Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Fabrik der Zukunft

Sustainable trend-setters - LOHAS on the way to a sustainable society

"Sustainable trendsetters" investigated the consumer group "cultural creatives" by applying the Q-methodology. It provides criteria for product development and promotion of LOHAS products and services in the sustainable textile sector and for sustainable tourism.

Fabrik der Zukunft

PSS Strategies - Development of strategies for designing and implementing sustainable Product-Servicesystems

Based on a previous FdZ project it is intended to develop and implement strategies for sector specific sustainable product-servicesystems-innovations along product-chains in workshops with companies and other actors involved. Focus will be placed on implementation and possible restricting factors.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Repa & Service Mobil

Development/preparation of a mobile repair and service-point and pilot-implementation at large company sites or centres with high customer-frequency. Supporting of sustainable product-services - especially repair-services - in connection with efficient logistical and organisational processes in relation to product-service-systems; reduction of market-barriers and sensitisation of the general public for sustainable consumption.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Establishment of a "Sustainability Label for repair-friendly constructed electr(on)ic household appliances (brown and white goods) as a shopping guideline for consumers"

The scope of the project comprises the development of criteria for a Sustainability Label for repair-friendly constructed appliances, marketing and PR activities with a focus on producers and consumers, training of auditors and labelling of at least one product.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Service Systems for Pesticide Application: A Concept for Establishing

Concept development for establishing a service system "plant protection". Clarification of core issues and key factors determining the success of application.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Sustainable Lifestyles

Create sustainable products, services and lifestyles: Analysis of typologies of lifestyles, scope for design for companies, involvement of consumers and stakeholders.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Eco-textiles - from the eco-niche into the trend market!

Optimum communication strategies and motives for the purchase of eco-textiles by specific target groups are investigated. The results are reviewed with respect to the transferability to other branches of sustainable production and marketing. Aim of the project is to foster the supply of eco-textile products and thereby promoting the Austrian eco-textile producers and retailers.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Ozon as service

Developement of a concept of "service ozone as a special gas" has the main reason to support the chemical industrie, laboratories and others to substitute chemical oxidatives, which is a big ökological advantage.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Success strategies for product service systems (PSS)

Development of success oriented planning strategy for Austrian PSS providers based upon an analysis of best practice examples and international systematic PSS development approaches.

Fabrik der Zukunft

"eco fashion - fashion for the future" - Congress about ecological and social impacts of textile production

The project was intended to promote a change of image related to ecotextiles. A congress provided teachers and education experts with background information and tools for their work, thus leading to a sustainable transfer of knowledge in education.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Assessment of user requirements and technical feasibility of lightweight applications based on renewables

Assessment of user requirements was studied. Furthermore, the technical feasibility of se-lected lightweight applications based on renewables in the furniture and interior design sector is investigated through involvement of all relevant stakeholders (panel manufacturers - further processing enterprises - distributors - consumers) in the value chain.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Positioning of sustainable gardening products in retail sales markets

Market analysis for sustainable gardening products and research of marketing strategies. Promotion of a range of sustainable products in the Austrian retail sales market specialized in gardening. Development of a concept for implementation together with one Austrian chain of garden centres (bellaflora).

Fabrik der Zukunft

RISKMIN - Risk minimization along the value-added chain of plants to the colouring pigments

RISKMIN is a project for the mitigation of risks along the supply chain of plant raw material to the provision of plant dyestuff. Considering the measures concerning risk mitigation, a business plan for a plant dyestuff manufacturer for the effective realization of the business idea was created.