There are 238 results.
EKZ - EnergieKompetenzZentrum Großschönau: "Sonnenplatz - 1. European passive house village for test-living" phase of realisation
Integrative approach for the diffusion of the ecologic passive house: village of passive houses for test-living with an Energy Competence Centre on the basis of a sustainable concept for settlement development at Großschönau.
Research work on outside sprayed-on cellulose insulation covered with plastering
This research work was done to expand knowledge about outside sprayed-on cellulose insulation application focusing on mechanical and physical properties respectively.
SIBAT - Ensuring indoor air quality of buildings - inclusion of toxicological criteria in the assessment of building materials
Development of a pragmatic assessment scheme applicable to building practice for the impact of building products on human health
Competence- and knowledge centre of renewable energies and passive house technology
Arrangement of a passive house village for test living in the context of an innovative settlement expansion. Building up a large dimensioned passive house for consulting, training, exhibitions, research and distribution of passive house technology and know-how in the field of energy efficient and sustainable building.
Service packages for the ecological renovation of buildings
Services for a comprehensive ecological renovation should comprise advice, design and construction as well as "green" building assessment and innovative financing models. Such services are developed together with companies in the construction business and tested in pilot projects.
GAINING BUILDING LAND without expansion - development of single-family housing settlements
Identifying and utilising potentials for higher densities and re-structuring in single-family housing areas requiring renewal
Demonstration project senior-housing concepts for new construction and renewal in Vienna, Menzelgasse
Acompagning the process of realisation and settlement of two projects of senior-housing (new construction and renewal), documentation and general assumptions.
Basic research on fixing elements: drawing up universal design guidelines for high resilience mechanical jointing techniques for insulation products
The objective of this project is to explore mechanical insulant-fixing connections. Unconventional but concrete fixing techniques are the focus of the investigation. The use of insulants as "lost" casing will also be studied in depth.
Investigation into control systems for low emission, high efficiency biomass furnaces for heating residential and office buildings.
Through optimising the control systems of biomass heating systems, energy wastage and pollutant emissions can be reduced considerably. The goal of the project is first to analyse the possible savings that can be made in these areas, using the heat demand scenarios of different "Buildings of Tomorrow". The results of this analysis will lead to the development of an optimised control system which will be tested on a biomass heating system.
Applying passive technologies in social housing, 1140 Vienna; Utendorfgasse 7
Multi-storey social passive house construction with 39 units in Vienna, 14 Utendorfgasse under adherence to the international passive house standard and simultaneous extremely low construction costs.
Energetic building refurbishment in protection zones
Standardized solutions as a help and guideline for building-owners, authorities and companies
Measures for Minimisation of Rebound-Effects Concerning Residential Building Renovation (MARESI)
Development of a pragmatic assessment scheme applicable to building practice for the impact of building products on human health
Inhabitants-friendly passive house renovation in Klosterneuburg / Kierling
Renovation of an apartment house from the 1970s as passive house using renewable energy.
Active transfer from "Building of tomorrow" Know How to the network "partner network sustainable construction Charinthia, nabaupool Charinthia"
Knowledge transfer from "Building of tomorrow" projects into the network "partner network sustainable construction Charinthia, nabaupool Charinthia" consisting of key actors of the building sector. Establishing a "Building of tomorrow" knowledge transfer centre Charinthia including infrastructure (Library) for all actors of the building sector. Conference and workshop with key actors (24.11.2006) taking place in Technologiepark Villach.
CIT City in Transition - A Model for Comprehensive Renewal Processes to Increase the Value of Urban Areas
By means of pilot projects in two urban areas comprehensive goals and criteria, assessment approaches and a code of practice for sustainable urban renewal are elaborated jointly with decision makers and experts in urban development.
Solar Combisystems - IEA SHC Task 26
Documentation, comparison and optimisation of solar combisystems for domestic hot water preparation and space heating in the framework of an IEA research project
International eco-label for sustainable building products
Standardisation of testing criteria of acknowledged eco-labels in co-operation with the specialised trade for building products.
Ecobuilding - Building Optimisation with Total Quality (TQ) Assessment
The construction, use, and disposal of buildings cause expenses, material flows, energy consumption, and emissions. With intelligent design, construction, management, and marketing, it is possible to reduce environmental burdens and costs, improve building quality, and increase building value.
Ecological Passive houses
Discussion of transfer of know how for ecological passivehouses, networking (national and international)
Product and system development for an inside thermal insulation construction of historical houses using magnesite bonded wood wool panels
The objective of this project is to examine the ability of magnesite bonded wood wool panels as an inside thermal insulation system, especially for houses with historical facades and to acquire starting points for further development of the products and components being used. Parallel to the data which will be calculated in a theoretical FEM-model, a field trial will be carried out to prove the influence on the inside room climate. In addition the sustainability of the system will be analysed.