PSS Strategies - Development of strategies for designing and implementing sustainable Product-Servicesystems
Short Description
Research and development on the topic of product-service-systems (PSS) in the last years produced a large number of examples and analyses on sustainable demand areas and branches and identified key factors for success or failure. To further strengthen the approach of sustainable PSS, the necessary next step was to gather know-how, experiences and competences with a stronger focus on dissemination.
The aim of the project was to elaborate innovations and strategies for PSS in defined demand areas (e.g. housing, mobility). The experience of other companies with successful implementation ("Best Practice") and the expertise of the project team resulting from previous PSS-projects were exploited. A special focus was put on the development of ideas that can be realised in practice in the different demand areas. Company-specific and demand area-specific framework conditions (e.g. of legal, financial and organisational nature) were examined, possible obstacles assessed and strategies elaborated how they could best be overcome.
Best Practice examples play a crucial role for the dissemination of PSS in all demand areas. Therefore it is important to improve the information and availability of best practice compilations within existing channels of information and innovation. The project aimed to overcome prevailing and already well-analysed obstacles in the implementation of sustainable PSS. This was implemented through a structured implementation process in the participating companies, which was accompanied by a moderated process of strategy development.
Workshops with companies and other stakeholders (e.g. branch-specific associations) along product chains formed the core of this project. The aim was to discuss the questions raised [which questions?] and to develop specific strategies for the different demand areas for a successful implementation of sustainable PSS. Around 5000 companies and other actors from research, policy and business organisations were contacted and informed. Around 500 people actively participated in the strategy development process.
In addition to demand-area-specific strategies, demand-area-overlapping implementation strategies for sustainable PSS were developed, which exceed the existing best practice examples. Those strategies are based on the factors of success and failure elaborated in the workshops. A main factor for the diffusion of sustainable PPS concepts is to provide information via a neutral third party, in the ideal case in combination with legal requirements and information on possibilities for financial support.
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Project Partners
Project management
Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI)
Dr Fritz Hinterberger, Mag. Eva Burger
Project or cooperation partner
- Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW)
Mag. Dr. Christine Jasch - JOANNEUM Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Institut für Nachhaltige Techniken und Systeme
Mag. Ingrid Kaltenegger, Mag. Barbara Hammerl - TU Wien, Institut für Konstruktionswissenschaften und technische Logistik, Forschungsbereich ECODESIGN
DI Rainer Pamminger, Dr. Wolfgang Wimmer
Contact Address
SERI - Sustainable Europe Research Institute
Garnisongasse 7/27, A-1090 Wien
Tel.: +43 (1) 9690728
Fax: +43 (1) 9690728-17