Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Renewable Heating and Cooling

Innovative technologies and concepts for sustainable heating and cooling energy innovation austria 3/2022

Herausgeber: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
Englisch, 12 Seiten

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Haus der Zukunft

ProKlim+ - Use of Model Predictive Control to optimize solar power consumption in case of increased energy efficiency.

Using weather forecast for building automation can help improving the energy efficiency of buildings and, thus, saving energy. In the project ProKlim+ the forecast of solar radiation will be used to optimize the building automation to satisfy the needs of the building users, and at the same time to minimize the energy demand on the one hand and to maximize the consumption of self-produced energy on the other hand.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Bioenergy in the energy system of the future

Energy supply based on renewable resources. energy innovation austria 4/2019

Herausgeber: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
Englisch, 12 Seiten

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Innovations for the city of tomorrow

Smart strategies, technologies and system solutions from Austria energy innovation austria 4/2016

Herausgeber: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
Englisch, 16 Seiten

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Photovoltaics - a key technology

Innovations from Austria for tomorrow`s power supply energy innovation austria 2/2017

Herausgeber: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
Englisch, 8 Seiten

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Haus der Zukunft

Know-How-Plus - Options and constraints of building renovation towards plus energy building standard

Aim of this research project is to identify the realizable reduction potential of energy consumption and CO2 emissions by refurbishment of the Austrian building stock towards plus energy building standard. Furthermore a construction-oriented manual will be supplied for interdisciplinary planning.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA PVPS Task 12: PV Environmental Health And Safety (working period 2016-2018)

The aim of IEA PVPS Task 12 is to foster international collaboration in the area of photovoltaics and environment. That includes compiling and disseminating accurate Information on environment, health, safety, and other aspects of sustainability associated with the life-cycle of photovoltaics. The austrian contribution addresses LCA, implementation of sustainability aspects and dissemination.

Haus der Zukunft

CellPor - cellulose polymerized - new methods for the processing of a polymer-cellulose-foam according to ecological criteria in construction

The development of a spray applicable cellulose composite as insulating material on the basis of renewable resources, combined by the development of a prototype for the spray-on technology for processing the new, water free cellulose composite are the demanding challenges of this project.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Austrian World Summit

20. Juni 2017
Hofburg Wien, Michaelerkuppel, 1010 Wien

The AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT will bring together leading politicians, businesses, civil society & NGOs, start-ups, representatives of regions and cities as well as scientists and experts to develop and discuss solutions to important future issues. This forum will offer an international network platform to accelerate the realization of sustainable projects and to showcase successful factors of best practice projects in consideration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Stadt der Zukunft


The project researches possibilities and potentials of highly efficient use of space through modern concepts of "stacked" functions and vertical production.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

IEA Bioenergy Task "GHG Balances"

Participation in the investigation net of the IEA Bioenergy to greenhouse gas balance of biomass and bioenergetics systems as well as coordination of the Austrian participation in IEA Bioenergy.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Presentation of the effective use of innovative bioenergy technologies in the Austrian energy system of the future (BioEff)

The study shows possibilities and strategies for the effective use of innovative bioenergy technologies in Austria.

Stadt der Zukunft

CoolAIR - Predictive control of natural nighttime ventilation and daylight-optimized shading for passive building cooling

Natural nighttime ventilation and daylight-optimized shadowing are high potential approaches to efficiently and economical cool buildings. Nevertheless, the full potential cannot be acquired, since, if at all, such behavior is manually initiated by users. Goal of this project is the development of an automated, self-learning system that can assess the full cooling capabilities and establish an alternative to conventional air conditioning systems.

Stadt der Zukunft

EM Städte - Monitoring and evaluation of urban energy flows

In the first phase of the project, the data source of the energy statistics will be analyzed. Based on the findings of the analysis a methodology on build up regional energy balances will be developed. The methodology will be integrated into the Senflusk tool and tested on five reference cities in Austria.

Haus der Zukunft

LifeCycle Tower - Energy efficient prefabricated multi-storey timber houses

Based on the results of previous research projects, the project at hand deals with the development of a wooden prefabricated module construction for energy efficient office buildings with up to 20 storeys. This sustainable system ensures cost certainty through the whole life cycle of the building.

Haus der Zukunft

IEA SHC, Task Solar Thermal Plants with Advance Thermal Storage Technologies for Low Energy Buildings

Participation in TASK 32 "Storage concepts for solar buildings". Subtask leader of the subtask for heat storage based on phase change materials


BATTBOX - BATTeryrecycling Best Operations by X-processes for circular battery ecosystem

In the BATTBOX project, e-mobility traction batteries are analysed for their cycle capability. The design and structure of battery systems are examined and evaluated regarding potential hazards. Based on this, the best possible handling and processing procedures are developed to improve and optimize the product life cycle regarding safety and recyclability.

Haus der Zukunft

Pilot project gaining-building-land Pongau

Gaining extra space for additional households through sustainable renovation and/or extension of 8 detached houses by integrating consulting, planning, energy efficiency concepts and financing.

Haus der Zukunft

Innovative moth-protection system for sheepwool insulation

This project developed a novel "bio-pesticide"-formula by screening plant extracts and minerals for their strong repellant activity in order to protect sheepwool insulation from cloth moth infestation. It was investigated and examined by state-of-the-art-technology that the anti-moth-mixture extracted from plants and minerals, acts as a valid alternative to existing pest control agents.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

City Cooling - Intelligent district cooling implementation, Vienna

Development of an intelligent district cooling concept and alternative solutions for heat rejection from central absorption chillers at the example of the neighbourhood TownTown in Vienna.