Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Haus der Zukunft

Pallets never pall - Development of the Pallet House to series-production readiness

The winning project "Pallet House" of the EU-wide competition GAU:DI in 2007 consists of 800 (used) pallets. It has been exhibited in a scale 1:1 at the Biennale in Venice 2008 and has been developed for mass production within this project. Therefore, two exemplary scenarios were developed: (temporary) construction at Vienna's Urban Lakeside in Aspern and the construction of a low-cost building in South Africa.

Haus der Zukunft

InnoGOK – Investigation of the energetic and ecological usability of solar radiation on urban spaces and paths

Examination of the suitability of street space or other paved or not paved surfaces in urban areas for promoting renewable heat from solar radiation. Thus offers a high potential for increasing energy efficiency and conserving resources in urban contexts. Besides, the dissipation of heat from large solar-heated surfaces promises to prevent urban heat islands.

Stadt der Zukunft

STP2030, St. Pölten 2030: KlimaNEUTRAL + KlimaFIT

A broadly based, participatory strategy process for the co-creative development of the “Roadmap to Climate Neutrality” St. Pölten by 2030. The roadmap is based on a shared vision, which is differentiated into transformation paths in different fields of action. The result is a “climate of change” in urban society that serves as the basis for participation in tenders, cooperation and implementation on the way to climate neutrality.

Stadt der Zukunft

The Green Parking Space – Utilization of urban parking areas for production of biomass

Many traffic areas in urban environments are actually used as such only a small fraction of the time. Subject of this project was to investigate the possibility of using those areas by additional integration of photobioreactors for the production of biomass, integrating such systems to the maximum extent into the urban substance and energy cycles.

Haus der Zukunft

PRoBateS - Potentials of planning and building legislation for energetically sustainable city structures

The aims of this project are to analyse planning and building legislation in order to identify barriers, potentials and suitable courses of action for energy-orientated policy measures. Specific policy recommendations are developed with a view to increasing the sustainability of energy-related city structures. For these purposes the project combines two different disciplinary approaches: a thorough legal analysis and a spatial structure and quantitative impact assessment.

Stadt der Zukunft

TANZ - Exploration of a regional living lab: Tourism as an opportunity for the energy transition in Pinzgau

Exploration for a regional living lab to accelerate Austria's climate neutrality in 2040 in the tourism region of Pinzgau. Based on numerous preliminary works, model solutions (“Realtests”) for the innovation fields of sector coupling, energy communities and sustainable heating solutions were designed, the organisational structure of the living lab is developed and stakeholders were actively involved.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA HPP Annex 47: Heat Pumps in District Heating and Cooling Systems

A significant use of alternative heat sources with the help of district heating and cooling networks is a major challenge for a sustainable energy supply. In times of increasing shares of fluctuating producers such as PV and wind energy, the relevance of heat pumps increases. Within the framework of the IEA HPT Annex 47, potentials and barriers for the integration of heat pumps in DHC networks were analyzed.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Development of foamed products based on protein

An extrusion process is applied for the production of foamed profiles and filling materials consisting of biogenous raw materials. Pellets can be used as insulation material in the building industry, profiles shall break into new markets because of its little weight.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Methodical optimisation of biogas plants based on strategic learning from realised plants and projects.

Methodical optimisation of biogas plants based on the preparation and presentation of affirmative experiences and mistakes from the realisation of plants in the past. Combination of experiences from different industrial sectors (designer of plants, assemblers, consulters and operators)

Haus der Zukunft

MuT - Monitoring of urban Technologies: Classification, Specification, Evaluation

In the frame of the project a classification system for Smart City Technolo­gies had beed developed, the relevance of a wide range of technologies in terms of their potential contribution to the development of sustainable and more resilient cities with a high quality of life had beed evaluated and a comprehensive classification of the technical maturity of relevant technologies, technical (sub-)systems and technology-related services had been given.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Climate pioneer city Salzburg

The aim is to draw up a master plan to achieve climate neutrality for the city of Salzburg by 2040. Together with stakeholders, development and urban planning processes can be analyzed, targets set and the necessary resolutions obtained. The exchange with the other pioneering cities is intended to ensure the broadest possible exchange of knowledge and to exploit synergies.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA-ISGAN Annex 1: Global Smart Grid Inventory IEA-ISGAN and Annex 2: Smart Grid Case Studies

The international Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) aims to improve the understanding of Smart-Grid-technologies and to accelerate global deployment. The work in ISGAN is structured in eight standing working groups (annexes). The present project describes the Austrian contribution to Annex 1: Smart Grids Inventory and Annex 2: Smart Grids Case Studies.

Stadt der Zukunft

scaleFLEX - Scalable method for optimizing the energy flexibility of districts

Development of a decentrally organized automation method for improving the demand-side flexibility options of buildings and districts. The utilized data-driven algorithm promise high scalability and therefore low installation and operating costs. The developed method will be validated using different building types (high-tech office buildings, low-tech office buildings, residential buildings).

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA DHC Annex TS7: Industry-DHC Symbiosis - A systemic approach for highly integrated industrial and thermal energy systems

Renewable and excess heat sources are currently representing nearly a third of the energy supply used in the DHC sector. Excess heat has the potential to further grow to become an important part of the energy puzzle. Up to 25% of district heating could be covered by industrial excess heat and more than 10 % of the EU's total energy demand for heating and hot water could be covered by heat from data centres, metro stations, service sector buildings, and waste-water treatment plants.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA ISGAN Annex 3: Benefit/Cost Analyses and Tools of Smart Grids

Together with experts from 11 countries, the EI-JKU has analysed cost-benefit models and developed proposals for their adaptation and further development. In the course of the work, the EI-JKU dealt in particular with two questions: how such an evaluation model can be adapted to Austrian conditions and which socio-economic factors influence the question of whether an end consumer emerges as a winner or loser from Smart Grid-based functionalities.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA ISGAN Annex 5: Smart Grids International Research Facility Network (SIRFN). (Working period 2019-2021)

The Smart Grids International Research Facility Network (SIRFN) aims at improving the implementation of Smart Grids technologies by collaboration between smart grid testing facilities, test beds, and large-scale demonstrations. The focus during the working period 2019-2020 was laid on the implementation of extended interoperability tests and innovative laboratory testing methods for decentralised energy resources. By active participation, Austria’s position and leading role on the forefront of international Smart Grids development was strengthened.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA-SHC Task 50: Advanced Lighting Solutions for Retrofitting Buildings

Retrofitting of non-residential buildings with energy efficient daylight and artificial lighting solutions can significantly contribute to reductions in electric energy consumption. However, appropriate technologies have to be made available to the stakeholders (investors, industry, consultants, designer) that are involved in the retrofitting process. Thus, system solutions for daylighting and artificial lighting were evaluated, simple rating and evaluation tools were developed and case studies that serve as best practice examples were monitored. The results were collected in the Lighting Retrofit Advisor, which helps stakeholders within the lighting retrofit process.

Haus der Zukunft

Innovation & Cost efficiency: Building standards for multi family residential buildings at optimal cost (Inno-Cost)

In this project, innovative building standards were examined concerning their economical aspects through the life cycle of a building. By means of life cycle-costs for 40-50 multi family lowest energy and passive house residential buildings on actual data from the day-to-day operation, reliable data and know-how was compiled for the first time, which is to support further market penetration of innovative building standards in the field of multi family residential buildings.

Haus der Zukunft

ThinkHome: Improved energy efficiency based on artificial intelligence in future homes

ThinkHome is a networked controlled home of the future with the ultimate goal to optimise energy efficiency and user comfort at the same time. On this way, smart interaction between all building services is of utmost importance. Goals of this project include the definition of a comprehensive knowledge base that holds all relevant building data, the evaluation of control strategies based on artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as agent based software engineering.

Haus der Zukunft

Economic usage of Photovoltaic electricity in buildings

The aim of this project is to optimise the direct usage of PV-electricity produced in buildings. The main question concerning the right dimen­sioning of the PV generator should be answered in order to achieve a high direct usage rate of produced PV electricity under economic considerations. This analysis will be carried out for various building categories. As result, a calculation method will be developed (incl. report), in order to achieve the optimal, most economic PV system for various building categories and user typologies.