Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Fabrik der Zukunft

Ecologically friendly resin impregnation of rotating machines with the use of the joule effect

Windings of rotating machines or electrical generators (e. g. wind and water power generators) are impregnated with resin. A new technology using the heating effect of current is investigated. The high efficiency of heating with the joule effect results in quick heating of stator leading to fast gelling of the resin, which implies low emission.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Raising efficiency by an optimized filters purification system using waste heat in metal industry

Purification and disposal of production effluents in waste water from metal manu¬fakturing processes is of economical and ecological importance for the Joh. Pengg AG. Econamical solutions for optimised purification of the filter textiles and the drying of the filter cake with waste heat have been found.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Raise in efficiency due to optimized waste heat management in heat intensive processes of the metal-working industry

This project drives at optimizing the energy input at the manufacturing process of oil tempered spring steel. This aim is met by investigating different options of waste heat recovery from industrial furnaces and heat insulation of heat treatment bathes. Besides, options of lead removal from anthracite will be listed.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Increasing of the resources-efficiency by experimental optimisation of steam production and by reduction of production residues in a metal-processing factory

The project is based on the results of the currently running project "Use of waste heat and renewable energy sources in a metal-processing factory". In this project it was found, that nearly the half of the consumption of natural gas is needed for steam production. Based on calculations already carried out, it is planned to investigate experimentally the possibilities of increasing the resource-efficiency by lowering the steam temperature and by replacing steam by hot water. Further increasing of resource-efficiency shall be achieved by use of internal residues as an additional fuel in a solid fuel furnace.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Stoffliche Verwertung der textilen Restfraktion

Verwertung des im Zuge der Aussortierung von brauchbarer Second-hand Bekleidung aus gesammelter Altkleidung anfallende textile Abfall soll einer Wiederverwendung zugeführt werden; Entwicklung von automatisierten, mechanischen Verfahren zu Aufbereitung; Vermeidung von Abfall.

Fabrik der Zukunft

New solvents and processes for post-combustion CO2 capture

New and better solvents for CO2 absorption can reduce the costs of Carbon Capture and Storage significantly. Therefore, the ability to absorb CO2 and the vapour - liquid equilibrium curve of different new solvents will be determined in the laboratory and under real operating conditions at a power plant. Furthermore, the achievable CO2 removal efficiency of spray towers will also be investigated for different solvents.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Shutdown factory - Central control and communication system and overall concept for a reduction of energy cost and optimization of resources during the stand-by-mode of industry facilities

Development of solutions to reduce the energy cost during the stand-by-mode of industry facilities. Focus areas: innovative control and communication system for the problem of the shut down and start up, entire concept on energy savings cost during the stand-by-mode, creating awareness concerning the problem in the industry

Fabrik der Zukunft

Identification of services, wood and non-wood products in sustainable forest management

The ecological, economic and social effects of services, wood and non-wood products on sustainable forest management, the marketing potential and the relevance of sustainable measures are analysed.

Fabrik der Zukunft

PSS-ÖB - Strategies to deal with barriers to the implementation of ecoefficient Product-Service-Systems in Public Procurement

Analysis of factors that support or hinder the implementation of Product-Service-Systems in public procurement, development of strategies to overcome those obstacles and investiga-tion and documentation of available Good-Practice-Examples.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Improvement of resource efficient use of wood

Modelling of wood processing in order to demonstrate the developments' impacts on performance

Fabrik der Zukunft

Material utilization of end-of-term textiles

Mechanical processing of the non-reusable part of collected end-of-life apparels (e.g. cutting, sifting, etc.); development of marketable application for the obtained short fibers in the field of construction materials (e.g. bitumen modification)

Fabrik der Zukunft

Innovative technology for the treatment of municipal and industrial waste water and process waters (INNOWATEC)

Evaluation of a technology as a supporting module for process water and waste water treatment and testing in laboratory and pilot tests for specific fields of application in operational water management.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Repa & Service Mobil

Development/preparation of a mobile repair and service-point and pilot-implementation at large company sites or centres with high customer-frequency. Supporting of sustainable product-services - especially repair-services - in connection with efficient logistical and organisational processes in relation to product-service-systems; reduction of market-barriers and sensitisation of the general public for sustainable consumption.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Data-based processes for the creation and formulation of production data for complex industrial plants.

Development and evaluation of a process to automatically create models from existing production data of industrial plants. These models can be used to optimize the production process and plant equipment (scrap, quality, use of raw materials and energy) or to detect and predict faults.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Integrated Service Models for increased resource-efficiency in the business-to-business sector (INERIWI)

For the major resource intensive commercial sectors the real function of products will be ana-lysed and elaborated how to provide the function of the product without selling it. Based on the present material intensity of the branches the potential reduction of environmental burden by applying such models as well as economic and social implications will be deduced.

Fabrik der Zukunft

ZERMEG - Zero Emission Retrofitting Of Existing Galvanizing Plants

Method to optimize existing galvanizing plants consequently with the goal of zero emission and zero waste enterprises, to minimize operating cost including benchmarks and three case studies

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Wood-processing employing a superimposition of ultrasonic vibrations

Development of wood-processing techniques employing high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations in terms of applications in the woodworking industry.

Fabrik der Zukunft

ZERIA 3 (Zero Emissions Research in Application)

Elaboration of the principles for zero emission enterprises. The results show that this approach can be realistic and economically advantageous in many cases.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Reduction of Broke in Paper Production

Development of a measurement and control system that detects paper deformation during production. Thus, broke is reduced, significant savings in energy use are achieved, and the economic efficiency is well increased.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Thermal detection of cracks on glowing wire during the process of rolling with regard to reduction of rejections

Developing a non-destructive and fully automated testing to detect surface cracks and laps in rolled wires during the production at temperature values of 800-1000°C and at a material speed of 30-40 m/s, with regard to reduction of rejections.