Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

GreEnergieausweis AT - Wege der Integration von Begrünung in den österreichischen Energieausweis

Anpassung der Berechnungsmodelle im Energieausweis derart, dass Gebäudebegrünung darin möglichst realistisch abgebildet werden kann und Abschätzung zur Akzeptanz einer Umsetzung bei relevanten Stakeholdern.

Stadt der Zukunft

LooPi BETA VERSION. LooPi - das autarke unisex Pflanzen Urinal für den öffentlichen Raum. Beta Version.

Einsatz des Prototyps in Betriebsumgebung über einen Zeitraum von 20 Monaten. Technisches Monitoring über den Jahreszeitenzyklus, sowie NutzerInnen­befragungen zur Zufriedenheit, und Erhebung des möglichen Einsatzes von LooPi-Materialströmen zur Bodenverbesserung im biologischen Landbau. Ergebnisse dienen der Entwicklung zur Marktreife.

Stadt der Zukunft

NaNu3 - Parametric Planning for a Sustainable Roof (Blue, Grey and Green)

Demonstration of the feasibility and validation of a parametric model that can evaluate the practical and financial feasibility of the combined use of roof areas as well as its microclimate and environmental effectiveness at an early planning stage.

Stadt der Zukunft

greenWATERrecycling – utilization of greywater for energy recovery and for providing greywater-filtrate for watering green walls

Development of a system for energy-recovery of waste heat of greywater and of greywater-filtrate in ordert o reduce the energy consumption of hot water supply and the water consumption for irrigation.

Stadt der Zukunft

Space & Green. Possibilities for integrating greening into the regulations of Austrian spatial planning

The R&D service "Raum & Grün" (Space & Green) prepared a study that depicts the interrelationships between spatial planning and greening, shows the need for action and the scope for action by actors, and formulates concrete recommendations on how innovative urban greening and greening of buildings can be effectively anchored in the regulations of Austrian spatial planning.

Stadt der Zukunft

GreenDeal4Real - Improving the thermal comfort in mixed-use areas through cost-effective green infrastructure

The aim of the project is to avoid overheating in summer by using innovative greening measures in the mixed residential and commercial area Aspernstraße/Lavaterstraße. The development of a guideline should facilitate the realisation of climate-sensitive projects from strategy to actual implementation and ensure a high degree of transferability to other areas.

Stadt der Zukunft

GREENsChOOLENERGY - Development and practical implementation of sustainable solutions for urban hotspots in combination with greening / PV / water

Use of the synergetic effects in the construction of photovoltaic, greening and irrigation systems at the location of HTL1 Klagenfurt Lastenstraße, to optimize the yield of experimental photovoltaic elements and at the same time reduce urban heat islands.

Stadt der Zukunft

SAVE circular approaches for green buildings!

The project demonstrates the cycle and use of synergies in an ARWAG residential building from the extraction of valuable raw materials through a urine treatment plant (fertilizer) using energy recovery measures (heat recovery, heat pump, photovoltaics) to the use of the fertilizer for the generously designed greening measures and the associated effects on the microclimate.

Stadt der Zukunft

LooPi - the autonomous unisex plant-based urinal for public spaces

Application of the prototype in the operational environment for a period of 20 months. Technical monitoring thoughout the cycle of seasons, user interviews concerning satisfaction, evaluation of the potential use of LooPi material streams as soil conditioner for organic farming. Results serve the development towards market maturity.

Stadt der Zukunft

HEDWIG - Collection of measurement data to assess the impact of green buildings

HEDWIG aims for the assessment of effects from green roofs and facades on buildings by using monitoring data referring to microclimate and building physics. The objective is to define validated vegetation parameters and performance indicators on indoor and outdoor level and on microclimatic relevant street space level. Standardised indicators, evaluation and analysis procedures will be elaborated.

Stadt der Zukunft

GreEnergieausweis AT - Ways of integrating greenery into the Austrian Energy Certificate

Adaption of the calculation models in the energy certificate in such a way that the greening of buildings can be depicted as realistically as possible and assessment of the acceptance of implementation by relevant stakeholders.

Stadt der Zukunft

MEIDLINGER "L"-Participatory and scalable climate change adaptations in existing buildings at the intersection of public and private space

The project pursued an integral and interdisciplinary approach to climate change adaptation in existing buildings at the interface between public and private space. A scalable and multipliable model for Vienna and other cities had been developed.