Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Smart Grids D-A-CH Taskforce Geschäftsmodelle

Fortschrittsbericht 2012 Schriftenreihe 15/2012
C. Resch, C. Pier
Herausgeber: BMVIT
Deutsch, 96 Seiten

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Haus der Zukunft

SMARTIES - SMART Innovative Energy Services - Analysis of requirements of smart energy-services

The emerging development of smart grids provides market opportunities for new ICT-based services ("smart value-added services"). Economic and organizational barriers are foreseeable that could affect the establishment of business models and service providers (data formats, connectivity, controllability, etc.). In order to improve the chances especially for new and local actors, SMARTIES proactively tries to eliminate hindrances of innovation.

Energie 2050

Smart Metering im Kontext von Smart Grids

Smart Grids Begleitforschung Schriftenreihe 6/2014
A. Kollmann
Herausgeber: BMVIT
Deutsch, 29 Seiten

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Energie 2050

Energy Efficient Smart Metering Infrastructure

Scoping Study within the IEA Implementing Agreement "4E" Schriftenreihe 16/2012
A. Diaz, S. Tomek
Herausgeber: BMVIT
Englisch, 87 Seiten

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Energie 2050

Demand Response Potential of the Austrian industrial and commerce sector

Österreichische Begleitforschung zu Smart Grids Schriftenreihe 65 /2011
H. Berger, T. Eisenhut, S. Polak, R. Hinterberger
Herausgeber: BMVIT
Deutsch, 291 Seiten

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Energiesysteme der Zukunft

The Use of wind energy in skiing regions - Evaluation of the consume of electricity and dissemination of the results of the analysis

Main goals of the project are the analysis of the location Salzstiegl concerning the coverage of their own electricity needs with an already existent windmill as well as a following dissemination of the outcome of the analysis in form of a workshop for all ski lift carriers of Austria.

Energie 2050

Elaborated Assessment of Competing Smart Grid Solutions (SG-ESSENCES)

Österreichische Begleitforschung zu Smart Grids Schriftenreihe 20/2014
A. Kollmann, M. Schwarz, et al.
Herausgeber: BMVIT
Deutsch, 124 Seiten

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Energie 2050

Smart Grids - Rechtliche Aspekte von Intelligenten Stromnetzen in Österreich

Österreichische Begleitforschung zu Smart Grids Schriftenreihe 14/2014
K. de Bruyn, A. Kollmann, et al.
Herausgeber: BMVIT
Deutsch, 247 Seiten

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Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Energy Performance Contracting (IEA DSM Implementing Agreement - Task X)

The objective of this task within the IEA DSM programme is to facilitate the use of performance contracts and other energy service company (ESCO) contracts. In this scenario, the ESCO has taken on the project's performance risk by guaranteeing a specified level of energy savings. Its compensation for this risk is directly tied to achieving savings. The financing for such a project could come from the ESCO, the equipment supplier or a third-party company.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Voltage stabilization by central reactive power control of biogas power plants (Virtual Biogas Power Plant)

A virtual power plant, combining 20 agricultural biogas plants is planned in the south-eastern part of the State of Styria (A). The aim of the project is to realize a central reactive power control system of the biogas plants. Active power of this biogas plants ranges between 1 and 3 MW. Specific goals of the project are increasing grid stability, decreasing long distance reactive power transmission, decreasing energy losses, and decreasing utility costs.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Anforderung an Smart Grids zur Reduktion von Backupkapazitäten im Stromversorgungssektor

Österreichische Begleitforschung zu Smart Grids Schriftenreihe 2/2015
W. Prüggler, A. Ortner, G. Totschnig
Herausgeber: BMVIT
Deutsch, 61 Seiten

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Smart Metering consumption

The project Smart Metering consumption focused on the energy consumption of the future smart metering infrastructure - an issue not widely discussed until now.

Energie 2050

INSPIRED Regions: Beitrag von intelligenten Stromnetzen zur Stärkung der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung ländlicher Regionen

Österreichische Begleitforschung zu Smart Grids Schriftenreihe 13/2014
H. Aliefendic, S. Beiglböck
Herausgeber: BMVIT
Deutsch, 81 Seiten

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Haus der Zukunft

EDEN - Developement of a structured data and preparation documentation with a minimized error-proneness for energy performance cerificates.

Current energy performance certificates hold major flaws. Therefore, the presented research initiative aimed at the development of a standardized and easy-to-use, generic Input-Data-Documentation, which ensures the quality of energy certificates for all involved stakeholders. During the development, the documentation had been conducted and for a chosen sample of representative buildings, which is expected to demonstrate the high potential of such a development.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Use of thermal cooling technologies and optimal combination with other heat energy consumers to use during summer the available district heating based on renewable energy sources: example of the municipality of Mureck

Optimal use of heating energy from a biogas CHP in the municipality of Mureck through demand side measures; the multifunctional energy centre Mureck on the way towards thermal air-conditioning: Multi-Mukli

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Energy system - Industrial region

Analysis of success factors, restrictions and risks on the development and implementation process caused by the system integration of renewable energy technology in industrial regions with higher energy demand.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Energy park Micheldorf-Hirt

Co-operative merging of the energy supply for the Region of Micheldorf within an operating scheme and supply of energy produced through renewable resources. Sustainable, autarkic, economic energy park. Energy supply by renewable resources for the building of the energy autarkic region Micheldorf-Hirt

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Energy services for the optimised summer utilization of district heating systems

Development of practicable energy services for the summer utilization of district heating systems with reference to existing technologies to improve the efficiency and potentialities for the integration of renewable energy.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

SUPOSS - Sustainable Power Supply for Supermarkets and Surroundings

Developing technical and business concepts and strategies for a sustainable power supply of supermarkets and local consumers - supply of heat, electric power and cooling energy on the basis of solar energy and solid biomass.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Manual to realise initiatives for energy regions of tomorrow

Compilation of the manual to realise initiatives for energy regions of tomorrow; integrating the experiences generated in the winner projects, outcomes of representative energy-projects and the know-how of scientific works; distribution by multiplicators, realization of distribution activities