Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Fabrik der Zukunft

SUMMIT, Sustainable Management Methods Integrating Tool-Kit and Prepare Plus

A individual company and process evaluation defines the tools-mix of sustainable orientated management methods implemented in the companies. The well know in Instrument Prepare will be further developed adding the innovation strategy TRIZ "systematic inventing", making the new Prepare plus instrument.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Ecological and Social Efficiency Index - EASEY X

Basing on a model and indicators for valuing sustainability of companies quoted at the prime market of the Vienna stock exchange methods and instruments have been developed to analyse their performance. By the connecting step company data have been collected and analysed by four different methods (SPSS, EVA, SVA, MCA Outranking). On a 100 scores scale five companies exceeded barely the mark 70, 6 rank between 60 and 69 further 5 between 52 and 59. The aim is to launch a sustainability EASEY index 2004 or beginning 2005.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Sustainable Business Planner

Further development of the established management concept business plan to the Sustainable Business Plan. Production, testing and dissemination of the holistic user-oriented IT Tool "Sustainable Business Planner" in the context of an Austrian start-up initiative.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Sustainability Reporting - Guidelines for Sustainability Reporting based on reporting processes of VA Technologie and Österreichische Bundesforste

Scientific attendance of sustainability reporting processes in two partner enterprises (VA Tech and ÖBf AG). Development of the guideline "Reporting about Sustainability" based on these practical experiences.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Sustainability Skills - A qualification programme for founders of new businesses

A modular and web-based "Sustainability Skills" qualification programme on how to think, plan, and act in terms of sustainability and how to successfully apply these skills in a business environment.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Sustainability Balanced Scorecard

The method Balanced Scorecard was used to build a company-wide management-system which facilitates an easy communication and a focused and controllable implementation of the defined strategies (strategies for the company, business segments and defined areas of knowledge). The aspect of sustainability was strongly emphasized.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Sustainability Research: Internationalisation of an existing Research Model for Sustainable Investment

The project's purpose was to adapt the existing rfu sustainability model for an improved international utilization. The developed elements (rating scale, sector structure, weighting model, etc.) have become content of several documents (description of the model, etc.) and instruments (Rating-Tool, Data Pool).

Fabrik der Zukunft

Using the Sustainability Balanced Scorecard (SBSC) at operational and inter-operational level (ÖKOPROFIT) for reconciliating the systems of objectives in the realm of sustainability

Further development and implementation of the sustainability scorecard for definition of sustainable objectives on cross-company level (local agenda 21 project ÖKOPROFIT) and company level. Comparing the target systems.