Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Analysis of the sealing water costs in the paper- and pulp industry

From all information should be made a tool for soul-searching, which allows all operators of pumps to calculate the possible reduction of costs (energy, cost of operaton, amount of fresh water, ...).

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Manual to realise initiatives for energy regions of tomorrow

Compilation of the manual to realise initiatives for energy regions of tomorrow; integrating the experiences generated in the winner projects, outcomes of representative energy-projects and the know-how of scientific works; distribution by multiplicators, realization of distribution activities

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

DigiTech4CE - Digital key technologies for circular production

DigitTech4CE analysed industrial cycles in discrete, digitalised production; their participants, advantages/disadvantages and framework conditions, as well as the key digital technologies required. Fields of action were developed, according to the needs of Austrian industry. Recommendations for action serve the development of sustainable, Austrian production that builds and expands competitiveness through circular innovations.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

EdeN - Efficient decentralized sustainable food production

In the EdeN project, a decentralized vertical farming concept is extended to meet circular economy requirements. The combination of vertical farming with closed energy-, resource- and distribution-loops is a possible disruptive concept in food production. The developed concepts will be accessible and transferable to other food producers, and its limitations will be pointed out.

Stadt der Zukunft

Photonic Cooling – Efficient cooling of buildings through the use of photonic

Within the scope of the project a photonic cooling approach was investigated and evaluated in terms of feasibility and cost efficiency for building applications. In particular cost-efficient photonic surfaces and concepts were investigated which need to have a high reflectivity in of the incident solar radiation (>97%) and a high emission coefficient within the spectral range of 8 – 13 micrometer in order to enable the emission of heat into the sky.

Fabrik der Zukunft

SUPROMED: Reprocessing and Reuse of Single Use Medical Devices in the Light of Sustainable Development Criteria - Implementation in Austria

In contrast to other countries there is currently no reprocessing and reuse of single use medical devices in Austria. Thus the potential for major ecological and economical savings remains unused. In a stakeholder dialogue, practical implementation strategies were developed to change the trend towards a sustainable value-added chain.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

DiRecT – Direct recycling and upcycling of titanium chips

In the project DiRecT, different new technologies will be developed and evaluated which make it possible to directly recycle the chips generated in the manufacturing process of high-quality titanium products or to produce directly from the chips near-net-shape components or improved semi-finished products (upcycling).

Haus der Zukunft

DAKTRis - Dynamic operational behaviour of absorption chillers in Trigeneration Systems

In the present project an absorption chiller will be adapted to meet the specific requirements necessary to integrate it with the CHP unit. By means of hardware-in-the-loop measurements and dynamic system simulations, different system configurations and control strategies will be analysed under dynamic boundary conditions, optimized and evaluated.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Development of an innovative service system to increase the efficiency of public street lighting in municipalities.

The aim is to develope a innovative street lighting service system in order to increase energy efficiency: process.congress.preparation efficient street lighting model region

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Earth movement: Clay - a climate- and resource-friendly building material

Manufacturing processes and transport of building materials are energy-intensive and cause high CO2emissions. In addition, many building materials pose a health and disposal problem due to their content of disruptive and harmful substances. Locally available clay can replace conventional materials if appropriately prepared and processed, and helps to save both manufacturing processes and transport routes.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

KAFKA - Development of cascade reactions for a circular economy

KAFKA aims to expedite the development of biorefinery processes and showcase the potential of process cascades for producing high-quality chemical products from biogenic resources/waste. The central element of the project is an innovative reactor platform that flexibly combines biotechnological, electrochemical, and thermal processes. Investigations into new process cascades to enable a circular economy are thereby accelerated.

Haus der Zukunft

monitorPlus. Monitoring of pilot projects of the Austrian RTD-program Building of Tomorrow Plus

All pilot projects of "Building of Tomorrow Plus" had to be evaluated in a common monitoring project on energy efficiency, user's acceptance, and the integrated building performance. monitorPlus documented and assessed the results of this evaluation.

Stadt der Zukunft

Vertical Farm Aspern - Democratization of vertical farming under consideration of parameters of circular economy

Planning, construction and optimization of a vertical farm for urban food production, involving the users in the operational management. The building and the operator concept represent the entire food value chain, from planting to selling.

Stadt der Zukunft

Future quarter 2.0 - Replicable, thermally and electrically grid-supportive conception of (positive energy) districts in a dense urban context

Development of a replicable concept for grid-supportive integration of innovative (positive energy) district with high on-site energy supply into the existing network infrastructure (electricity and district heating network).

Stadt der Zukunft

BIM4BEMS - Building Information Modeling for Building Energy Management Systems

BIM4BEMS explores use cases that represent the usage of building information models (BIM) in combination with building energy management systems (BEMS) during operation. This enables the interaction between BIM and building management systems (BMS) which improves the analysis and visualization of inefficiencies in facilities.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Sustainability Research: Internationalisation of an existing Research Model for Sustainable Investment

The project's purpose was to adapt the existing rfu sustainability model for an improved international utilization. The developed elements (rating scale, sector structure, weighting model, etc.) have become content of several documents (description of the model, etc.) and instruments (Rating-Tool, Data Pool).

Fabrik der Zukunft

NATUBAR - Natural raw materials for specific barrier applications in paper and board (SUSPRISE Joint Call)

NATUBAR is an industrial research project. It consists of researching and developing a totally new approach to starch modification namely selective oxidation as patented by Glycanex as well as the application in modern folding box boards and the photopaper production environment.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Market survey of energy storage technologies in Austria (MSSP2020)

Stationary battery storage devices for the maximisation of the private consumption in PV-systems, large heat storage for local and district heating systems, thermal activation of buildings and the area of innovative storage systems have been chosen for the first market survey within this project. The historical market diffusion of these technologies is surveyed empirically and documented up to 2020.

Haus der Zukunft

BIGMODERN - Subproject 10: Evaluation, Documentation and Ensuring Transferability

The subproject 10 is part of the flagship project BIGMODERN. It is based on the results of subproject SP 7 in which a monitoring concept has been developed. This concept is now implemented through monitoring of different aspects occurring during the first two years of operation of both BIGMODERN demonstration buildings.

Haus der Zukunft

"gugler! build & print triple zero" - subproject 1: lead project management

The lead project management provides furthermore for sufficient interlinking between the project partners by monthly, by requirement weekly project workshops. Besides the leading project management represents the project gugler to the outward and takes part in workshops of the program management