The recycled metal powder is characterized and processed in the Laser Powder Bed Fusion process. In order to compare the mechanical properties of the printed components, parts are printed from both new and recycled powder.

Haus der Zukunft

Excursions "Building of Tomorrow live"

Under the project "Building of tomorrow live" over a year long several excursions to "Building of tomorrow" demonstration projects and other passive houses were organised. Sightseeing opportunities were surveyed, updated several times and published on the web.

Haus der Zukunft

Transferproject: Professional strawbale building - "Virtual building-site", exhibition and instruction material

Strawbale-workshops are considered as the best way to inseminate this ecological building-technique. The "virtual building site" has some decisive advantages over the common situation: it does not depend on the weather, allows the comparative study of different constructing methods and can, as a permanent installation, be used as an exhibition.

Stadt der Zukunft

SAVE circular approaches for green buildings!

The project demonstrates the cycle and use of synergies in an ARWAG residential building from the extraction of valuable raw materials through a urine treatment plant (fertilizer) using energy recovery measures (heat recovery, heat pump, photovoltaics) to the use of the fertilizer for the generously designed greening measures and the associated effects on the microclimate.

Stadt der Zukunft

ParaSol - Multifunctional solar canopies for urban streets and places

With the city of Leoben as a use case this exploratory project will, for the first time ever, examine the spatial effects, synergy- and energy potentials of newly developed wide-span light-weight solar canopies for streets and squares in urban public space as well as their implications on the townscape, the image of the city and the city function.

Haus der Zukunft

Energy relevant and ecological monitoring studies of demonstration buildings, which were built in the framework of the program "Haus der Zukunft".

Energy relevant and ecological monitoring studies of demonstration buildings, which were built in the framework of the program "Haus der Zukunft". The user acceptance should also be levied and displayed